It was more nuanced. It is becoming less nuanced with every patch.
So you want it to be less nuanced good vs evil ok lol
Certainly is. And I’m whining about that. All over here on the story forums.
I actually love the Forsaken’s darker shade of morally gray attitude. I’m bugged Maldraxxus has done it better than they have in years, but people still seem to need anti-depressants from playing Hillsbrad’s questline without reading the quest text so maybe it had to be divorced from humans for a second.
What I don’t want, nor would play, is a game where one side is evil and the other isn’t. I was fine with that in OR but at least the Agent and Bounty Hunter storylines gave you some perspective on why non magical people might prefer the stability of evil wizards. Theres no bandits left alive and if you don’t have to worry about being choked to death for parking a star destroyer the wrong way that actually sounds pretty chill.
Gonna press X on that one. Been getting told she’d have her moment since 8.1
you’re a fake undead then, FOR THE BANSHEE QUEEN!!
agreed 100% …
Frankly I’m still kinda mad it was framed as cool that she just disintegrated Nathan’s dogs. C’mon Tyrande they’re just dogs. They don’t understand politics. Could’ve just root wrapped them.
Granted maybe that’s because I’ve become so attached to my Hunter’s darkhound, Daisy, I refuse to bring her into Torghast or the Maw. I tamed one of the clanking maw dogs to use there instead.
I never wanted an evil faction until BfA removed the possibility for characters like Nathanos and Gallywix to continue to exist. Now it’s the good faction vs. the equally good but on their high horse about it factions. It’s just not interesting. It’s boring.
And this thread is cheering on more of the same. Removing all of the morally complex, or even evil, established characters from the game makes the whole world a little less interesting.
its almost like stories end and new ones start, you really think sylvanas was gonna be doing evil things in the shadows all the way till patch 50.x
He said. On his Nightborne.
i… uh… so what gives? you want to eat her or you want to torture her soul cuz… if you d like we can just kill her then you can just eat her corpse while we torture her soul or… well we could just take turns to stab her a la john snow and behead her once she’s a torso and she sees you guys eat her limbs, then you can have her soul.
To summarize, the forsaken’s primary theme has been getting revenge so it’d at least be poetic if Sylvanas fell as a result of backstabbing her own vengeful creation.
Instead, what appears to be happening is that after missing out on getting any recognizable catharsis in killing the Lich King, Blizzard went and made Sylvanas into the next one, and then are set to deny them THAT one too.
I want her to be perma killed by the Forsaken.
They have to figure out a whole new culture with her gone as is. And with Blizz insisting there’s still Forsaken loyal to her after like her 12th and most public betrayal of them- I kinda want them to be the one who kicks her into the pit.
I don’t want a redemption for her. She’s burned them too much. The Forsaken need to be the ones to kill her. If they don’t there’s too much room for retroactive redemption like with Illidan.
She’s just a collection of pixels with limited free will.
Its time for for fourth wall to come down.
How much time in Revendreth would be required for the writers/devs to truly atone for BFA/SL?
Yeah that works for Deadpool. Think WoW would die pretty quick if it reminded us we’re in fact adults probably putting more thought into this than our careers.
I mean - that in itself could be a net positive for the world but it’d be bad business.
Dude… even if you want her to die half of your “race” still has daimakura of her.
Could make Voss echo Putress’s Wrathgate words at her: “Do you think we had forgotten? Do you think we had forgiven?”
Spare parts.
I don’t speak weeb but let’s just say her most diehards we’re killed during BFA. And the others lost interest when she broke the sky and then started working with the guy who invented Frostmourne.
Edit; Okay I was prepared to have some snow on my nose about calling you a weeb but that’s the word for body pillow, apparently.
And thank you very much but I as a heterosexual man only have a body pillow of Calder Gray. He encourages wreckless enthusiasm and needs a bigger role.
TBH my thoughts go back to the Sylv/Saurfang fight and the look bannerbae gave her after the faux pas. Although she hasn’t had a speaking role, she would be a better candidate to deliver those lines.
I don’t see Anduin in the picture right now.