Small group looking for heroic guild

Hi there!

We’re a group of six looking to find a heroic raid team. We’re previously from an AotC guild that’s died due to burn out, and we’re keen to stick together while finding a new team. We’re all warm, friendly and pretty chill, looking to just hang and have a good time while murdering stuff.

We’d prefer to raid Mon-Thurs if possible, times are flexible-ish. We’d also prefer to stay on Nagrand/Cael if possible.

Our group consists of:

Saani - Resto Shaman (Can play other healers, but prefer this one)
Venarlis - DPS DK
Kayylorswift/Kayyok - Rogue/Druid Tank
Gorthian - DPS Warrior
Klansdruid-Frostmourne - Balance Druid
Tormannoroth/Tormek - DH or Warlock

Feel free to contact any of us in-game or here!

Celestial Kittens is a 9/9H, 3/9M guild aiming to build up our ranks for continued Heroic & eventually Mythic raiding. We raid Saturday and Sunday, 7PM to 10PM. If this suits, hit me up! Jeffy#1665

Hey Guys,

Regenesis is recruiting! We are looking for more DPS and Healers to build up our core raiding team.

Raid nights are on Wed and Sun at 8 pm -10 pm GMT+8 and our focus is on Heroic Raids. We are currently on 9/9H BOD and hope to obtain AOTC for 8.2 and beyond.

We are a group of adults who want to have fun with raiding but understand that real life comes before WoW. Interested parties would be given a trial prior to a guild invite.

Please contact Bnet: Irza#1306 (Discord: Irza#6220) or Bnet: Gekkogirl#1482 for more details =)


Hey there mate, ‘Blood and Tears’ are a guild who reformed from mythic raiding to chill and clear heroic! We are located on Frostmourne, but we are on Alliance and would love to have you guys join us for raids and join the team! Our raid times are Wed/Fri 8-11pm (AEST) and we will kick off with normal TEP on the first day the raid comes out! Add me for a chat if youd like :slight_smile: Rakruar#1507

Our current team size would be perfect for your group as it would fill our team and we could start raiding straight away!

We’re probably not your bag, just because we’re on Khaz/Dath and raid Sunday’s, but I’ll leave a note here just in case. You can contact me on Xaki#1258 if you’re curious.

Basically, we’re a long running guild who were a ten man heroic guild in Wrath and now are about a 15 person guild who does AoTC. We raid Sunday’s, 8 till 11 Sydney time. We’re pretty chill and we’ve all played this game for too long and we like to keep a balance for real life, kids, work, injuries, traveling, the like. Most of us are pretty tight in RL. We’re basically expanding now because WoW doesn’t really design heroic for small groups and we’re a bit tired of that (10 man heroic Zul was our final straw - nothing impossible about, just unnecessarily annoying). Anyhow, like I said, we’re on the wrong day, on a different server, and a diff faction, but we might suit you all because you seem a bit similar. Give us a shout out if curious.

Hello saw you needed a guild. We are a casual guild and four months old. We are Moon Guard. Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding two nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 7/9 heroic. We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun!

We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.
We also run Normal Tier raids on Saturday nights as well (7:30 pm Server time).

Currently, we are a seeking ranged dps (Shadow Priest/Warlock) for progression, Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Others will be considered of course!

We are still a growing guild, but we like to do things, and are fairly active in game and on discord. add me at laskaland#1404 in BNET or laskaland#1301 in discord.

Hey hey, my guild isn’t on your server, but I thought I’d try anyway. My raid team could easily accommodate all of you :slight_smile:
We’re on Khaz/Dath Alliance. Departed Rebels. We’re a heroic raiding guild, raiding Monday and Wednesday 8:45-11pm AEST.
We also do PvP and M+ quite regularly.
If you’d like to come and see what we’re about add me Avelora#11417 - there’s no pressure to server transfer, you can join our community and keep in touch with us that way.

Hey Guys, thought id reach out as we are a new guild in similar situation
Feel free to have a chat

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the responses here! We’ve had a guild reach out that we think will be a good fit and will be trialing with them on Wednesday. I will keep an eye on this post on the off chance it doesn’t work out.

Hi Saani

If your trial doesnt quite fit…

Bin Chickens is a mature heroic only alliance guild. We are happy with cross realm raiders. We raid Thu/Mon 8-11pm sever time. More in the post below.



Hi Fugg, I’ve added you on Bnet. Would love to have a chat whenever you’re available :smile:

Hi Saani,

If you and your crew are open to a Sunday/Monday schedule with a fun, determined group with a several expansion long history of AotC + early Mythic raiding, I’d love to chat.

Krimsonmyst#1273 - hope to hear from you soon.

Hey there Saani,

Not sure if you guys were still looking or were open to a Mon/Wed night situation.

I thought id drop the link to my post in case you were:

We are a AOTC focused guild and could be a great fit, if you want to chat more hit us up.


Hi there Saani, I hope you and your friends have found a great home with your new people.

If you’re still looking, Wipe it up on Saurfang would be happy to accommodate you in our raid team. We’re a Wed-Thu 20:00 to 23:00 AEST team that is in the process of rebuilding after hitting 4/9M in Dazar’Alor. Unfortunately, the roster boss got us in the end.

If you’re interested, please hit me up on Malachiel#1815 or Sky_Paladin#7635 (disc).