Slow Down Classic Content Release!

When I was younger I was never really able to play vanilla as much as I wanted to mostly because of school and my parents where divorced so our computer was at our dads and we only saw him on the weekends. Now years later, I’m older and work a full time job, go to the gym, etc. but still play wow as much as I can, whenever I can but I am still not able to play the game as much as I want. Basically what I’m saying is that Blizzard should really think about the casual player more instead of the people who get paid to play wow all day or no life it. Now those same people are pressuring Blizzard into releasing phase 2 earlier even though they are already releasing Dire Maul earlier. I never had a chance to play this game as much as I wanted years ago and now the same thing is happening now. I really love this game and this is the only game I really dedicate my time too. So all I ask is that you please slow down the release of the new phases so that people who can’t play the game all day have a chance to experience the newer content at 60 as the new phases launch. Let the streamers, no lifers, and good farmers complain and let the rest of the majority catch up. I pay $15 dollars a month for this game just like everyone else and I think it’s crap that a small minority can push blizzard to do something that’s unfair to the majority. Also before people say “If you want to play causal, go play retail” your missing the point. I want to play the game I wasn’t able to play all those years ago in its prime. Not finally reach 60 and Naxx is out and or BC. Hopefully other players agree with me and thanks for taking the time to read this.


How about no.


How about yeah. Some people can’t dedicate their lives to the game.


Then move on.


Your clearly missing the point. I’m not going to move on from a game I love just because I can’t play it all the time. Your a prime example of the problem.


ITT: Person who can’t dedicate time to the game and wants content to be dripped out at a snails pace so that he can enjoy it when he hits level 60 in a year from now.


I am also ok with them delaying new content if majority of the active playerbase is not 60 yet. I’ve been playing A LOT since launch(about as much as I can with a day job).

Phase 2 is fine but new raid content should be held off until more players get to max level. That being said I’ll likely be 60 before phase 3 probably not 60 before phase 2


Probably gonna be 60 in a month or two. All I’m asking is to slow that releasing of content down and for Blizzard not to fold from whiny no lifers like yourself. I didn’t say wait for years either.


what content do you want them to slow down? phase 2 (which really only contains pvp rewards that can be done at any level) is likely out by the end of november and phase 3 in the new year. I’d say that’s a pretty slow pace and most players that started at launch and want to get to 60 will be level 60 by the time phase 3 releases

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I agree, slow down, I’m playing as much as I can. I’m fine w not being cap until after phase 2, as the Canofbull said… I think Blizz will slow the raid content down, this first phase is cing fast bc ppl do need more endgame things to do like BGs and HKs from what I hear… I never made it to endgame in vanilla, I was lvl 56 when BC came out, but I was not dedicated like I am today… This version of the games hella fun tho!! Can’t wait to play more than a couple hours on my day off! SM and RFD grind to 40 here I come!


Well if they are releasing dire maul early I’m afraid they will start releasing other content early and I know myself and some others that I play with almost don’t want to play if we can’t experience new phases as it comes out.


I always thought DM was originally going to be in phase 1 anyways. I don’t think you should take the release of DM as an indication that Blizz wants to push out content sooner. It’s technically not even “end-game” content

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“I can’t play all the time so I want you to time gate around my availability”

Sounds abit selfish, what about the lil ole granny in Arkansas that levels slower than you?


It’s just a dungeon, don’t worry too much mate, we’re in the same boat, I don’t want the content out before I’m to it either
… But I don’t wanna hold others up. I found a good casual guild with only a handful of tryhard 60s and majority of players 30s and 40s… Highly recommend finding a group/guild of ppl that play about as much as you and making friends w em, makes the game that much more enjoyable to not feel like ur in the back of the pack in a raising guild where everyone’s lvl 60 already and raiding

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What’s selfish is the people that can play all day then hit the forums complaint to blizzard that they are bored while majority of the player base is still leveling.


Majority has hit cap buddy.


That’s a negative.


After hit 60 gotta farm that bis gear boi, I’m sure majority of 60s can’t be that bored, idk maybe most bis gears easier to obtaian than I thought

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Not ideal but blizzard wouldn’t have released diremaul early otherwise.

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Lol nice name for female orc shammy!!

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