Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

“something something boosts, something something token sales, something something elites”. - every “casual” in 2022.

Because you only need to look at LFG to see that’s true.

Yes, they do. LFR has this reputation for a reason.

I voted for the tree too. Anarchist high-five!

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LFR has rumors about it that everyone copies and pastes. But you absolutely cannot do that. Especially in the newer raids.


You, however, die at the first possible opportunity and then afk.


I guess it’s possible, but I don’t subscribe to this train of thought.

Yes it was. This I agree with.

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I have never done that, ever.

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LOL of course you can. There are players just auto attacking the Boss regularly.

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And if they are just auto-attacking and they get a bomb on them, they die.

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Not saying you did, saying people do. I think we’ve all seen it, many times.

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The problem is that Blizzard last minute changed the achievement from any difficult to Notmal+. Its a scummy move.

The argument for tokens doesnt make any sense. They waited way way too long to change.


or you could play the actual game to know what a small % it is.

False. Those people usually wipe the raid and then get kicked.

These rumors and lies need to stop.


I play most of the game. I’m not sure what you are talking about. There is much more to WoW then popping open LFG.

And then they AFK while the rest of the raid kills the boss for them. Half of the group could do this and as long as there’s a few people actually playing, the boss will still die.


Not in my experience, but I’d love to see video proof of half the raid AFKing.


And that let’s them grab a beer while the handful of tryhards in every group kills the Boss.

You only need a few DPS and one healer who care to beat any Boss on LFR. The only ones who can’t totally mail it in are the Tanks and even then as long as one Tank is awake you can get away with the other one being a derp.

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Not true at all in Sepulcher and wasn’t true on N’Zoth.

Both tanks need to be conscious. Pretty sure swaps are still in LFR