Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

I once ran SOD LFR, got a mount to get, less than a minute in half the raid was dead, we still got the boss kill. You can 100% go ‘AFK’ or ‘Oops, I got hit’ and still kill the boss. Maybe you can’t lose half the raid for all boss fights, but it does happen, I even caught people jumping off the edge where they can and those who truly do go AFK, now why would you purposely jump off the edge or run with the group to the boss only to not participate in the fight if you didn’t plan to AFK?

I’ve solo tanked LFR fights where swaps were ‘needed’, if you have enough gear you can tank through it either due to the other tank being dead, or being completely brain dead AFK auto attacking and refusing to taunt.

Let’s say you’re right. Let’s go about this logically. From a PR standpoint why would you revert form at the last minute? This isn’t some gear or tier piece where player power is involved.

Absolutely no one was complaining about this before. They had to have known that by changing this they would upset their players. Or they’re incredibly naive or they just don’t pay attention to their own players.

What was gained by changing it at the last second other than bad pr? Nothing

No one would have been harmed by getting it in lfr.

If they had left it alone they would have come out on top. It was not a wise choice


Normal you kind of do, it’s very hard to get into an in-progress run on a boss you need. It’s a lot harder then LFR

What did they change about the slime cat?

“We hear you so we are allowing fated raid achievements to be gained in LFR” - Blizzard, probably.

I will continue to stand by this choice. We already had bug mounts, flying inanimate objects, and cats.

Show me a single tree mount. It didn’t exist! This was the logical choice.


Honestly the damage is done even if they revert form they are not gonna get back all the good will that they had.

Blizzard really does make stupid choices sometimes. They could have just quietly let the mistake be a mistake and pass it off as purposely done

it’s going to be a joke to get. anybody who’s willing to put in the tiniest amount of effort for it will be able to get it.

Yeh Blizzard don’t care, they have historically never listened to the players during Alpha through to release and than sometime halfway through the expansion started making changes we asked for in Alpha, why would it be any different now for just a mount?

if players made a list of 100 changes they want and blizzard made 99 of them, people would still be complaining that BLIZZARD NEVER LISTENS


So you start your own group so you keep your lockout. LFR queue times (based on my latest SL experiences) are typically 20+ minutes. And if you, for some reason, don’t do the entire wing you pretty much are forced to repeat bosses, which is even more time to get to a boss you need.

I was thinking the same thing.

Yeh but really Blizzard almost never listen and never make the right changes we ask for when we need them, they mostly do when it’s too late. They have only really started listening more broadly after the mess they made with Sepulcher.

And this issue now with the cat, it’s a mount, it has nothing to do with anything in the game, it’s worse that it was one of the free mounts we voted for, it gives nothing, no player power, no progression help, it’s not going to hurt anyone in anyway if every player was able to get it, we all got the tree for nothing, They even allowed the tome mount to be obtained any time we want, another of the free mounts, everyone got the tree for logging in and having a sub, why this mount being time limited for only a certain percentage of the player base?

They even brought up the idea that this would be encouraging “friendship runs”, when actually what it has done is put the elitist segment of the playerbase on a “pure hate alert” to make sure we know that they don’t believe in friendship.

The overwhelming majority of Grove Warden runs during the long content drought in WoD were purchased. When you saw a player on that mount, you assumed they bought a carry. The people who had earned it never used it because it was tainted by that assumption. I even had a buddy on my friends list who kept posting the daily message, “Respect the mount!!!” after purchasing a carry.

The true treasure was the friends we made along the way, right?

I have done LFR and the half afk thing was about right. Last time I queued for Jailer about half the people died near the start of the fight leaving the half of us who didn’t to do the whole fight by ourselves. I was tanking and it was more or less a training dummy in P3 his enrage is just for show I don’t even think the boss can actually enrage on LFR. Took around 20 min for it to die.

I wouldn’t call everyone who is fine with rewards being gated behind Normal raids “elitist”.

Couldn’t the same be said about every AOTC mount?

And if a mount is only gated behind LFR you’re going to have the same people thinking it is “tainted” because it was obtained by simply running LFR.

You can’t please everyone. If someone doesn’t want to use a mount because of some stupid assumptions, then that is on them. But if blizzard wants to gate a mount behind Normal… great. Do the content for the reward, or don’t. I’ve accepted that I won’t get most of the AOTC mounts because I don’t have the time/patience to raid heroic any more, but I’m not crying that I can’t get it from the other difficulties.

This has not been my experience at all with LFR since I started doing it mid-Legion. And I’d like to see them AFK in Sepulcher, it’d be funny just seeing them blow up.

I’d like to see proof of this, because I only read of this on the forums and never have experienced it in game.

I’ve found my LFR experiences vary pretty heavily. There are definitely ones where a lot of players either afk or die early (sometimes on purpose), but more often than not the large majority of the raid is at least attempting a basic rotation and moving their characters if/when they realize there are mechanics in the fight.