Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

When I bothered to run LFR I never experienced this “half the raid is AFKing” that the anti-LFR crowd seems to tout as the reason to remove it.


No one has. It’s a myth. It’s a reason to look down on part of the player base. Some people get off on feeling superior for no real good reason.


So because you personally didn’t experience it, that must mean it never happens? You feel confident enough to discredit everyone else’s experience?

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And? I already said that you can’t AFK in Normal PUGs without risking a kick.

As long as the Boss dies in LFR no one cares that some rando Rogue was just auto attacking and died right away. They res and move onto the next Boss.

after seeing how its not the cat i thought it would be it does not make it worth my time to obtain, even if it dropped from LFR.

i thought it would be looking like the pet.

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And? None of that means that they should have changed the tag on the mount.

Especially since heroic already has an AOTC mount.

Did no one else want the Absolem mount? Just me? Okay. :bug:

It’s a player-made solution that Blizzard is well aware of. Does no one remember the brutosaur? It was so obvious when they made that mount time-limited in BFA that they were doing it because they knew they would make a massive profit off of token sales as a result.

This company is just straight up greedy. They’ve shown it again and again. They claim that they’re “different now” and listening to the community more. But pulling moves like this just shows that is not the case.


Not saying that at all. All I’m saying is there’s a lot of hyperbole coming from both sides of the fight.

Do you have a source to cite here? Other than Warcraft logs.

To be clear I could care less if it comes from LFR as well. I’m more bothered by these posts that act like Blizzard killed their kids because they may have to run Normal instead of LFR. As if that’s an insurmountable task when Normal is barely harder than LFR.


Sometimes, Normal is even easier than LFR depdnent upon the amount of struggle bussing.

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I agree and if you’re a DPS you can get in a run much faster as well.

Yeah it’s not much harder. I did normals and heroics, but most of it doesn’t really have to do with difficulty at all. It’s barrier to entry.

The barrier exists mainly between people’s ears. They build up these excuses about being excluded but most don’t even try to get in runs.

Why aren’t you just planning on doing Normal runs with your Guild as a social event btw? That’s one of the perks of being in a Guild.

Maybe they are trying to promote players to try something a bit “harder” , hence more people try “normal” and see it isnt so bad… hey … maybe I could try low level M+ and so on. This could make the pool of people larger for those wanting to progress to higher level raiding.

PS. I havent raided since @06 -07 so I really dont know if the above is even 1% accurate … just throwing it out there rather than reverting to “Evil Greedy Blizz” (although deserving at times) as default. Anyhow. Take care.

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No it’s not, because LFR guarantees a spot. Pugging doesn’t.

My guild fell apart in BFA. Like a lot of guilds.

or it could be they want people to run the raid with friends and guildies?

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I voted for the book as well. Was really annoyed when they basically made it anyway but locked it behind the mage tower meta achievement. I’m never gonna be able to get that achieve.

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I’ve always been able to find a run when I want to PUG the current Raid. I may get rejected a few times based on what toon I’m on but I always get in one in the end.

If I’m on a DPS toon an LFR queue can be up to an hour at times or I can use the Group Finder and apply to different groups until I get a bite AND likely kill one or two Bosses before the LFR queue would have even popped.

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