Slow Tanks are abusive; Solo or Chain pulls are possible

How are you coming to 80%? Maybe in your experience, it’s 80% and maybe in my experience is 20%. The point is that wall-to-wall pulling in a random group of normal, heroic, and even in some low + dungeons where there is not one word of communication is a toxic, selfish, inconsiderate chaotic s-show.

It’s not the meta, for the majority of players, It’s only the meta for the small percentage of players that watch the MDI’s and play in the higher difficulties of m+.

Also, just because in your experience it’s been played this way doesn’t mean it’s right either.

And I do tank. I play all the classes and gear up 13 each season to the champion gear level. I’ve also been playing since shortly after the games release and tanking, dps’ing, and healing the entire time.

I don’t have problems by not pulling 36 mobs from the entrance to the boss. I did do it once in a follower dungeon and the 4 followers died, a couple of them died more than once. When I tank, I make common sense proximity pulls using Method Raid Tools or watching a YT vid or after I’m comfortable I might make up my own grouping based on the type of tank I’m playing. Sometimes I go slower and sometimes faster depending on the makeup of the group and the level of the dungeon. But I always try to be considerate of someone else’s time and that counts for all 5 players. The safest path to making both groups happy with little to no time difference is pulling 3 packs of 12 instead of 36 all at once at the difficulty level that most play at, which is normal, heroic, and lower +.

If more tanks slowed their roll, the DF would be a better place.

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I’ve done this. I got so fed up with the dps pulling more and forcing me to pick it all up I went for it, I pulled an entire hall and the guys in the room next to it. THe dps died first, and the healer went oom trying to keep the dps alive since they didn’t get out of any aoe and they wiped. I so wanted so say “so what did we learn?”

Wishful thinking, they learned nothing.

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The way I see it, this is a matter of what they “can do” versus what they “should do”.

There is no hard set rule on what a tank is expected to do in a dungeon outside of the function of their intended role. Nowhere is it posted where they have to do X, Y or Z or else they are breaking the ToS. It’s just not a thing. There is, however, common etiquette and decency and I believe that this is where things have begun to fail.

Many tanks seem to have this perspective that if they can pull big, they can keep aggro and they can personally survive it reasonably then they should and any kind of mishap is at the fault of everyone else in the group - at least someone else that isn’t them.

I’ve also seen tanks that believe that because they’ve been in groups that have done massive pulls or because they’ve seen it happen online, then every group should be able to do it and if they can’t handle the massive pulls, then it’s their own fault. I just don’t feel this is true.

The fact of the matter is, in my opinion, the tank sets the pace for the group. Pulling massively isn’t completely up to the tank, despite what many of them think. It’s also up to how fast they can be handled by the DPS or how well the healer can keep up with whatever damage is going out because of them.

Group content is just that, group content. There’s generally going to be 5 different people, at least, that have their own ideas of how things should be.

At the end of the day though, frankly, this won’t change. It’s a social thing. It’s a courtesy thing. Until people can be held accountable for what they say or how they act on the other side of their gaming keyboard, people are, for the most part, just going to do what they want.

No one else matters. They all get turned off with the power button.

What’s your definition of abusive?

“Why are there no tanks in Que?”

Because this.

I pull 3-4 packs to judge the rest of the dungeon.

Am I tanking big? Am I tanking small? It all depends on the healer and dps. It’s impatient dps that cause tanks to be sour. Don’t be one of those dps


my guy its called LOS if you do what the guy said and LOS with the tank all the casters will come into melee range if the healer or range ignore this then yes they will sit there and cast on people they can still reach

People are always complaining about lack of tanks in this game, but when you got many posts complaining about tanks not catering to the healer or the groups needs be it pulling too fast or pulling too slow, you deter some players from actually playing the role and you get less tanks. So yeah, keep up with the negative posts about tank pulls and watch the role get even lower.

And keep in mind M0 and M+ isn’t here yet. so if you have a hard time finding a tank around that time, you know why.

tanks should pull as fast as the healer is able.
If health mana bars are healthy…pull more.
If theyre straggling down to 10%, stop chain pulling like a circus clown for a second to two.
its not that hard a formula to figure out

my guess is MOST of these jokers arent even watching team health or healer mana at all.

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yeah people seem to have forgotten you can leave the dungeon if you dont like something if the tank isn’t too your liking you can tell them and see if they change their pace or just leave

As with every other answer – if you don’t like PUGs, join a guild or form your own group.

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Yet another reason i avoid dungeons. Slow tanking is the preference.

Always say something in chat…let your healer know if DPS is causing a problem.
The second you ask them to stop and theyre causing problems for the run, I turn off the heals, let them die and giggle like a school girl.

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Thing is they don’t wanna leave because then you get hit with deserter. So instead of doing that, they would rather complain.

I mean its one dungeon just deal with it as long as its not literally 3 mobs at a time you will still finish in a reasonable time

You just can’t win with anyone in this game.

People get mad if the tank pulls too fast.

people get mad if the tank pulls too slow.

People get mad if the tank leaves having to wait forever for a new one.

You just can’t win.


It’s not just about the character being technically capable, but the player being comfortable with it, because a lot can go wrong when you’re pulling several tens of mobs. It’s easy for a few to escape and go wreck the healer for example. If the tank isn’t confident in their ability to hold threat on a small city’s worth of mobs, they shouldn’t and should scale back to what they’re comfortable with (which might be 2-3 packs at a time instead of half the dungeon).

Also I wonder where this obsession with speed is coming from. Everybody’s acting like they’re gonna be the hottest cutting edge raider and have to have full BiS yesterday when obviously only a small percentage will ever achieve anything close to that. Seems like a streamer-induced mania of sorts.


Well, see, if most the group wants fast they can kick the one wanting slow, or vice versa, pretty simple

I believe it to be a product of M+.

The whole concept there is to get it done as fast as your reasonably can. I feel like when you take a tank that is used to that kind of pacing and drop them in a Normal or Heroic Dungeon, especially with players who may not do their level of Mythics (or Mythics at all) you get some ‘interesting’ results.

Yeah, interesting. I’ll go with that word.

All the patience in the world for a candle gimmick to slow down every single run of darkflame.

Zero patience for the guy slowing down a single run of anything.