Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

People buy 15s despite the fact they are trivial. Who cares?

Because carries aren’t free? Normal groups aren’t inviting players that aren’t overgeared/have AotC? These people who run LFR as their endgame aren’t sitting on piles of gold?

Blizzard :joy: they get more money for tokens with this :stuck_out_tongue:

Form. Your. Own. Group.

Step outside your lfr bubble for five minutes. It’s really not hard to get a normal group together.

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Add slime cat back to LFR! Make the right decision here blizz and undo the damage you have caused to the way we feel about your company. Its starting to feel more and more like the only thing that will fix this company is to wait for microsoft to come in and fire the bad decision makers. We wont be sympathetic if that happens after you continue to make BS decisions like this one.

Bud I’m a roleplayer on the Roleplay server. If I can do heroic anybody can do heroic. Its not even that hard. Normal is a joke compared to heroic. I’m only 272 because I have new stuff from the new heroic, and normal. I was only 266 before.

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Blizz rigged the votes.

They had this planned all along…

266 is still a good 15-20 ilvl higher than the average casual player who only did ZM and LFR in S3. It’s ok though, you completely missed the point. Plus you are not a good representative of the average Moon Guard player, nor nearly as nice (yes I have a character or two there).

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Lol I’m not nice because I’m suggesting people play the game and try to do something other than slap world quests? I play this fully casual I’m not dumping days of my life into content and still do plenty of non-content stuff. Rp. If I can do it, without farming up rep from ZM and having max leggos. Legit anybody can. Its not that hard and you have months to do it.

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Don’t be lazy.

u know u messed up when they hit u with that

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How does it feel to be wrong?

i mean, who is “everyone else” its like you and 1 other person saying that in this thread. Are you saying wow has a total player base of 4, possibly 5 people?

That’ll be because boosters aren’t actively participating with the community.

As an example: 100 people are playing, 50 are boosting cheating scumbag wastes of time and space; there are only 50 actively legitimate participants that are able to queue up and play together.

In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.

Slimecat was NEVER intended for LFR.

The achievment was made when LFR was not a part of fated raids. You cant lose something you never had.

What a phenomenal reach.

People buying tokens to run normal raids is really funny.

u rang…?

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You guys still think Blizz is your friend lol ? Its a business