Slow Down Classic Content Release!

I’m sorry, if your most dedicated are capping late, that’s not a good thing. If you have staggered caps and can’t start raiding within 2~ weeks, expect your 60s to leave because your core cant support them in running content. I’m in guild management now as well. We had to go through a merger to keep the guild from hemoraging capped players.

I’m not playing in what I consider to be a particularly serious raiding guild, and we already have rag down.

No, I am so bored with no PvP I am gonna unsub like seriously. Bring on phase 3 as fast as possible, then after that take it slow.

It was launched in march 2005 in patch 1.3 according to google.

Also according to google wow launched nov 14 2008.

This means dm came out 4 months after release of classic. Its been less than 2 that vanilla had been out. Thats twice as fast. Ypu are factually wrong. And if they keep lettimg content out early its gonna be a problem for progression of normal people.

Uh… do you expect Blizzard to emulate the gap between raid drops too? Making us wait that long would see quite the population drop.

Also how are we abnormal if we’re already 60 and clearing content in 2 months?

None of my 60s have left and none of them plan to. I have a casual guild thats more in it for the experience than the progression of a 15 year old game. To each their own. Most of my members have full time jobs and kids. Nothing wrong with that. Many of them are raid ready, just not the minority.

Vanilla had a staggered release. It did not come out in 2004 in EQ, it came out 2 weeks after launch, and at 2 weeks back then, not even hardcores were capped. A MASSIVE number of the playerbase imediately had access to DM as soon as they capped.

It was Nov 23 in NA, and Feb 11 in EU.

Whats the point of rebuilding classic if not to rebuild the experience?

Google says your wrong on those dates. Care to explain?

None of mine ‘planned to’ either. Many players we assumes were gonna stay ended up bailing for this reason or another, when we were just shy of the count to fire raids.

Just wait until they’re sitting with their thumbs up their asses, pugging raids, and getting offers from other guilds who actually are raiding. This late in the scene, people want to raid. There are raiding guilds. If you aren’t raiding, you will hemorage and risk a guild death, unless your goals aren’t raiding.

Blizzard isn’t rebuilding the experience though. We’re on 1.12 balance patch and are using end-vanilla data for much of Classic. This isn’t true to vanilla, and it can’t really be.

This isn’t 2005 either. Players are far better and content is much more studied and experienced, it’s not going to take months for people to clear the raids. Even the stragglers.

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You need to look deeper buddy. Maybe the first google result doesn’t tell you all you need to know about the situation. Wikipedia has the proper date. Google has a generalist one and done date, but EU was not included in that window.

Every EU streamer and content creator talks about the release in 2005, and Preach has talked extensively on how DM was in at launch. Nobody on the EU forums is complaining, because it was out by the time the majority of EU players hit 60.

Nov 2004 - Wow launch NA/AU
Feb 2005 - Wow launch EU
Mar 2005 - DM

These are easy to find. The original launch dates are on the wiki page for wow.

Again. Nobody has left yet and i talk personally with the people that reach 60 and are ready to raid. Im not sure what your going on about but it seems a personal problem. Besides if people leave guild to do one raid and be content walled they werent very loyal players anyway and you dont want that type.

Nobody has left because there’s still a good chunk of things to do (even without DM, but especially now with it) and it’s only been 2 months. Do you think only having MC/Onyxia would be a good thing for a full 8 months?

Just wait. You’ll see. It doesn’t happen quickly. The seeds of doubt get sewn between week 1.5 and week 2 at 60 with nobody else there to play the game in guild. You need 40 players to raid. That’s no small number. You will lose bodies on the road to 40, and depending on your recruitment, you either beat the hemoraging pre-raid or you don’t.

Again, these players will be forced to pug the raids, and if they pug in with guilds, they will get offered positions. There’s a strong incentive as a 60 in a leveling guild to leave to play with.

Why would they stay guilded with players that offer them nothing, when they could be playing in a community of 45+ level 60 players, that are always running dungeons, raids, etc?

The whole guild structure changes between leveling and cap. You can’t retain 60s with a guild focus on leveling. It’s just not really possible. The 60s that do stick around are either saints or lackluster enough not to get offers to join other guilds.

Let’s try this again.

Link the source for your claim that Classic was supposed to mirror original content timelines.

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Guess its all saints in my guild then. Though i would call them decent humans.

It’s a video game. They don’t owe you anything.

Again, if they’re just capping, give it 2 weeks. A fresh 60 has good morale, and there’s still a lot to do. As they continue to progress at 60 over the next few weeks, they get funneled into raiding as the primary form of progression content, and either their guild supports them with the content, or they’re basically forced to find another guild to progress thier character.

Most people have some capacity for patience, and there’s a lot of content at 60, but it runs dry pretty quick.