Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

Its on a Normal raid. Calling Normals elitist is blatantly memeworthy.

Bait and switch is the worst part of this.

I didn’t. I am referring to the massive number of “LFR hate” threads. Everybody who started one of those threads is part of the “elitist segment of the playerbase”.

I guess you weren’t there. The length of the drought and the demand for that mount was something we have not seen since. So many carries were sold for it that it became a meme.

If a raider doesn’t want to use a mount because the immense number of carries sold tags everyone using it as a purchaser of carries, that’s not a “them” problem.

You can’t. But if you set out to piss off some of your most loyal customers by pulling a bait and switch on them, that’s a you problem,

Not pull a bait and switch like they did.

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I need a link to your source providing data showing that 100% of these players who started “LFR hate” threads were normal raiders.

Raiding is not “elitist”. “Elitist” refers to behavior, not to accomplishments. So someone who doesn’t even do content can be an elitist, a true believer in the idea that elites deserve more and those who are not elite are already getting more than they deserve. Starting hate threads about LFR is certainly an elitist behavior.

Maybe they should add extra rewards for doing it on the higher difficulties…

The tree winning was the true crime.

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Ever tried to get people for a in progress run? Nobody is gonna be signing up for that.

Lol calm down. Thats an impossible circumstance regardless if the notion is true or not.

I agree with you that LFR hate is dumb and elitist – but this slime cat change being elitist is a dumb opinion since most of the people who view LFR negatively, would probably also view Normal as not much better.

I voted for the Caterpillar

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But it wasn’t a bait and switch. It didn’t mention difficulty requirement in the achievement, so people assumed that meant it could be any difficulty, and then they clarified and said anything above LFR. People making an assumption then getting a clarification that they don’t like isn’t a bait and switch.

Yeah, can’t imagine why we assumed we could get it on any difficulty :roll_eyes:

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They get a title if they do it on higher difficulties.

Only 10% of players participate in Normal raiding and above.

Normal raiding is accessible to basically everybody, though?

Are you really buying a carry for normal?

If 90% of the player base is not raiding Normal and above, even if you personally think it is really easy, it’s hard to see how that could be categorized as “accessible to basically everybody”.

Even better, we could have gotten a Nerubian or a giant Caterpillar.

Just because (according to the youtube video I didn’t watch) only 10% of players raid on normal difficulty, it doesn’t mean it isn’t accessible. Heck, it is literally the 2nd most accessible raid difficulty! Players can do it, they just choose not to. At least it is very accessible compared to Heroic.

There’s no way it’s that low, lol

Current normal is basically old LFR. Probably even easier.

Lmao LFR isn’t a difficulty though it’s a tutorial.

When you want to enter a Raid their are only 3 difficulties to choose from, Normal, Heroic, Mythic. So yes “choose from any difficulty” means choose from any of the 3 difficulties available.

LFR isn’t difficult. Therefor it isn’t a difficulty.

I always get AFK and players trying to die, even on bosses that you have to purposely try and die, it’s why I only do LFR for the extra mount chances, or like in SOD the quiver from Sylvanas.