Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

Care to explain?

How human is a demon? or an antrmorphic boar demon?
A deer or a bear?

Also there is a difference in fighting against soldirs, or murdering civillians.

You’re so f’ing callous. You are trying to use a real word atrocity to score points in a meaningless argument in a video game forum. It’s disgusting.


Have to repeat myself it seems

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The fact that you can’t see how wrong you are to be making the comparison speaks volumes about your character. If I have insulted you then it was deserved.


You are taking an event that people have a real world connection to and using it to try and when a stupid debate on a forum. He night elves could all be deleted tomorrow and it still wouldn’t be worth the comparison. Not only that, but you are blind to why it’s bad to use the holocaust as fodder for your dumb argument. You need to step away from the video game and have some real empathy for real people since you seems to have more for imaginary people than real people and I’m sick of seeing it so I’m going to keep calling you out on it.


Does killing cartoon characters really bother you that much? I see from your profile you have 454 honorable kills. Justice must be done.

If a person is actually inspired to commit real genocide because Sylvanas gets redeemed, then don’t blame the story. That person had issues to begin with.


Dunno, man, being told to kill “as many of them as you can, because they’re getting to comfortable and might attack us” is kinda iffy, if you ask me. Certainly feels weird doing that against a sentient, if more primitive race.

But you get like 20 silver for it! And they don’t scream like humans when you kill them, so it’s fine.

I also remember a daily quest in Wotlk where you steal like 10 children of those Wolverine people in Northrend for a guy, but that might have been a fever dream, I’m not sure.


Never did that, was it a Horde quest?

I don’t even kill critters or mobs that I can avoid and run away… strange.
Never even played a “bad guys” storyline in like swtor or something …

And yes there is a difference if you kill like these Aliens from alien who try to eat you , or deamons who try to murder and currupt you. Or if you kill a father hugging his child cowering in the corner of Astranaar. AND YES THAT HAPPENED!!! I spent 10 quests to heal that childs desease before.

Perhaps you should play the DK intro quests then

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I know that quest, i found it disgusting.

It gets better. One of those kids can mail himself to you as a Children’s Week pet and you can use him in animal fights.

Leash? No, no, this is just a…safety harness. Yeah, that’s it.


It’s okay they don’t look like humans!


I have seen toddlers on a “leash” before…

Sylvanas died for her people. I get the idea that Blizzard is slowly worming its way back through the story to reshade every reasonable (and sometimes unreasonable) interaction to cast Sylvanas in a bad light. I personally don’t think it’s really necessary with Teldrassil hanging over her, but hey, Blizzard’s done some questionable things with its narrative.

As it is, what we know about Sylvanas before death is pretty small. She was vain, but she was also a high elf in Silvermoon. It was sort of like breathing for them.

She championed Nathanos in a time when Silvermoon was at its most reclusive. I know we give the Windrunners a lot of grief (deservedly most of the time) on this forum for chasing human men, but it does speak to the idea that she didn’t hold humans contemptable for the sin of not being born high elf.

I know it was my first line here, but she died for her people. She faced down the scourge and didn’t flinch. The Arthas novel does a pretty good job of sketching out the horror of the scourge’s march on Quel’Thalas. Sylvanas is genuinely grief stricken when her rangers die and are raised, even if she considered them ‘arrows in her quiver.’

I won’t get into the more altruistic or honorable things she’s done in undeath. This post has already gotten too lengthy for me. However, I want to emphasize that just because Blizzard has shredded this character, it doesn’t mean Sylvanas was always an unredeemable tart.


You can say that for every soldir on the planet.
That doesn’t mean that every one is a good person or has no character flaws.

She died because everyone did.90% was the official lore. It was her job to fight. She had reasons to defend what was hers, property, family or whatever. Still doesn’t mean he was no mafia boss or held gnomes hostage in her basement to sew clothings in slave labour.

Lor Themar called Nathanos a bully even when he was alive, so Sylvanas was into bad guys and jerks.

So no for me that doesn’t seem like a real justification for her being the noble camptain silvermoon.
She might as well be homelander.

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Wasn’t the original lore that Nathanos wasn’t that bad of a guy when he was alive, and it was the other high elves that were complete and utter jerks to him? I thought I heard that the “Nathanos was always a piece of crap” thing was just another small retcon to wash away what was left of his character post-death.

Edit: Also Liira, you’re coming off as trying way too hard to find every little thing about Sylvanas detestable so that you can hate her utterly and completely. You don’t really need to stretch this far back to try to nitpick at little things like “well she’s SUPPOSED to die, she’s not special for it” when you already have something as meaty as Teldrassil with which to hate her.


Oh, sweet summer child, Homelander wouldn’t die for anyone. Regardless, this line sort of implies you’re not really looking for a positive exchange of ideas.


Are people really now trying to argue that what Sylvanas did wasn’t that bad because a MMO has ‘‘Kill X mobs’’ quests?

That’s… quite the reach, damn.

Like yeah, we have done some bad stuff as characters, but why Teldrassil was particularly bad in the context of the game was because it was one player faction doing it to the other.


Sylvanas didn’t die for someone.
She died because it was inervertable.

90% of all Highelves died there. Nothing special.

You just don’t want to accept that there is an equally valid possibility Sylvanas has allways been a dispicable, bad and disgusting person. No matter her job or how she died.
Her reasons can be selfish and psychoapthic. That was the reason for my comparison.

No they just want to fight against the truth that these things were basically the same things that have been done in WW2. But by accepting that and not denying it, it would also mean they have to accept their waifu Sylvanas is basically like Hitler AND them following her.
Which make themselves dispicable persons and disgusting people because they thought it was all fine and dandy.

It is just denyal of self reflection as it would mean ackknowledging some very dark corners of their own soul and morality.

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It sounds more like you’re desperate to convince yourself that it’s impossible for her to have any redeeming qualities so that you can void yourself of any shred of sympathy for the character.