Slow Tanks are abusive; Solo or Chain pulls are possible

Ignore all those casters in your wake when you have maybe 3 interrupts, dodge all the AOE, the silences. Tanks need gutted more.


Gr8 b8 m8.


As do you.


this coming from someone posting on a lvl 16 mage. You’re probably one of the dps that just follows and takes the carry on your main toon anyways, yet here you are complaining they going to slow now.

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Posts like these are abusive. What a gross misinterpretation of the word :roll_eyes:


Don’t pull the whole dungeon unless you can manage it.

Some tanks can, they’re good at micromanaging a small army of trash mobs to follow them and it’s like beholding an art to watch.

And then some tanks speed run the dungeon corridors aggroing everything and the kitchen sink, and you end up with utter chaos as creatures fly every which way, the kitchen sink ends up clobbering the healer, an elephant stomps through the mage group (“how?! There are no elephants in the dungeon in question!” The group exclaims frantically) meanwhile by the end of the Dungeon Donald Glover happily skips through the door carrying pizzas for the group only to be horrified by what he sees; a dungeon on fire, as one DPS is giving another CPR and the Warlock is twirling a severed limb in his hands in an attempt to put out the fire at the end, all the while the healer looks on in horror in the background.

Moral of the story: being able to pull an entire dungeon is about more than being able to survive it, it is the tank’s job to also control what they pull. And they must be able to keep control of that pulled trash even as they aren’t actively engaged with them on their way to other packs, they have to be cognizant of how to get ranged trash to not sit back and eventually lose passive threat and figure out how to get it all gathered up.

If they can do that; pull away! But if not, pace themselves to what they can control.

Demanding one pace for a tank only leads to the chaos of uncontrolled mass pulls from tanks who may not be ready for it. When smaller, rapid pulls, can achieve the same result and pace.

Encourage pulling at a comfortable pace, not a breakneck only pace. And do not bully tanks who may be a little slower than you like, they have a lot on their plate to handle.

Also: Pulling a bit slower is not abuse, what is this argument even?


You say that as if it actually happens. Or when they do finally decide to stop, they’ve done absolutely nothing about the half-dozen casters that are still free casting on the other side of the dungeon
because they’ve convinced themselves that “pulling a lot” = competence.


Everybody that expects a certain precise experience in dungeons has the option of forming their own groups with clear goals.

On all sides. On every subject.

Randoms are random.


You have a funny interpretation of this word.


There are players who do dungeons because group play is fun for them on its own merits.

There are players who do dungeons as a fast-track to leveling and they don’t care about the gameplay or the other players at all.

I don’t care about the second kind of players. They’ll be in M+ in a week or two and they’ll forget about all of the people they frustrated and failed on the way there.


Could be a troll post it is a low-level character with very few posts to the name?

Most dps are happy with 2 to 3 groups being pulled at a time, and the complainers are rare but they sure make their voices heard, and will usually pull half the dungeon for the tank.


If it makes you feel any better, we don’t wanna be there either

Blame Blizzard for delaying the xpac so long cuz of

More brain worms.

The roll-out of this xpac was faster and smoother than just about any other I’ve experienced since TBC.

If you don’t want to be there, do follower dungeons and delves and spare us.


Troll post or not, I’m still going to push back against this ideology especially since others can agree or disagree with the statement.


“do stuff with worse gear”

Which one of us are the “brain worms” with?


GOGOGOGO dps have options: Follower dungeons and even delves.

How about you? I’ve seen dozens of tanks who think they’re hot crap, pull all the trash and get the group killed because the healer can’t keep up with all the unavoidable AoE damage going out. Priory comes to mind.


I hope i see you in LFG, and I will turn on RP walking just to see what rage it would induce


Yes, I’ve done kept track and what the difference would be in dungeons where a dps pulls 5-10 seconds before I intend to (always with a reason) and it added up to <1 minute faster
 it’s like speeding to a red light.

Also a percentage of the time someone forces a speed up like this they die, slowing the process down. The mindset is laughable.

Ya’ll are speeding to red lights and going no where any faster.


Sorry about your experience. Good tanks know their predetermined stopping points.

As for freecasters, if you’re not straggling and/or you are properly LoSing with your tank, it’s rarely an issue. Sometimes it takes a few seconds, but yea. You can also help with ints/CCs so long as you move your butt and get back to the tank.

You guys act like these pulls aren’t successfully done every minute of every day. They are. There’s a reason it’s the meta. Any big/meta pull that fails is because someone didn’t do their job properly. While sometimes that may be the tank, more often than not it’s one of the other four people in the dungeon.

I mentioned this in another thread, but
you not understanding how the meta (or game) works does not mean the tank is bad. Again, these pulls are done successfully every minute of every day by groups that understand what’s going on.

The average WoW player being crap at the game is not our problem, nor our fault.


I’m sorry, but WHAT!? I can understand preferring big pulls over smaller ones and vice versa, but what the Fel makes you consider slow pulls to be “abusive”!?