Slyvanas Deserves

I find your attempt to gatekeep here kind of off-putting so I’ll chock it up to it probably being late and I’ll bid you adieu for now

I am saying I value non RPers opinion about the story, relative to their enjoyment of the sandbox at least, as lesser.

Quote me on that. Put it on a billboard. Use high powered lasers to display it on the moon.

Sorry the undead aren’t literal and figurative monsters who, as you said, can do whatever they want. That’s a terrible idea that A. Has no place in Warcraft and B. Would make for awful storytelling.

Seriously am I nuts here? Like the people trying to create stories in this universe should have their opinion regarded higher than passive observers? Right?

Have I just had a long week or am I just completely talking out of my butt?

A) Why? Most of what is RP’ed is noncanon or fanon and less verified than the average side quest in WoW. At least Blizzard has professional historians on staff, they don’t rely on Wiki articles

B) Blizzard doesn’t read these forums anyway. Not even Lore. They are literally not allowed to read fan fiction. All of your RP amounts to a hill of beans in Blizzard’s eye.

No, she needs to be returned as the forsaken racial leader.


I know my stuff is so much better than most Forsaken side quests.

I’ve had a whole subplot about Nelves helping the Forsaken establish a base in Duskwood in exchange for releasing POWs from Darkshore. As established through a mutual respect garnered in Netherlight Temple.

This was fan writing but it added

  • A lack of hatred between the Forsaken and Kaldorei
  • A connection from the Class halls being invoked
  • A funny subplot where a Forsaken had to find a wet nurse for a Kaldorei baby
  • Resentment from the Kaldorei for being made to fight alone
  • Forsaken resentment toward Slyvanas for having to fight across the world while most of them have no homes.

Benedikt I do not deny your passion or sincerity. I just think your view is myopic and you are denying the view of fans, much like myself, who appreciate the lore (I think I was 15 or so when I first played WC3 and read the WC3 manual and fell in love with Chris Metzen’s world) in favor of your own preferred way of seeing things.

I believe any future lore related to the Forsaken has to merge the two points of view. I do not believe that brutalizing or torturing Sylvanas will bring that future to bear.

That’s my only point in this thread. I have posted in the story forums a long time, this is the first time I’ve experienced being gatekeeped by Role Players. I’m kind of disappointed, it’s not why I come here and post, but I’m also far too stubborn to let it throttle my opinions. I’m one of the few unapologetic Sylvanas fans on this forum and this changes nothing.

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I’m not saying you can’t enjoy the story for what it is. I’m just saying I think yall are weird.

Because you’ve never had the absolute hilarity of a Goblin Rogue displaying an obvious Nelf infant to a Zandalari wet nurse, feigning sobs about how this poor baby lost its tusk in a war accident, while your Forsaken Priest, who has a German accent, has a psychic call with a Priestess of Elune.

I am not trying to keep a gate. I am trying to welcome you in to a much better enjoyment of WoW. The gate is open my friend, and the water is warm. Join us.

And in that universe chaotic evil characters are no fun. I have a few as adversaries but even my DK tries to seduce every Paladin to the dark side. And my hunrer will open fire on everything wearing the SW tabard. To the point of a naked gnome having to walk out to engage in peace talks.

I’m just saying non RPers are playing the game wrong.

Fair enough. For me I can’t relate to this on an RP level, I have to bring it back to the meta-narrative. Gallywix is not chaotic evil, if anything he is neutral or lawful evil. But the current meta-narrative of the Horde Council and peace at all costs and every racial leader has to be a goody-two-shoes Anduin clone means Gallywix, despite how interesting he is in his contrast to the other Horde leaders, is banished to inevitably become some future .2 raid bait.

Gazlowe by comparison does not get to have his own opinion. There is a part of Shadows Rising where Thrall literallly guilts Gazlowe with a look into just going along with the majority opinion. I do not foresee a different fate for Gazlowe.

So for me and players like me we see where Blizzard has taken Sylvanas, and where they have take other characters, and we foresee a bland, boring, homogenized future. Where even the Forsaken are denied their uniqueness and counter-culture opinions.

I don’t want to just RP a counter-culture character. I want the narrative to allow for a wide range of opinions.

And right now every “let’s just kill Sylvanas and put her head on a pike” thread is incredibly alienating to the many Sylvanas fans who have followed Warcraft lore in good faith for many years through Legion and beyond only to have Blizzard write her as a mustache-twirling villain in BfA and by golly it’s just not fair by any definition of the word. It’s not fair.


Sylvanas is a traitor, Fanatical Horde loyalist though I may be, her betrayal of her own people stings more.

Hold your breath until that happens.

Best case scenario she dies sacrificing herself in some half-baked ‘redemption equals death’ trope, she takes the Jailer’s place as the ruler of the most vile souls once the Arbiter is fixed as atonement, OR she dies and is slapped into a cage in Revendreth to spend a few centuries atoning so she can go to a better afterlife.

Her prancing through tulips and returning as the Forsaken leader back to Azeroth after she screamed they were nothing and then decided to work for the root cause of their being slaughtered and turned undead to begin with? That would be crummy levels of writing even for Blizzard.


She did not say the Forsaken were nothing. The Forsaken have always used the Horde for their own ends. She said the Horde was nothing. She said the mongrel races of the Horde were “beasts howling for honor” and the Alliance races were “tin soldiers.” She said of the Forsaken that she “pitied them” which is fine because the Forsaken, apparently unlike the rest of the races in the game, do not need a leader who loves them. They need a leader who leads them, who was effective, who even now seeks to right he injustices of life and the afterlife.

Sorry, these petty attempts to split Sylvanas from the Forsaken ring hollow. Even Voss says “many Forsaken love Sylvanas.” Dark Lady Forever.

If she has to set the Forsaken aside to pursue bigger plans then so be it.


I can somewhat attest to the idea that RPers represent things better than Blizzard does, which I guess isn’t a high bar to clear, but still.

When Night Elf mages were introduced, Blizzard resolved the matter in a book largely with the implication that hating arcane users was bigoted, and that was that.

RPers in Darnassus meanwhile, in a random, approachable fashion that played itself out for people to partake in, portrayed a frayed political situation involving traditionalist conservative types on one side - who may respect that the law had changed, but are still trying to repress the Highborne to the extent that they can - and another side that wasn’t just trying to get people to accept them, but foreigners and those who would break the conservative orthodoxy altogether. It led to some of the best controversies that I’ve ever seen worked out, an endless wellspring of interesting conflicts, and an overall feeling of a living world.


On the contrary she deserves a statue in Stormwind and a dedicated temple when elves ever get around to rebuilding that hideous weed. She has done Azeroth a service many times over. Night elven young will be taught the tale of the Windrunner as a lesson in courage.

For the Dark Lady!!!


Bruh, what?

Did you not read Edge of Night?

Did you? Not joking, did you read Edge of Night? Not sure where you are going here.

Do you think the Jailer has a lengthy extensive monologue in Edge of Night where he explains his goals and why he is interested in Sylvanas?

EDIT: If you’re going for the “arrows in my quiver” nonsense Sylvanas herself addresses this in Cataclysm in Silverpine. Seriously, cherry picking is not worth it.

Let’s compromise, the Forsaken can enact revenge on Sylvanas, the Night Elves can enact revenge upon the Horde for going along with her.

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Slyvanas in Silverpine is cherry picking. Because that’s the good version of her we got. Similar to Stonetalon Garrosh.

Cut to EPL and shes dragging people into portals in chains for not doing what she ordered fast enough.


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Congratulations! You are now officially on my “occasionally play with but do not take seriously” list with Katiera and a few others. :+1:


I don’t care about the opinions of Slyvanas fan boys. Who ignore and indeed would have all the interesting themes of the undead blasted into oblivion so long as their waifu looks cool.

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