Slime Cat Change is PURE Greed

They are always doing it, they earn 5$ more than with any monthly subscription per token, there is the slightest chance that someone will pay for content with the tokens they are aware of.

WoW = P2P, P2F, P2W and P2E

If all they want is token boosts, why not just make the cat drop from heroic jailer? a lot more people will try to buy / sell boosts. Who sells a boost for thirty normal kills?

Won’t be the first time something changed between PTR and release.

They want to incentivise more LFR players to try normal raids?

To prevent trade chat spam that it was already causing. Lets not forget why it was actually introduced. People didnt want to constantly see it – so they quarantined it.

And this change does pretty much nothing to increase the sale of tokens for subscriptions, matter of fact it would probably have the opposite effect.

You do also realize that the token can be bought with gold and is cheaper than a sub in some areas of the world right?

Increases the sale of tokens for gold for carrys.

Normal raid carries lol.

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or heroic, the difficulty is not the problem, the issue is that the LFR players are not interested in committing, and if they are, it is very likely that they do not have the equipment, or the achievements, that the community is going to ask for to let them participate in the pugs.

I literally ran a PUG with a bunch of people below 270 (probably half below 263) last night where a few people didnt even know mechanics. Got 9/10 basically oneshotting (a couple stumbles on Council and Sludgefist) everything until Denathrius. Its really not as bad as people write it out to be.

Literally the group leader had multiple 229 pieces and was doing fine. Realistically it seems no one cares what gear you have.

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God bless your good heart and that many others follow your great example, maybe one day the community will change through your example and others like you.

This was basically my experience as well. Our community listed for “new people welcome” in LFG got a full raid together, people learned the fights got down all the way to stone legion. We all had a good time, now we got new casual raiders for our community.

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which is why this is a sign of Blizzard trying to get more people to try normal raids and some will and will realise that it’s not tough at all.

:grin: I don’t know what’s more telling - that half the raid is AFK by your own admission or that you don’t realise that any AFKers is a dealbreaker.

Name the year they raised the sub fee by 1 cent. Now name the thing or service that has cost the same for that long. I’m not saying they don’t like profit but if every other commodity or service has increased in price in the last 17 years, why haven’t they taken the opportunity to raise the sub fee as well?

What?! You mean someone who’s done shriekwing, huntsman and sun king and quit for the night will only join a Fresh raid?! I’ve run a normal raid from Vigilant Guardian to Jailer and the only person who was in every boss kill was me. We must have cycled through 4 raid groups worth of players at least

Which is why gating slimecat behind normal is an excellent way to get some players to try normal out. Can you think of a single step they could do that would drive LFR players to try out normal? Other than meaningless stuff such as “Make Raid Good”

Yep. And they compared doing 30 bosses over 3 weeks in separate pugs to the Friendship moose, which just requires one boss and some nice people to carry.

Thats really all these threads come down to anymore. We’ve seen your complaints time and time again in multiple threads.

It gets old. Real fast.


and? deal with it, just like LFR players have to deal with not having the cat :stuck_out_tongue:

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Non-complaints like those pertaining to the stupid slime-cat take away from much more significant ones.

It’s annoying how many refuse to participate in easy content and demand rewards for sitting in your keyboard.

How is it greedy? Nobody has to buy a boost. Normal is a joke. I’m 8/10 for heroic, and the 2 I didn’t do on heroic I joined a normal and finished it ez

They will, because the average LFR player doesn’t want to commit, so they’ll pay to get carried, and they won’t go normal, since they’re going to pay, they’ll go straight to heroic.

I don’t see how this connects.

Says the 272 iLvL person with 11/11 Heroic SotFO. That’s quite a different from the average LFR player.