So 8.3 is just Dailies?

Strongly disagree with this statement. Especially considering that BiS still existed then, and literally the difference between a good melee and a bad melee was Shadow’s Edge gemmed with Deathbringer Trinkets. Tier sets were MANDATORY if you hoped to make progression or be effective in your role. And a fully decked pvp set would wreck any PvE person no matter their gear. Spell Penetration was ridiculously effective.


AP hamster wheels are bad, I’m not disputing that.

What I am disputing is:

I’m talking about dailies, not once did I mention classes or the AP grind.

But thank you for looking for my opinion: I think classes are in a rough spot and AP is trash tier terrible.

Does that satisfy?


The visions are pretty neat, better than I expected (except the technical glitches where they have huge lockup lag spikes). I like having a dungeon-like experience that I can do solo or with friends/pugs. The daily/world quest hub is actually kind of cool too, thematically. However, I can definitely see how if you’ve been playing most of BFA this would be too thin. I only came back to WoW a few months ago so the shine still hasn’t worn off on the “older” content for me. For someone who has been here the whole time i can see how the scaled back offerings of 8.3 would not be great. It’s a step up from the Firelands daily quest hub that made up most of the content in Cataclysm’s first big patch, but not a huge step up.

With the massive cutbacks to WoW staff, I would expect this to be the norm going forward. Which means it is definitely better to switch to playing for a few months and then unsubbing for 6+ months while more content builds up.

One main difference is, once you got these items, you didn’t have to keep grinding to improve them. Another is except for heroics and raids, there weren’t any time-gates. You could farm rep till you dropped, if that was your pleasure.


I was able to compete in blues and greens against better geared players, so my experience is different than yours, I guess.


Yeah, but doing the dailies was waaaaaay easier than grinding mobs for relics. I don’t like doing dailies, but I’ll do that over just killing a mob and hoping something drops all day.

There are some core fundamentals that will never leave the game. Dungeons, Raids, Questing and yes Repeatable Daily Content. That’s what an MMORPG is.

There’s been more ways to earn rewards and gear now than EVER before in the game.

Yes, many have been poorly executed and can get tiresome quickly. Never argued against that. But this patch (which barely has 24 hours out?) gave challenge to people that asked for it. Solo content for people that asked for it. Catch up mechanics, new ARs, new systems like visions and corruption, A NEW AUCTION HOUSE FFS!, etc etc. People just want to ignore it, out of spite. Period.

If you don’t like it that’s ok. I still think it’s ridiculously too early to pass judgement on it and declare it a failure.


What “dailies” are you referring to exactly?

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The mage tower was a challenging event that was not contingent upon your ability to log in every week to arbitrarily increase the power of some McGuffin.

It was also a one and done affair.

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“Compete” is a very loose term that can mean anything. So sure, let’s leave it at that. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Another turtle has made it to the water


OK I’ll express it differently: I often placed higher on the DPS meters in greens and blues than did players in epics. Therefore I was at least competitive in raids, to the extent that I was able to contribute to the raid progression despite not having the best gear.

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Besides the Visions, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Visions (Torghast 0.5) is a pretty fun mode, but it’s sadly locked behind time-gating and you can’t go in and practice them for free. Really sucks for people with bad connections since one hiccup just ruins you.

Everything else in this patch so far has been very lackluster. I’m already out of things to do and it’s the second day of the patch. Dailies took me under 2h today (woulda been 1h but that Uldum Rare quest took awhile).

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I was referring to sons of hodir in wrath with that particular post.

Spinster remembers correctly, but the reason is a bit more esoteric than what the thread has focused on.

The issue is not really on the “task” side, but on the “reward” side. Daily quests (or world quest equivalents) are a pretty routine manner in fleshing out end-game zones, and all expansions had something like it. On that I’d agree.

The major difference is that in earlier expansions, like MoP, once you hit Exalted you were basically done with those dailies for good. Again, using MoP as an example (an expansion that heavily utilized dailies), once I hit Exalted with Golden Lotus, I basically never did another Golden Lotus daily. Same with Klaxxi and others.

Legion, and now BFA, embraced an approach to make the rewards for engaging in daily quests (or world quests) relevant until the expansion ends.

Spinster is probably remembering how MoP played out in the long-term. Sure there were lots of dailies, but those dailies eventually concluded, and suddenly there was more free time to do things that weren’t dailies (or, if you still did dailies, it was for pretty minor currency gains).

Anyhow, the change in the “reward” side changes how people perceive the “task” side. In one sense, a daily is a daily is a daily. It’s the same mechanic, with the same usage of hubs, as we’ve seen since TBC. On the other hand, no wonder an expansion feels more saturated with the kind of “daily chore” approach if the rewards never really cap out.


So far, really liking 8.3. Ya, mostly dailies–but I no longer feel as pressured to do them since flying is disconnected. Also really like that they’re dailies, rather than world quests.

Each BfA patch seems progressively better to me so far. Just day 2 though, and this might get old fast.

Ah yes. But of course, all rep was optional. The shoulder enchants were nice, but not crippling if you didn’t get them.


Worse than dailies. You have to spend 90% of your time flying around looking for rates on your mini map.


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Because they nerfed the range to 40yrds from 100yds. If it was 100 yards and people were on the ground getting stacks they would have been mad. and yes before the nerf I would get stacks and not even see the worm, be on the ground and get the stacks, it was anti flying.


Imagine a world where a 2% dps increase in wrath is optional… but a 2% increase in BFA is a forced grind…