[A] South Sea Raiders 5/8 Heroic LF RDPS

South Sea Raiders is an Alliance guild on Calestrasz/Nagrand, currently recruiting the last few DPS we need to finishing rounding off our heroic raiding team.

Who we are:

We are a very socially active guild with super friendly members. (Except maybe for Dil. Be careful. He’s a Dwarf and he bites. He thinks if he bites everyone, he will succeed at turning them into Dwarves).

Our members bring years of experience in raiding (many former mythic raiders) but due to cats, dogs and kids climbing all over us when we’re trying to raid, we prefer a more laid back heroic raiding environment where AoTC is achieved. We are uni students, parents with small bubs, parents with large bubs, working adults, retirees, animal lovers, footy fans, lore nerds and at least one or two former pirates. And our tank makes lots of funny noises during progression and higher mythic+ keys…it really is quite hilarious.

We always have m+ groups running throughout the day and evening and are always very active in voice chat in Discord.

If you’re not geared enough, don’t sweat it…we’ll help you get there.

When we raid: 8:30PM to 11:30PM server time Thursday and Sunday

Our highest priorities for immediate recruitment are:

–RDPS: SPriest, Ele Sham, Warlock, Boomy (healer o/s greatly appreciated)
We are fairly full on melee DPS but contact us regardless if you’re interested to have a chat with our raid leaders to see if there’s a spot available, particularly if you have a tank o/s.

If raiding isn’t your style, we welcome any and all social members and/or those just wanting to run Mythic+.

We are a small but very close-knit group and very strong raid team and would love to welcome you into our crazy little world!

Feel free to contact any of the officers listed below:

Raid Leader: Dil @ Dil#6742
Officer/Tank: Cad @ Kachiku#11516
Officer/Lead Healer: Mike @ DynaMike#11837
Guild Leader: Kitty (Morgyyn in game) @ Nooreva#1353

As well as the above contacts, feel free to whisper any member of the guild in game and someone will be in touch with you asap!

I bite?! Lies and blasphemy! I might just nibble a bit… and all know the best race are dwarves, all others inferior. Tis fact. ONE DAY MY DWARVEN ARMY WILL RULE THIS WORLD! …er did i say that out loud… *cough, but i digress, you should totally join.

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I do like a good nibble.

Recruitment Update:

Seeking 4th healer, Monk preferred but Priest acceptable.

Ranged DPS; Priest and Warlock especially. More Druids, Shamans, and Mages acceptable. Particularly those with Heal o/s to fill in for absences.

Melee DPS with Tank o/s in absence of main tanks occasionally. Warrior, DK, Monk, Druid.

Monk for buff

We wish to build for a solid 20 person team, so that we regularly have at least 15 considering people have real lives and may take the occasional day off :slight_smile:

Someone forgot to muzzle the stunty again.

Who let this swine smoocher in here?!

hello mr kurns
guild bad want members now
guild sick

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Today I discovered that pizza pants are a thing.

Come find out for yourself.

Afterwards, we can debate whether pineapple belongs on them or not.

Oh…and we’re still looking for the above mentioned DPS classes.

Pineapple belongs on pizza. No question, You Philistines just cant appreciate culinary art.
OH and we are also still looking for:

WW Monk, and any other melee DPS with Tank o/s.
Any ranged DPS, especially Warlock, and those with heal o/s.

Join us, you know you want to :slight_smile:


I do not make weird noises when we raid and run M+… that’s a lie! shifty eyes Pineapple belongs on pizzas, all discords need a .gif only channel and Male Draenei should always be called fridges. Also we have pet pics!! Just need you! You know wanna… :smiley:

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If Cthulhu ever screamed in fear making a high pitched ululation, it would sound a lot like Cad when things are getting a bit hectic.

To be fair, she is likely screaming and about to die because I had a brain fart when healing her.

Also, still needing WW Monk, and any other melee DPS with Tank o/s.
Any ranged DPS, especially Warlock, and those with heal o/s.

Who doesn’t like that sweet, juicy squirt in their mouth?!?
I’m talking about the pizza you sicko’s!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, still seeking a handful of RDPS; Mage, Warlock, Druid, Priest. Those with heal o/s particularly desirable.
Token DH for buff, and any other melee dps with tank o/s also appreciated.

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Still seeking the classes mentioned in the previous post.

And now…the plot thickens.

If you are RDPS (o/s heal preferred and melee with tank o/s), come join the fun. Discover which one of our members comes home, kicks off their pizza pants to comfortably sit and play WoW in pizza underwear.

If you are a:

Demon Hunter
Death Knight
RPDS, Boomy, SPriest, Warlock, Mages (heal os not turned away)
May accept other MDPS, especially those with tank os.
Our awesome team is nearly complete. We need you to round it out!

Contact us ASAP.

Officer/Raid Leader: Cad @ Kachiku#11516
Assistant Raid Leader: Dil @ Dil#6742
Officer/Lead Healer: Mike @ DynaMike#11837
Guild Leader: Kitty @ Nooreva#1353

Ignore the melee deeps thing, we don’t need more melee muffled shouting in the distance

Uh, we need range dps and uh, not melee. sounds of banging

No melee. Definitely not. Wait, do you wear plate and melee? I may have a use for you…wait, no, WE may have a use for you! Haha yes, this was written by a hunter, why do you ask?

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melee bad
ranged good

Been in this guild with a friend of mine for a couple of days now.

We’re quite new in the game, but that was made easy by the friendly environment that this guild provides. Everyone’s so helpful and chill.

Can’t wait to be raiding with them. I’m sure my first raid would be unforgettable no matter how casual it is.

Come join the fun now! :smiley:


This guild is relaxed and fun. We like to succeed (who doesn’t) but we are not disheartened when we don’t. We will get it next time. Discord is always fun to be in, between the pizza debate and calls of dying :smiley:

Come have a laugh and find out for yourself

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Fires up megaphone to get over the top of the pineapple on pizza debate


We just welcomed a Demon Hunter last night and are still looking for:

RPDS-- Preference for Boomy and SPriest and any ranged with heals os.
May accept other MDPS, especially those with tank os.

If you’re not quite geared enough or not at max level, don’t sweat it! We’ll help you get there.

If you’re a social player looking for a fun guild to hang out with, you are most welcome to join us as well.