Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

You are disgusting in your denial … really disgusting to defend this kind of stuff… unbelievable … i really have no words for someone like you …

i need to puke … can’t stand you anymore that is denial on such a high level.
Have put you on ignore now… I don’t want to have you in my sight at any given time again … really not.

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It is one of the Kalu’ak dailies (the one in Dragonblight). You steal those kids so that the Tuskarr can “raise them better” for the wolvars survival.


Well at least it’s a tuskarr and not one of our “civilized” races. Would have been worse if it was an elf or something.

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What am I denying. I pointing out that you are being cruel to people who have an actual connection to the holocaust in order to win an unwinnable forum debate. That you place concern for pixels over people and when it was pointed out instead of taking a moment of introspection you double down and further trivialize it.


Your polemic attitude doesn’t change the fact that you are defending cencentration camps and got cought red handed not even knowing anything about what you try to argue againt.

Lol where am I defending concentration camps?
Also what “polemic attitude”? The hell?


There are no concentration camps to defend they didn’t make it into the game for obvious reasons. You are the one bringing them up to try and mock the holocaust because you’re obsessed with a video game.

there you go.

You might find your posts yourself I guess.

It just means you argued with them. I’m not sure why they think is a bad thing in this case. Even though they posted a link I doubt they read it or if they did they didn’t understand it,

I understand, i just don’t see how I’m being particularly confrontational here.

I poked fun at Liira’s argument that “it is okay to massacre races that don’t look human”. I think it’s silly to constantly keep describing Teldrassil as “literally burning chirren alive”.


Then you don’t understand what the rethorical device of a polemic is. Appearently.
Hence I linked you a wikipedia article to explain it to you.

And stop accusing me of quotes I never said. Quote my real words, else I assume you try to lie on purpose.

Also what a disgusting tribalism one can see if you analyse the likes of posts …
There is literally no veriance in that statistics.
Just all red avatars the same people all over crying when their waifu is called out for what she is and what the devs has made her: hitler

Sylvanas isnt hitler. She is a cartoon mustache twirling villian. Stop trying to equate them.

It’s like going up to someone who had the leg amputated and complaint that you stubbed your toe.


You have a tendency across your posts to frame Teldrassil as a quest to burn children alive. If that is not true, then i am getting a wrong impression from your posts. Either you are wording them badly or I’m stupid. Perhaps both :upside_down_face:



I don’t know how it happened but Liira has convinced me that Sylvanas should get a 100% redemption with no admission of wrongdoing, and the Night Elves should be given a permanent in-game Debuff for the crime of opposing her. Something about her persuasive style has completely sold me on this, after reading her posts I can’t imagine anything else being just.


I don’t think she’ll find redemption. It’s too far gone. The damage is irreversible.

It could be a Dr. Manhattan situation to kill millions for the survival of billions and nobody would accept the methods she used to achieve this agenda.

No matter what they do with Sylvanas, her characterization has been ruined beyond repair.


Yeah, but genocide is okay if its to serve literal cosmic entities and gods.

And you seem to not have a firm grasp on sentence structure.

Then what? You going to throw an even bigger tantrum?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does.

Says the one who thinks insulting half the playerbase is ok.

If you look carefully, the ones crying the most about Sylvanas are Night Elves.

Nah. Hitler targeted specific groups. Sylvanas is an equal opportunity genocider.



Yep, hope we go deeper with this, justice is beyond human understanding

That might not be their goal, but it is what they’d accomplish.

Yeah, but responsibility for transmitting information falls on the communicator, not the recipient. If their message comes across as “Blizzard glorifies justified genocide”, then that’s on them for being thoughtless about something as horrible as genocide.

Frankly, unless they kill Sylvanas, they definitely might have dug themselves into a hole far to deep to dig themselves out of with a redemption arc. At this point, there’s going to be a solid chunk of the playerbase that will equate anything resembling a Sylvanas redemption with, “Well, her genocide was justified.” Because, of all the evil stuff she did, that was by far the thing people think about when they say “redemption.”


That said, I do agree that trying to compare Sylvanas to Hitler, or any other instance of genocide, will never lead to a healthy conversation.

However, it is unavoidable because that is most people’s real-life context for genocide, and people are going to inherently try to make sense of fantasy worlds by drawing parallels with reality.