So 8.3 is just Dailies?

No dailies in classic. Those are called hourlies because everything even riding that bird takes an hour.

Imagine a world where your character progresses from expansion to expansion and doesn’t have to rely on getting gear upgrades to be able to handle world content…


lol, not true at all.

How is Blizzard responsibility to address the strength of your connection? :man_facepalming:t2:

But whatever, im out folks. This is starting to go into the ridiculous realm. It’s precisely what I was saying, arguments and hair splitting just to say Blizzard is evil, while still giving them money?


Again, you play a different game. On my 400 priest, its a tough go out in the world. On my 440 hunter or warrior I solo half the zone…

Gear has always and will always do that. There are also expansion unlocks that give my characters power. From crafting to rep, from vanilla to now it all has made me more powerful

Not once in this game has gear NOT mattered or been the main focus of end-game.



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I didn’t say it didn’t “matter.” I said it wasn’t essential to game play or even competitive play. Your character was the one who received the power, abilities and talents, not some piece of gear you got to use temporarily.

My experience in iterations of WoW prior to Legion were different and I preferred having character progression enhanced by gear, rather than having no character progression at all and being utterly dependent on gear.

It’s about the same difference as having a rank 2 versus a rank 3 on a lot of essences now. It was a pretty sizable increase in stats, the only comparable ones was your leg and weapon enchants. I didn’t hit exalted and ran with the honored ones the whole expansion and was still a core raider that whole expansion. The big difference between then and now is the community, honestly. Back then progression was a thing, nowadays if you wipe on a boss people just drop. If you don’t have everything bis you’re just being carried. It’s all about that instant gratification instead of the experience.

Yeah, no idea what you are talking about. At max level your character gained no power outside of gear.

A player literally just told you that a significant power source, the shoulder enchant required rep.

That’s life my dude. The internet has made people impatient. We didn’t have logs or meters then. Now we know exactly how far behind people are and a simple raiderio/ warcraft logs/ group finder search will result in 50 dps that are better.

Thats the upside of qol changes and the downside.


Yep /10char

I agree and I never minded doing these things. It’s the time gates that are bad. The AP grind, being punished for getting a upgrade and essences are bad. Those 3 were doubled down upon this patch along with adding a new grind for 2 more currencies.

I hate the punishment system that is Corrupted gear, it’s horrible. I can live with the grinds, but what bad is the 3rd or 4th getting a rep because essences are locked behind it. At least with the weapon we got something from quests and drops to fill the relic spots. They were not the best. but were better than nothing for alts. I don’t want the essences handed to us, I just want some added to the game you can get without grinding the same thing 3, 4, 5, or even 10 times, even if the are not that great, something to fill the slots.


Well Drew, a lot has changed for the worse, I’m afraid and what you described is just part of the changes.

The community is destroyed because instead of merging servers in 2015 when half the player base left, they initiated CRZ which just creates window dressing, but no community. I find that to be yet another nail in the coffin afaic

I preferred WoW pre WoD and that isn’t going to change anytime soon.


They wouldn’t do anything more than they are doing now. The vast majority of the people that complain about how there is nothing to do are the ones who log on and do literally nothing but world quests and LFR. It’s the same with the usual suspects who steady spam the forum with complaints about how bad the game is, most of them don’t do anything in the game anyway. Instead of doing something of value with their time in the game they would rather complain about how bad and dead the game is.


What else did you expect?

A new zone would still have quests & dailies. One week later the zone would be “old”.
Another dungeon would become “old” in two weeks.

WoW has always been about quests of various types, dungeons & raids and PvP to a lesser extent. Why are you acting surprised?

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You have missed the entire point of literally everything I’ve written on the subject. Try again.

Show me where I said shoulder enchants could be acquired without rep.

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100 percent agree with the community aspect of it. I still like the game though, even with the grindy systems. I’m in a very good guild of like minded old school players who feel the same way about the game I do and we have fun every day. A lot of these people on the forums just sound miserable.

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This is why I went back to Classic.

Ehh, I can agree with the sentiment but we had both logs and meters. I don’t remember when logs were popularized but I’ve had meters since vanilla.

You can do the same thing in retail. But for a lot of reasons, people just won’t.