[A] Standard Nerds - Cael/Nag 12/12H Nyalotha (All Previous AOTC) Recruiting HEALS + DPS FOR SHADOWLANDS

Hey all,

Standard Nerds are recruiting!

Currently 12/12H in Nyalotha and done with the expansion we are looking for some more players to join us for our weekly farm clears and Shadowlands.

Standard Nerds is a 18+ guild focused solely on Heroic progression and getting that Ahead of the Curve achievement. In Legion we achieved that goal across all tiers and in BFA this trend has continued with all tiers completed in a fast rate. We are now farming Nyalotha and preparing for Shadowlands!

Essentially we are a guild built around established and mature players who want to get the most out of the game, whilst still enjoying this hobby. We have groups that do M+ on the side and as a guild are always up for alts and achievement runs.

If you ever need a Standard Nerd - there is usually one online willing to help!

Raid Times

Current raid nights during progression :

Monday - 8:00 - 11:00pm server time (8:30-11:30 during DST)
Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:00pm server time (8:30-11:30 during DST)

Current raid night for farm:

Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:00pm server time (8:30-11:30 during DST)

If you are looking to heal - we would prefer 100% attendance. Being that we are only a two night raiding guild (6hrs prog a week) when a new tier drops both nights become full time progression. If we are missing a healer one of those nights it can halt progression and ultimately our goal.

With that being said - we understand greatly that real life happens, and as long as you give acceptable notice we can deal.

(Note that we are largely QLD based - so come Daylight Saving Time we do adjust 30mins for our Non-QLD brethren. People got jobs in the morning ya know!)

Current recruiting needs


Boomy Druid
Feral Druid
Windwalker Monk
DPS (that can off-heal or off-tank are awesome)


  • Priest
  • Monk

As always if you are a exceptional player and think this guild fits you perfectly and would be a ideal home - do not hesitate to contact us and we can talk.


If you would like to apply for a raid spot or position in the guild, hit us up in game. Feel free to speak Samahot, Demidoo, Veliithian, Hopegwynn or Aquelea in game for more details. If the above people aren’t online - someone who is can point you in the right direction or contact us to know you are interested!

Preferably you can add my Btag if you want to get in contact that way - Samelian#1386

Take care out there in the world and have fun :slight_smile:

Bump! Still chasing a few more healers and a DH for our heroic team! Now 5/9H

If you need a lock I am looking for an Aus guild. Currently 9/9N 4/9H but guild has stopped raiding. 398 Lock with AOTC from Uldir.
Bnet Inkognito#1849

Chasing more Healers and DPS for farm till next tier!

2/2N Crucible and Heroic soon to follow. Still chasing some more healers and dps - check above or contact us on battlenet.

Bump Life!!

Bump! Looking for more DPS and Heals for Heroic Eternal Palace. Hit us up!

Bump! Chasing some more healers and dps for our Heroic progress. Come join the great team!

6/8H now! Starting on Za’qul progress this coming week! Need more healers and dps!

7/8H now! Azshara prog starts hard next week! Needing some more heals and dps :slight_smile:

8/8H for a while now (forgot to update). Chasing some more dps and healers for our roster as we move towards the new raid tier!

If you are chasing a laid back but effective AOTC guild hit me up!

Bump still looking for more as we move into 8.3

Still looking for more dps, heals, off-spec tank dps for 8.3 onwards. We are chill group, come find out how chill.

1 more raid on the 12th December before our Xmas break. We are looking for all interested DPS (if you can off-heal or off-tank awesome), shaman, monk, priest or druid healers and a main tank.

Heroic only AOTC guild. Hit me up if you are interested!


bump, on xmas break but still searching for a main tank :slight_smile:

returning to raid the 8th of Jan - but still searching for a main tank :slight_smile:

Join us for 1 last EP. Need a tank and dps / heals with OS. Hit me up, info above!

Bump! 8/12 after only 3 nights in Heroic. Fast on our way to AOTC this tier. LF Healers and DPS that can offspec. Hit me up if interested!

Bump! We hit 12/12 ages ago and i got lazy and never updated. Been farming Nyalotha for months now. Now recruiting for shadowlands! Hit us up!

Hi, any interest in a Resto/feral druid or a MW/WW monk? - Fish#1653