Fam the storyline could just be about Nelf and Forsaken women having mud wrestling matches and he would still wander in to give some solemn commentary about how surely this could’ve been resolved with a game of checkers.
cant wait when i level a forsaken and enter the upcoming raid, i’ll use the cannibalize racial and then Tbag on Sylvanas’ corpse.
Even if she dies in the raid, which I find unlikely, she wouldn’t die in such a way as to leave behind a corpse.
You sickos will have to get your jollies some other way.
Writing hastily made drunk fan fiction based off that Scar death scene;
Slyvanas lands in Deathknell, which is being used as a staging ground to rebuild Tirisfal. Her look of fear resides when she sees her familiar Forsaken wandering around. She assumes a stateman’s face and tenour
Slyvanas: I am so relieved to be reunited with my people. You see I-"
Belmont: “Saw us as toy soldiers in tin plate”.
Slyvanas: “No I was merely-”
Annie Lansing: “Murdering anyone who walked away or stayed with you”
Slyvanas: “You don’t understand. You see what I did was-”
Sylvanas’s eyes go wide, she starts looking around wildly, she spots Dark Ranger Velonara
Slyvanas: “Sister! Surely you must-”
Velonara: “Know that you declared that we were bur slaves to this torment?! That you LIED and positioned yourself as our only way to have meaning?”
Slyvanas shifts and stands upwards. She has no bow but plucks an arrow from her thigh and slides it under her wrist as the growing number of Forsaken around her begin to brandish weapons. Scanning the crowd she sees Master Apothecary Lydon.
Slyvanas: “Apothecary! Surely you remember what I’ve done for you! For you all!”
Lydon turns to reveal he’s piecing back together Thomas Zelling.
Lydon: “I do. I also remember your order. That we Forsaken should massacre any who stand in our way. Human, undead, or otherwise”.
Slyvanas is punched and scatters to the ground to look up at an abomination made from the Desolate Council she murdered. The hand holding her last black arrow arrow is cut clean off by this creature. We pan up as the Forsaken approach her, and we cut to black ad we hear only loudly implied dismemberment.
i also have a undead
Yeah and I’ve mained an undead since '04. To paraphrase a line from Star War;
I’ve been in this fight since I was 12 years old.
The Forsaken are my favorite fantasy faction in the whole fantasy genre. I do legitimately love them, and want them happy, moisturized, thriving and in their own lane.
Same, only I want them to keep doing comically over-the-top evil things with a heavy amount of dark comedic undertones such as saying “sorry!” when caught, rolling their eyes, and then proceeding to continue turning a capture Tauren into a hideous abomination the second the smelly Orc Guard interrupting them walks away.
The worst thing Blizzard does with the Forsaken is like the one Forsaken character in Shadows Rising where they have him be the goody-two-shoes to Alleria’s bad cop. Just gargantuan levels of laying it on thick.
Then sorry you mistook them as your edgelord fantasy. Because you are fundamentally wrong.
There has always been an aspect to the Forsaken like that. But what won me over was the sense of humanity they had not despite of but in tandem with their macabre nature.
Even in Classic you get a quest from a Forsaken tortured, literally, to pieces who realizes he’s dying again and asks you to return his wedding ring to his wife. That was torn off his body by the Scarlet Inquisitor and handed to his wife. You kill her in that shack on Lordamere and bring back the ring to the Forsaken’s wife in the Undercity and -
She’s ducking inconsolable. She died, was raised into undeath, was freed and then found her husband again. After all that and her husband is taken from her? Again?!. It makes you realize why the Forsaken have such a hatred of humanity. They’re coming in and setting fire to what scraps they have left.
And even moving to BC, I’m not going to look up his name (dude in the tower at Thrallmar) but you have an Apothecary dutifully studying the effects of felblood on the Felorcs nearby. Theres no alternative motive the guy’s just a scientist trying to help his allies. Same with literally every Apothecary in Tranquillen.
And then in Wrath out the gate, before undead hunters were a thing, you have Pontius. Who was a dog breeder in life and now he raises darkhounds in undeath. And he so clearly loves them and is worried about their safety.
It seems like you want a version of the Forsaken that has never existed.
In a desperate case of trying to backtrack/retcon their recent ‘developments’ of Sylvanas’ character, it will be revealed that she hasn’t eaten any SNICKERS™ bars since the end of Wrath.
You’re Not You When You’re Hungry.
And even with my favorite Forsaken mad scientist, Calder Gray, the man is still a good man.
He takes his parts from corpses in a war zone. He asks living and unliving people if they’d want to be part of a super abomination- meaning he understands consent better than some Naaru. And even though he loves his creations he still uses them in defense of Hyjal. Where he mutters how this is a complete loss for him because he can’t make ish out of extinguished fire elementals. He’s just doing the right thing for the sake of it.
He’s my gold standard for a crazy Forsaken character. In his mind making people into big abominations makes the world more unified in purpose.
But he still asks if you’d like to sniff this chloroform and wake up as part of a stronger collective. He’s saddened but understands when you say no. But he accepts it. He doesn’t try to attack you.
Gentlemen Mad Apothecary.
Give me a break. You are cherry picking specific examples the way Blizzard cherry picks in the novels for #notallForsaken
For every Forsaken with a tragic backstory that is played straight, of which there are many obviously, my example of the Forsaken being played for dark comedic effect is far more common.
It is absurd to say that is a “version of the Forsaken that has never existed.”
If the Forsaken were written to your idealized version of them it would either end in Blizzard turning them into Humans With a Skin Condition, or a neverending series of melodramatic sad sacks.
In my version the Forsaken evolve to do what they want, when they want, and no one can stop them.
I prefer my version.
Bruh I just name dropped a repeating character from Cata and noted why I think he’s actually a pretty chill dude not despite but because of how he makes monsters made out of corpses who projectile vomit stomach acid as an attack.
I hate your version. I like even my mad scientists to have some moral grounding and a coherent world view.
Calder Gray isn’t a monster. He’s into some truly horrifying ish. But unless you’re already in 13 pieces scattered across a battlefield he’s going to ask if you’re cool with what he’s going to do with your digestive system.
Spoiler warnings: Connects it to 12 pairs of Dwarf lungs to be a shoulder mounted stomach acid anti air canon.
Part of the disconnect here is you interpret that line as well-intentioned empathy. I interpret that line as some Blizzard writer having a laugh.
For every Calder Gray there are many more Forsaken who do the same things without the noble intentions. If anything characters like that are used for contrast, not comparison or unity.
And they’re the most boring part of the race.
Personally I love the Forsaken who are eating a dead Alliance and looking at their living Horde counterparts like;
“I, excuse me swallows, might eat you if push comes to shove but- burps oof. Dwarves. But it’s not like I see you guys as walking hotdogs. Anywho, who wants the rest of this?”
Goblin raises his hand
Goblin: "So could that-"
Forsaken: “Yes if you put it through a grinder it’s great for burgers”
This little short story kind of proves my whole over-the-top for-comedic-effect point though…
If we were being consistent with your line of thinking then the poor tragic Forsaken who couldn’t find their wife or daughter or whatever having to feed off the flesh of his former companions would disgust him and oh woe is me aren’t we beautiful in our tragedy.
In my world we eat the flesh of our vanquished foes because who’s going to stop us??? The Archon? Baine?
See my world is better, and you don’t have to live with self-imposed guilt for dead pixels.
Your world is kinda go nowhere.
Let me put it this way; people who don’t RP races should have no say in their storyline.
I have six Forsaken. My most evil one believes undeath is a blessing and the next stage of evolution. Was a Paladin who took up a runeblade. Her only line is not killing children- because they can’t properly manifest into undead.
But she’s murdered many Paladins in front of their children. Challenging them to grow up and fight her later when they’re strong.
On the neutral end my Forsaken Hunter hates Stormwind and it’s government, owing to being a Defias revolutionary and Westfall native. But his still surviving little sister gets anonymous bags of gold dropped in from passing bats now and then and anyone who’d threaten her gets a fun new ventilation shaft in their skull.
This good aligned Forsaken toon has bitten out the living’s throats in front of people. But he uses psychic magic and alchemy to appear as a human so he can wander around enemy territory and temper his worst instincts by reminding himself most of them are decent.
I think I’m a crap writer. I just want Blizz to give as much nuance to the Forsaken as I do.
Hard disagree. I agree with most of what you post in the story forums. Except when it comes to Forsaken and Sylvanas. Your RP biases you. You’ve forgotten that WoW is about the players and what someone who rolled a Forsaken 15 years ago thinks about the game fresh off the heels of WC3. About the meta-experience of the game, not just about the gatekeeping of getting into the weeds of the most obscure lore (which I promise you even Blizzard doesn’t remember).
If you really feel this way I’m not sure you and I will ever agree on anything related to the Forsaken. Which is probably true anyway my friend
You mean when the Forsaken existed as ghouls? Because it seems like you want them to be ghouls.
And yeah. RPer’s views about this setting are more important. Full stop. It’s not like we’re writing fan fiction on Tumblr. They made RP servers day one. Then RPPVP servers for people like me who like storytelling and violence.
Suffice to say it feels like you’re complaining about a TV show you can just mute. And I have to try to build a sandcastle on this beach, and Blizz keeps running over and kicking it.
Maybe that’s true. I was devastated the day the Warbringers Sylvanas short was released because I knew what it meant. Not on an RP level, not on an in-lore level, but on a “I’m going to have to read a million let’s just kill Sylvanas threads and the Horde is so evil and anything the Alliance does to the Horde can never pay back what they did at Teldrassil” level.
I was devastated to watch one of my most beloved characters, voiced by one of my favorite VAs, be reduced to irredeemable villain status. To watch my faction be dragged through the mud a second time.
To watch someone who RPs as a Forsaken post gleefully about killing Sylvanas knowing two years ago this thread and the infinite number of threads like it was inevitable.
Sorry I’m just as much invested in the story of this game as any RPer.
Oh, are you? Do you have six Forsaken characters? Did you have to take time out of your actual adult butt life to figure out how this effects their stories?
Did you have to figure out where to house your undead RP guild? Now that Brill was gone?
Oh. No. You didn’t. You had to be mad about threads you could ignore by not bringing them up. These were curveballs I had to and continue to work with.
Suffice to say DUCK the Banshee. I want her head on my Shadowfang Keep. Which the Worgen can canonically have when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.