Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

So, with this logic in mind, we can feasibly make the argument that Delaryn was also awful and not special in any way. We shouldn’t feel anything for her fight to preserve Teldrassil and her people because lots of night elves died that day. She’s not unique.

This is what you sound like. I’ll be dipping out of this thread now.


She doesn’t.

In my opinion he has no remeeming qualitys. No matter what.
ONE noble deed does not outweight genocide, murder and death camps. Bio weapons and what else she did.

It is as if you say hitler has redeeming qualitys because he build roadways in germany …

Of course you can. Feel free.
I wouldn’t deny that. Maybe she was?

We have a SINSTONE of a Nightelf who was seen as a hero of her people but ended in ravendreth because she only saved the people she liked and let the rest die.

People can be jerks and morally despicable no matter their profession or how they present themselves.

Literally nobody is arguing that. People are arguing that comparing BfA to WWII is in extremely bad taste.


You can’t help yourself from in effect diminishing real world events with significant personal and global consequences that continue to linger to this day as fodder for this debate. You are making a mockery out of real people in order to try and win this debate despite it not being possible to win. Stop.


Compare it to Genghis Khan’s rampage across Asia and Europe then. Arguably just as horrible as WW2 but it’s so far removed that nobody cares.

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using a stawman to silence a valid comparison and telling the truth how things are.

And I am arguing that putting stuff in a childrens game that is basically a 100% comparison to WW2 events is extremely bad taste.
Denying that even more so. As you would just defend what happened.

But people seem to be ok with concentration camps it seems. We literally have thim in the world currently though … nobody cares. People got adapted to violence and lack empathy … and one reason is that games like wow play down such atrocities and events in such a way that people even defend them and cheer for them.

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It’s possible to both lament what someone used to be while utterly despising and withholding sympathy for what they choose to do. It doesn’t mean you’re forgiving or condoning their actions.


It’s not a straw man. I’m not refuting your argument that sylvanas is bad, not am I refuting your argument that burning the tree was bad.

I’m stating that you are callous and immature for trying to use relatively recent atrocities to when a pointless forum debate. You lack empathy and care more about pixels than people. It’s pretty gross that you care more about imaginary beings that will all cease to exist someday than you do for real people and the pain that the events that you are trivializing caused. I’m done with it. I will call you or anyone else out on it every time I see it going forward.


If you are a person who MURDERS a whole race you are irredeemable. Simple as that.
You are a monster in that case nothing more. You know what you do in these cases you decide to do it intentionally. There is no way for redemption it is your character, your personality your lack of humanity.

What concentration camps are you even talking about


Watch Mulan movie. You might see one in the scenery in the background somewhere maybe.

That’s why I said “It doesn’t mean you’re forgiving or condoning their actions.”

Are there any currently in BfA? Genuinely confused.

There was a death camp run by Belmont slated to be in the 8.1 Darkshore stuff, but it got pulled from the PTR due to complaints.

With good reason… that would have been a disaster.

Yeah, i was like a year late to BfA, so naturally I’m unaware of anything that happened in beta.

This thread is a horrible message.

It was called a “death camp” but, I think it’s because it was an undead base, and “death camp” sounds like something you could call an undead base. IIRC, there wasn’t a crematorium, or mass executions going on there.


Even someone like Uther is not beyond doing such things. As we saw in the Bastion cinematic.

So we have DEVELOPERS AND DECISION MAKERS within Blizzard who found it was a great idea to LITERALLY build deathcamps for nightelves and were onyl stopped because teh AUDIENCE told them they are overstepping lines here AGAIN.

THIS is the mindset of said developers and you dare to tell me that these are not compareable to WW2 deathcamps!?
Are you even serious?

In a damn teen rated game you build a quest where your PLAYABLE faction is supposed to run a death camp ?!

Bad argument.

  1. Undead here don’t cremate bodies but use them as a ressource …
  2. You don’t know what has happened during the time between 8.0 and 8.1 but there were hardly any prisoners or survivors … where are they?!
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And they didn’t make it into the game for good reason, nor were they intended to be actual concentration camps. So stop referencing them to continue your disgusting comparison.