Slow Tanks are abusive; Solo or Chain pulls are possible

As somebody who enjoys pulling big in the current heroics, there’s no mechanic that implicitly suggests you should pull like that. It’s just easy enough in a decent group to make it work.

You have options if you don’t want to deal with a tank that potentially might not want to (or can’t) pull big. Play your own tank, or play with a tank you know.


I would agree with this IF the group is communicating or guildmates/friends that already play together and know each other.

This is 100% so far from what happens in a random group with random players between normal dungeons through about a +6. It’s a solo mini-game for 1 toxic selfish inconsiderate player pulling 36 mobs from the entrance to the boss, while 4 other players struggle to keep up and stay alive.

All this is racing to the red light like someone said in this thread. The majority of players might not even read these threads and you are expecting them to read the mind of 1 random tank who takes off before the other 4 players have even entered the dungeon. It’s ridiculous. But there is a simple fix but this ME STRONG ME PULL BIG crowd won’t even recognize it’s staring them right in the face to make common sense proximity pulls of 3 groups of 12 instead of 36 to the boss. You know why? Because they don’t care about the time it takes, that is all just BS cover. The time difference is negligible and as I said this crowd is selfish, inconsiderate, and toxic. They only care about playing the way they want to play regardless that there are 4 other players that also are in the dungeon.

It’s a team experience but they don’t want the team part to do anything but shut up and follow.


its actually very stressfull to play a healer this expansion ,

The first pull of Direbrew dungeon would give any healer a stroke :rofl:

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This if fine if the tank is geared to handle the pulls.

I haven’t hear you suggest how new tanks are supposed to gear up to get to the point where they can survive mega pulls.

This has actually been the meta for multiple expansions now, and nearly every dungeon is this way currently. It’s not some new thing that 90% of the playerbase is innocently unaware of.

Again, it’s not everyone else’s fault if you [general, not you specifically] don’t understand how the game is usually played and how the mechanics of said pulls go.

Which leads me to my next point…I don’t understand how it’s “selfish” and “toxic” when 80+% of the playerbase wants it this way. A few vocal complaints on these forums does not reality make.

I dare you to tank a normal (or even heroic) dungeon right now and not chain pull and see how many people get mad at you for being slow.

The community (and game design…particularly DPS CDs and ramps) created this issue.


I mean that sounds like a funny thing to do every once in a while just to get people to rage.

I mean yea, but honestly they don’t necessarily rage. They’ll just kick you, or pull more.

In the case of the latter, you can then a) let them facetank, die, possibly cause a wipe, waste time, and get kicked anyway, or b) just pull bigger in the first place.

I’d rather do option B because while pulling small on occasion is funny in theory, I’m just trying to get through the dungeon and I don’t make a living off of trolling people. Lol.

(Which is why it’s wild to me that the person I responded to thinks pulling big is selfish and toxic. My dude, it’s what most people want. I don’t understand what version of the planet that dude is living on.)

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Threads like this are what keep me out of queued content and even the group finder as much as possible. I dunno why gaming tends to breed such toxic attitudes towards fellow players but it’s honestly gross. Acting like it’s the end of the world if a tank is going either ‘too slow’ or ‘too fast’ for you? C’mon, get a grip. We’re all just playing a video game here.


I just go with the flow, every player has a different level of confidence so if a tank pulls the entire planet thats fine & if a tank is only comfortable pulling 1 mob at a time thats fine too just kick back put some music on & enjoy the slower pace for a change.

A slow tank may be aggressive because theyre probably getting sick to death of constantly being abused by dps who seem to be in such a hurry their life depends on it.

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You keep using that word but I do not think it means what you think it means.

This topic is the easiest bait.


I’d rather have a tank pulling smoothly and steadily than a tank pulling half the dungeon in one go and it’s complete chaos and a hectic nightmare.


It’s only that way in mid to high mythics where there is a timer and people are pushing for mounts, achievements, etc.

A lot of people forget this and get lost in the mentality of maximizing gains while minimizing “wasted time”. I like pulling big, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to do it and make everyone around me want to pull their hair out. Group can’t keep that pace, I slow down.


DPS aboose is real guise

I am going to use this thread as my defense the next time, a dps cries i pull the whole dungeon.

If you could point out in the Dev notes, Patch Notes, Blue Tracker, or other legitimate Blizzard source where you found the phrase:

It is a quality of life mechanic that was intentionally added.

I’d appreciate it. Thanks. :blue_heart:


It’s funny how quickly this forum turned from “you gotta put up with whatever the pug does, if you don’t like it then do a pre-made” to “tanks who don’t play how I want them to are abusive”.


If this is your preference, tank or only run with tanks you know. Otherwise, zip it.

Yawn, another tanking troll post. As a tank this season, I does what I wish too, don’t like it leave the group.