Slyvanas getting a redemption is a horrible message

I 100% agree. Sadly, Blizzard has already done something just like that with Grom Hellscream in Warlords of Draenor so I honestly wouldn’t put it past them.

Only if you’re Ender and spend the rest of your very long life attempting to make amends for it I guess. Probably helps that he was suckered into it rather than choosing to do it.

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Blizzard is going to attempt to retroactively make Arthas a necessary evil (i.e., justifiable, and therefore good in some people’s eyes) because he used the Scourge to hold the Jailer at bay or some other incomprehensible nonsense. The ship has already sailed when it comes to redeeming gross characters. It’s too late to complain about Sylvanas, my friend.

I think the best part about this thread is that the guy saying redemption after committing genocide sends a bad message is posting on an Orc character.


Okay but the forums would be very funny.

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She gonna get Kerrigan’d and I’m gonna soak up the salt in this forum when it happens.


I actually really like the framing of this thread, though. “A horrible message.”

Is the concern here that children playing the game will run out and commit genocide because the vidya geam told them it’s okay? Who gave little Timmy the nuclear launch codes, anyway?


IMO the first step towards redemption is admitting that you did something wrong (morally wrong, not tactically wrong) in the first place. I don’t think we’ve seen Sylvanas do that, and I have a hard time imagining her doing so. Like Arthas, she just keeps doubling down ‘for the greater good’ if ‘the greater good’ is even her goal at all, or her idea of ‘the greater good’ in any way shape or form resembles what a non nihilistic psychopath would define it.


That’s not even the way I would look at it. My framing would be “is some nonsense moralist message more important than giving a long running character a satisfying conclusion?”

Sylvanas has been a major character longer than most of her haters have been able to read. Her being raid bossed and dying with no insight into her motives or reason for her actions would be like if Luke Skywalker just cut down Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi and the movie ended there.

In short, to all of you haters: Grow up.


One can argue children wouldn’t copy the things they’ve seen in game in general, but that hasn’t stopped writers from writing morality plays.

A T rated game shouldn’t be reduced to a morality play because “Gray elf lady make people angwyyyy”


Well she can admit to her wrongdoing after we send her to Revendrath and get tortured for who knows how long.


Yeah. Some pixels getting deleted is totally equivalent to mechanized genocide created for the express purpose of exterminating an entire group of people off the face of the Earth.

I know to a point historical comparisons are unavoidable. But if you’re going to seriously compare a cartoon video game war to The Holocaust then you are not just a clown, you are the entire circus.


Children do grow up and become world leaders, you know.

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Meh, player characters commit genocide a couple of times each zone. Not only does no one say they need redemption they are rewarded with trinkets.

It’s a silly video game. Comparing it to the atrocities that have happened in real life simultaneously diminishes both.


Yeah I’m sure Joseph Kony just got carried away after playing a bootleg copy of Doom.


Then we have to ask the question why this game is T rated.

We wouldn’t rate a game like call of duty T. Why? Where is teh difference?
The only one I can see is, the first one has colorful comics graphics. But the story is pretty much the same.
War against people, kill the othe rones and do so with the most despicable atrocities and crimes.

It is a bit hypocritic to say “it is only a game” when we have whole institutions to rate games, movies, music whatever based on age because it is not suitable for minors since it could possibly transport a wrong expressior or image when not looked upon criticly enough.

Long story short: “ItS oNlY a GaMe” is a strawman. Allways has been.
A violent movie is as problematic as a violent game because of its message and not because it is real.
It just touches topics that can, are, or have been real at some point or can be transported into reality.


I don’t recall Doom ever moralizing it’s violence beyond “kill the demons trying to kill you (and your bunny.)“

But games are just one medium. We don’t know what messages Kony was exposed to. Hell, my history class did a fine job of moralizing America’s history so… yeah, it can be found everywhere.

Not saying that there’s anything inherently wrong with violence in media, just some of it can be weighted a little more then others.

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Counter argument: That’s idiotic.


Counter Argument: This statement is idiotic.