Slime Cat forcing players into pug raids

You think there was an actual vote? I never got a survey.

Well remember that a few weeks ago they announced the 6-month mount. If they released this info before, that could have affected the subscription sales.

Personally, I have remained subbed throughout my entire game life (maybe one or two exceptions), but I know many people don’t keep their sub running.

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There is a thing called being honest and giving it an honest shot at it, it requires people more effort to cry about it on the forums that others are telling you howto manage your time than actually getting down to clear a normal raid.

Hey dude I love doing LFR. It’s actually probably the most fun I have in WoW. So why can’t I get the mount if I’m a paying customer having fun in raids?

Everything okay in your life buddy?

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What does LFR have to do with this, do you know that it actually requires more effort to clear an LFR raid than it does to clear a Normal raid?

aren’t there less mechanics in LFR? how does that work?

Bruh it’s normal, not asking you for mythic or heroic, it’s just like LFR to where it’s mostly fool proof.


“if you want the reward, do the content that rewards it” is not a new thing being implemented this coming tuesday

It’s a mentality issue with the playerbase, people join LFR looking for an easy win or mindless battle and end up wiping 10 times before they down the boss. In a normal raid people join willing to communicate and cooperate, if Raid Leader says “go to blue and pick an orb” people will do it instead of ignoring it.

One of the few times I actually agree with this statement.

LFR is doing the raid, kinda cringe of you to impugn the character of LFR’ers who put in effort to kill raid bosses.

But you just said LFR is harder than Normal, so then how is it easier?

idk dude seems like you need to figure out your argument before you post

??? I think you need to figure it out your English

They let players think it was coming from LFR for a while now, thanks to Wowhead, and waited until just a few days before it goes live to reveal the truth.
We all know they work closely with Wowhead and know what they’re posting, so they knew the misinformation was being spread and decided it was better to let people believe LFR would also reward the mount until today.


Dude come on I’m about to end your career…

so which is it boss?

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The achievement is in the game since 9.2.5, just look for Fated in your achievement search. Nothing has changed.

I was there when it was around. it had a list of different mounts to be added in-game for people to vote on. The spellbook, some sort of caterpillar, some type of nerubian related thing, the tree, and slime cat.

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my point is that this kind of news should had been part of S4 announcement months ago, while a lot of players still had a core of friends with sub. Instead of 5 days before patch launch, it was really unclear and there’s a lot of players that won’t play S4.


This is the greatest facepalm I have done this year, congratulations.

LFR is supposedly a difficulty lower than Normal, but raiding Normal is easier because people are willing to cooperate to win instead of just ignoring the other players and tunneling in their self absorbed shells and ignoring that other players aren’t bots, but living human beings.

At least this is better than the Barber Shop outrage threads, so we’ll have a break from them for some time.