Slyvanas Deserves

To be eaten alive by the Forsaken.

With an ironic twist bit of dialogue.

“We were to massacre anyone who posed a threat to the new order. Human. Undead. Or otherwise”.

I’m all but certain anything but that will happen. But man would it be poetic justice.

Slyvanas wronged a lot of people. But she did the Forsaken the dirtiest. No Nelf ever let their last words be “I live and die for the Banshee Queen”, preferring to be mutilated by Worgen than whisper any betrayal of their nation.

She betrayed them intimately and thoroughly. First she murdered them for refusing to be her thrall, then she tried to torture the free will out of a newly risen, and all the while she marched those still loyal to their doom.

And what of those Forsaken who still staid loyal after all that?

She abandoned them. To survive at the mercy of those they moments ago held up arms against.

Now she stands besides Kel’Thuzad and wields the same weapon used to murder and enslave her and her people. There is no forgiveness now. Only punishment.

Lotta people got beef with Slyvanas. But far as I’m concerned there’s no walking back what she did to my beloved boney bois.

In Dante’s Inferno, the first circle of hell is reserved for traitors. To be gnawed on for eternity within Satan’s maw.

But why let him have all the fun? Here’s how it should end.

Also- just noticed her new scar would kind of make this perfect.


You can take the corpse, we’ll take the spirit.

You’ll get Tyrande having a girl boss moment and you’ll like it.

Justice is owed to the Forsaken foremost in regards to Slyvanas.


As I said, you can end her physically, we’ll get her soul once she releases into the Maw.


Uno reverse card.

You get the elf corpses. The Forsaken can get the Banshee that hides in it. Besides- you’re good guys. The Kaldorei won’t be allowed to do anything that satisfying.

But the Forsaken are the hyenas in this situation. They can get away with it. It’s not off brand for them.



Look, Sylvanas is going to have 2 fates, one of her physical form and one of her soul. We call dibs on atleast one.

You know DAMN WELL if the Alliance get her it’s going to end with Anduin forgiving her. And Tyrande being shown the virtue of mercy by his example.

We have no such hang ups here at the eating people is the racial house.


it really isnt, they weren’t genocided by her

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Still the most wronged. The orc catapult operators and whoever was Teldrassil’s fire safety inspector bare culpability here.

But the same woman who built the Forsaken nearly destroyed them by joining up with their sworn enemy. I can’t even make a historical parallel here. It’d be like if George Washington betrayed Americans to join up with the abstract concept of monarchy.


I am really tired of horde players thinking the game is about them, first thrall steals the garrosh kill after he nuked theramore, and know you people are whining about how you deserve to get the sylvanas kill, cant the alliance just get ONE thing before blizzard ends the faction conflict for good?


Yeah. You can get Anduin back.

laughable honestly, the horde is getting voljin god, so there you go

I’m not talking about the Horde or the Alliance. I am talking about the Forsaken.

They were denied their vengeance against Arthas. The Alliance took ICC canonically even though that means the most effective emotional gut punch in game - the interaction between Saurfang and DK Dranosh- is non-canon.

There shouldn’t be a third shot at a monarch who wronged, murdered and enslaved them. So let them get the ducking win this time.


And nelves cant have a win? Ok

We didnt get our revenge on the horde, but somehow that doesnt matter to you

Bruh you had Illidan in Legion and “Back and shoulder day is EVERY DAY” Doom Slayer Tyrande.

I’d take Calia using mind soothe to trick Slyvanas into tripping and falling on a spike at this point.


Oh we have illidan, lol ok, you had that undead mage in legion, at this point I am actually happy that since theres no forsaken characters in shadowlands, you’d defs not get what you want, forsaken players just want to have the game be about them over and over, first its the plot armor with sylvanas and now they just want to take kills they dont deserve. SO they can cleans themselves of a genocide they commited without actually dealing with it.

Apologies I forgot for a moment who I was taking to and thought this may bare the fruit of an actual productive conversation.


This is why I so desperately want a third evil faction.

All of this peacemongering and needing the faction leaders to “love you” like they’re your parents is a sickness that is plaguing the player base. No offense.


Then go play literally any other MMO. Star Wars has a playable evil sorcerer space fascist team. Go nuts. WoW was supposed to be more nuanced.


war is a anti war story, literally go play another mmo