Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

Hey! Yes. I ordered a pizza 50 minutes ago. It’s still not here…

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yes they are indeed a business

maybe google “ethical business practice” when u get some free time

hope this helps

Just the latest forced outrage.

Thats a good one… what happened to the cat then ?

Or maybe you could just not be lazy and get it super easily.
Normal is pretty close to on par with lfr or even easier because the lfr norms make it harder then it needs to be in lfr.

So why not put it on LFR and that’s it? It is at the same level as normal according to what it says, right?

LFR doesn’t deserve any rewards like that though. Get into a group and earn it. Loving how its normal or higher. Cleared Normal Tuesday, Heroic last night and might try for a few mythic monday.

I do it, through a system that looks for me group called LFR

why not?

Okay, well then stand around and watch others get the mount. I can show you mine after the next 2 resets :wink:

hey blizz decided to go full woke so i expected them to keep the mount welfare

Funny to me to cause they had a chance to free themselves of it after they got eaten alive by those same people they had been bending over backward for but instead they decided to crawl back to them and triple down yikes :grimacing:

Glad you think it is funny!

To 30 bosses over 3 weeks? if all they wanted was quick token sales don’t you think they’d make it drop from the final boss of each normal raid?

Heroic doesn’t give you the mount, just the title. Only normal gives you the mount.

The intended path is buying tokens :laughing:

Otherwise, just put it in LFR :person_shrugging:

I think you know that I meant the ones people were claiming were afk. I see a couple people on this forum claiming half afk but never provide proof of that and then admit they are the ones doing the AFK stuff.

And it’s not a problem. Vote to kick has always been there. I’ve had to kick people in dungeons (especially Timewalking for some reason) for it. Just vote to kick.

What does that even mean

I wouldn’t spend one peso on getting the Slime Cat mount! :joy_cat:

Well theres no slime cat mount for LFR and some of the heroic or mythic raiders might have to raid over Christmas so it all evened out somehow or in some way!
Add Slime Cat to LFR, and WowDevs why not talk to your Community of players about all of this!

I’m getting Slime cat come Thursday as my guild takes down heroic Jailer. And about 1/4 of my guildies I would consider Carrie’s.

I’m no mythic raider but I found a guild to call home and it works.

Get a guild that works for you, don’t be a tool in discord and you can earn that thing with friends.