Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

LMAO maybe after 4 or 5 stacks of Determination there’s the call to kick the low DPS but that’s super rare.


I voted caterpillar

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In other words you have no idea what you’re talking about. Good to know we got that cleared up. Have a nice day.

Never had an instance where you kick low DPS in a LFR. Only offline people.


A blue literally told us they hope we find a group to carry us though.
Tokens to buy one isnt that far off.


And every LFR I’ve been in kicks those who try auto attack or AFK. This crap about “LFR is just all AFK fighting” is a load of crap.

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Then explain how I’ve seen Halondrus die with half the Raid dead regularly. It happens all the time. It’s not a meme. The fights are tuned so low that all you need is a few tryhards to beat them.

If you are buying tokens for a normal run, you are getting sharked out of gold.

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I voted for the tree because Alliance players wanted a unique “Alliance looking” mount, so I helped in getting them one.

That happens in normal and heroic too. You can have the boss so far down that one person alive can make the difference. That’s a pretty common thing actually.

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20k for Normal that would 60k for 3 raids, but since it has to be all bosses possibly more.

I never said that wasn’t the case. The issue in Normal and Heroic PUGs is you’ll definitely be kicked after a wipe if you do the bare minimum.

Ahead of the curve costs 1 tokens worth of gold.
And thats just one boss.

For 3 whole raids id anticipate at least 5 tokens worth of gold being needed

AotC is also heroic and only around seasonal. Towards the end, they dip massively in price.

For NORMAL, if you are paying a token – you are being scammed immensely. Most runs dont even do normal raid sells because its not profitable.

And vote to kick can happen in LFR too. So the only things that are different here is, LFR gets the buff after a time. LFR allows everyone in. LFR isn’t the source of token sales.

It’s just a mount, that everyone got to vote on, that was said to be from all difficulties. It’s not better gear, it’s not the title.

Easy retag for Blizz.

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It is heroic but they still get 5 or 6 tokens every 10 - 15 minutes from it.

A raid clear every time is a much larger time investment which is why id be shocked if it cost less per raid. And theres 3 raids.

The anti-LFR crowd trying to push an agenda?


Determination makes that a much rarer event and usually only happens when you have some jerk in the group. The only kicks I see in LFR are after multiple wipes with little progress and with the power creep we have that’s rare as well.

No, for reasons less conspiratorial.

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That also happens in pugs though.