Slow Down Classic Content Release!

It’s kind of obvious I’m not sure what your missing

Evidence. I’m missing evidence of any validity of what you’re saying. If it’s so obvious then it should be easy to point out who is pressuring blizzard to release content early.

Remember everyone will be doing all of these dungeons again for darkmoon cards once the faire comes to town in p3. So get to 50s by Easter and you’ll find plenty if groups doing late game dungeons. Since most will be geared it’ll be a breeze too. You’ll be ok.

and streamers are a big reason why this classic release is even doing so well in the first place.

pfft. sure.

It won’t happen, but even if the no life players who are in BWL or AQ for some reason decide to never do earlier content again, if you are in the majority as is constantly claimed then it should be easier for you to find a group than it was for them.

Are you still quoting those numbers that are a month old at this point?

I think they could release it all at once. It won’t make a difference. Content is already 13 years and 2 months dated

1 thing.

Have you considered that the release of Dire Maul was on schedule and that the rest of phase 2 is actually being delayed?

And trying to pass it off as millions of players, when it’s millions of CHARACTERS.

I have 4 I log into frequently. But conservatively if everyone had 2, a main and a bank or a main and an alt, that would already cut it down to 1 million players.

If we follow that logic then there is 27.5 million people in the US playing retail and another 26 million in EU. You heard it here first! 53.5 million people are playing retail!

“I can’t play fast, therefore, cater to MY whims.”

You need to understand that as a MMO, it has inherant time commitment demands. If you can’t meet them, you need to consider other games and understand that the game isn’t designed for you. Casual players were still still leveling during the releases of all content in Classic. There will always be players who simply do not have the support in their lives to play for the time required to get anything serious done in the game. Sounds like you’re in this camp.

Classic WoW is not a game a player who plays 4-8 hours a week can be competitive or see all of the content. I certianly hope that you’re posting on an alt, because if you’re not, and level 24 is your main, you need to reconsider your goals with the game and be realistic about it. If you are 24 on your main, or even as low as something like 38, you need to be realistic about it. You will not cap before phase 2. That’s just how it is. You are behind the curve and will likely remain behind the curve for a while. All guilds that want to progress in any serious capacity have killed rag, and had leveling times that AT MAX were about a month. If you aren’t capped now, you need to reconsider your goal of clearing Naxx, because there’s a fairly serious playtime demand to be prepared for the raid.

Classic has been out for going on 2 months now, players have had time to cap. Multiple guilds per server have fully cleared MC and are sitting waiting on other content. You need to understand that you are not the only demographic, and that while those of us who have cleared MC so far (and there are a LOT of us). 60 on farm right now gets pretty boring after about 3 weeks, so while a lot of the level 60 players still have a lot to do, they will quickly hit a wall in the next few weeks and start raid logging. You can say that ‘it’s against the spirit of classic’, but your spirit of classic is not mine.

Many guilds and players have stopped running strat, scholo, brd, and brs, because they’re bised out and don’t gain benefit from the runs. DM offers relevant rewards so that raiders have an incentive to go back and carry players like yourself through 60 dungeons, because it will get increasingly harder and harder to find a group for 5m content. DM is being released FOR late cappers like yourself, because it offers dramatically better loot for comparable difficulty

Dire maul was released on launch in EU, and a few months after the NA release. DM’s release in Classic is a 50/50 split between the two. DM’s release window is not unreasonable, and for EU, DM not being out at launch directly goes against the NoChanges philosophy, because the dungeon released 2 weeks into Vanilla for them.

The majority of the active playerbase feel like they’re at cap. PuG raids are being fired and on my server there’s about a 2-1 ratio for 60 to leveling dungeons getting spammed for in chats.

Yep I added another 100,000 players to it though and its still only 10% of the pop!

If it takes you 2.5 to 3.5 months to get to cap, you don’t have a chance of clearing Naxx. You don’t play enough. You frankly don’t have the capacity for the played time required to see harder content down, because Classic is a grind check, not a skill check. I don’t mean that as bullying, it’s just true. Naxx has a fairly serious grind wall associated with it. Just about every guild that wants to see serious progression and kill all the bosses has already killed Rag.

You need to understand that you’re very far behind the curve and an overall outlier close to the bottom of the leveling bell curve in the current state of Classic. There are far more level 60 dungeons being ran at this point on all launch day servers than there are leveling dungeons.

Characters, say it with me CHARACTERS.

They did set a timeline. It was supposed to mirror original content. They have said that was their plan on multiple occassions.

As far as streamers liteally every streamer i watch was 60 within 3 weeks and each one was complaining about lack of stuff to do.

Exactly what proof do you have that metrics were the reason for the release or did you just make that up out of thin air to support your argument?

Twitch is to WoW what television is to football.

How many people do you know that watch football religiously and then get involved by going to actual games, and joining fantasy leagues?

DM’s Classic release is straight up inbetween the NA and EU launch. It came out a couple months after launch in NA, and on launch in EU. DM’s launch is mirroring the original release on a global level.

I run a guild of 200 and even our most dedicated members are just hitting 60. For the casual playerbase most are still 30-40. Your way off.

You clearly lack an understanding of scale and orders of magnitude.