Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

You would think that if it was ONLY meant for Normal and above, they would state that?


You can interact with people in all parts of this game. I have in LFR, and have just questing. Higher levels are usually just people calling out mechanics, and it’s usually just the raid leader.

Not always an option for people.

It also takes longer than an hour to get together and run a raid.

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I mean there has to be a point where you have to put some level of time into the game in order to reap rewards, right?

Raiding with ppl is not interacting? Some aren’t social butterflies and more quiet, but they’re still working together with 25 others. I think not everybody is the same socially, doesn’t make them bad.

It’s just normal mode, and the fights are going to be made easier by the Fated mechanics. I’d actually bet the prices go low because of the ability to bring many carries.

No, there are relevant mechanical differences between Normal and LFR. It’s still easy, but it’s not the same.

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Never said you have to be a social butterfly to raid normal, hell you don’t have have to talk to anyone. But queuing up for a person’s normal “slimecat” run is inherently more social than pressing a button and getting autopopulated into a group of randos.


They do, proportionally to the effort they put in. LFR is guaranteed victory. There’s little point in rewarding the ability to click the queue button, and at worst wait out a few wipes for Determination to overpower a boss.

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Easier? I heard fated is going to be harder because of affixes added. I mean, my point was one boss kill would be less gold than a full clear. My issue is I work nights, and can’t find a raiding team during the day. The difficulty isn’t the issue.

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The Affixes are all Kiss/Curse and are similar to the Season Affixes in M+ where they offer a big power boost after you deal with them. That’s going to make the fights easier.

Fated will basically let you play risk/reward. There are a couple new mechanics that you can either clear right away, get a minor buff, and the fight goes back to normal, or you can choose to manage them for longer and get a larger buff. All told, it’s mostly a buff to the players, even when the group isn’t pushing the risk portion.

Well, alrighty then.

I would agree except that making it Normal mode would not be the way to get much more token sales, as stated before in this thread. If it really was money-driven it would be Heroic at least. I know buying normal runs must happen at least occasionally, but there’s no way there is that big of a group willing to buy tokens to go through normal mode for a mount.

Not really. The season’s short and a lot of people wouldn’t have time to do mythic for everyone.

Let’s flip the script and ask why they would change the LFR difficulty inclusion at the very last minute? No one was complaining before. I can’t think of a good reason because all they did was stir the pot, and no company wants to do that to themselves.

Money is the only reason a company would go out on a limb to shoot themselves in the foot

What even was Blizzards intended path for earning rewards when LFR was first added? LFR was introduced in 4.3 which was way back in Dragon Soul, well and truly before Ion and his cronies took over the game, which was many many years before Ion started to funnel us all into raiding or bust.

What Blizzard originally intended to happen with dungeon finder and LFR vs. what we have now may not even be in the same play book, maybe Blizzard first thought to have higher difficulties in raid and dungeon finder but when Ion took over he decided it was his way or nothing because he comes from a super elite guild and maybe doesn’t realise it’s actually not that easy to raid.

Just look at Sepulcher and how much changes and nerfs we have had over just this short raid tier, his plan to get us all to raid is failing and whether this change for the slime cat was an actual change or just a clarification of what was planned, it’s still a failure either way.

The achievement said ANY, not Normal/Heroic/Mythic and it’s been that way since we found the achievement. To anyone who does not raid in this game outside of LFR it really does look like they pulled the rug out and are trying to force us to raid.

And yes, I do raid heroic, every tier heroic or better since heroic became a thing, every tier before that I’ve done the highest difficulty for every raid tier I have been here, so it’s not about me not getting the cat, it’s on principle that they have ‘clarified’ this cat not being attainable in LFR at the last minute.


You also don’t have to do the entire raid in one sitting…

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Because Blizz has been very sloppy this whole x-pac and likely didn’t notice the error or just didn’t care.

I always go the route of incompetence when it comes to Blizz.

I wonder how much a normal raid clear would go for? I can’t imagine it’ll be that much since there are always normal pug runs in LFG. I do think it should be available to LFR though.

I think you underestimate the amount of people that would buy runs simply to avoid pugs.