Oh I forgot to mention handcuffs, and a summonable bed. Warriors should get that shadowlands trinket as a baseline ability.
I didnt ask that, final verdict was always cool since wod and having something to help rets non existant mobility was nice.
Also for the millionth time, always playing at range is not the way, you cant kick you cant hoj amd your holy power generation is cut by half, cant make use of multiple nodes in both spec and class tree. Just because we can throw some attacks at 20yds doesnt make ret a ranged spec. You always wanna be in melee when possible, always
Unless you are scared of my 20yd. 250k final verdicts and 25k expurgation ticks
Not really a justification for allowing any spec to overperform right, ive been asking for fersl nerfs too. Im not those who believe “let them have their moment of op they deserve it”. That doesnt lead to healthy gameplay
Ret hasn’t been cool since they removed Empowered Seals.
PSA: While we are busy getting Warriors and WW nerfed, let’s not drop the ball and forget about MM hunters.
I think we’re all just too excited for BM to be going away we don’t care how insane MM is going to be.