Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

Shut up.

I was trying to get the massive Jailer hammer. Still don’t have it, lol. But it looks cool.

You of all people should keep quite, we are trying to help people like you who barely even do LFR content.

Lol why? If I want the cat I’ll run normal. But in all honesty I just don’t care for the mount or for the expansion. It’s a whole lot of crying and moaning over something as simple as run normal.

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If you spend all your time around people who raid Normal and above like you, it’s going to make you think everyone in this game is raiding. But straight up, they are not. It has always been like this in WoW, even since the game came out. Blizzard themselves have said this multiple times. In fact 10% is actually pretty high compared to what the percentage of people who raid used to look like since the game was released, it has definitely increased since then.

or hear me out… its a way to funnel more people into the raid allowing more grouping and easier time getting into those modes. instead of sitting in lfr until you have 10 stacks of determination and then 5 wipes later you kill the boss.

But that requires effort

The number comes from guilds that have completed the raid with the number of raiders being estimated.

If you dont raid with the guild, then you arent counted so that number is completely bogus.

Even then, its characters – not players and the number mentions 10% to 20% without any nomination if this also includes LFR.

There are tons of casual raiding communities out there for all time zones. I advise people to look for one that fits them if you want the slime cat. Open the Guild and Community window (J) and “Find a community” one that fits raiding and what your looking for.

It doesn’t include LFR, it specifically says Normal and above.

It literally doesnt. But if it did, their number is basing off guild completion and estimated numbers.

Aka if you dont raid via guild, you arent counted.

they should have just titled this Ahead of the Curve S4. and explained that they are including normal this tier due to the shorter season - which is pretty much what this is.

they weren’t going to not have an AOTC this season :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Youre ignoring everything else I am saying, thr graph doesnt mean anything because its an estimated number based off guild completion.

I’m not contending that it’s only guild kills, but it doesn’t include LFR like you said, it literally says Normal.

And it doesnt matter regardless, because its a cherrypicked number. Only 10% do normals is a bs number especially with how they calculate it.

Why do you think that? I’m pretty sure even Blizzard themselves has said only a small percentage of players participate in raiding.

Because specifically how the article or Bellular calculates their number - it discounts people who raid outside of their guild

Not saying you are wrong, but is it possible they said only a small % participate in mythic raiding or some other qualifier is missing from that statement?

Have you considered that they might want to get more people into raiding with actual raid teams?