Slicing Winds, Demolish, and Mortal Strike are out of control

That’s not very Mud pilled of you.

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All I want is for mortal strike to do a crumb of damage man

Mortal hug.

It’s been mortal noodle for far too long

Think back to early df.

Arms warrior got its tree remade. They put negative PvP modifiers on executioners precision and martial prowess while at the same time putting a positive modifier on base mortal strike.

11.1 retuned pve arms to work more or less the same way. They nerfed martial prowess in pve and put more base damage into mortal strike. So basically the way they have PvP modifiers tuned made the changes to arms more drastic, because mortal strike already had a +55% PvP modifier and they just buffed it by a lot. At the same time, the nerf to martial prowess is somewhat offset by the fact that there was already a negative PvP coefficient on it.

Marks hunter is the other one that got a bunch of changes but already had high PvP modifiers. However marks hunter modifiers are still 15% less on rf and aimed than 11.0.7 because they never merged the last buffs from November 26 to the 11.1 ptr build, so it’s technically still at 11.0.5.

U don’t get it man u wouldnt. An arms warrior managed to get a global off before getting rooted and it’s the end of the world

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I think CC being harder to break would be fine if we also didnt have a bunch of 2-3 second micro CCs in the game on top of main CCs like poly/trap/etc. Sitting 4-5 sec CC that is rarely broken feels better than sitting multiple 2 second ccs in a row imo. Now though we sit the full 5 second cc without it breaking and then sit multiple micro ccs afterwards. I really, really wish they’d just delete micro cc from pvp overall, and precog can also be removed along with that.

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Tested it in a duel. Broke on the second ice lance (non crit, non fof, etc) all ten times. I think it just stops splash damage from breaking it immediately. Probably will affect people standing in blizzard to not be polyd as well.

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Slicing winds is fine, Dorito will confirm.

everyone 1 shots everyone rn

patch sucks


You playing at all rn? I just hit a mage for a 3.1 mil mortal strike. 60% to 8% lol insta block. It’s very broken.


Mortal strike should hit mages really hard


I doubt a full set of Season 2 honor gear is going to make a difference. Some specs are simply over tuned, for example arms warrior. Feel free to defend it, doesn’t change the fact.

warrior and windwalker need this to be on par with feral druid and all rogue specs


No im doing navy stuff rn

and you could high roll 3 mill mortal strikes last season xD

(Need more arms buffs tho)

It’s not a high role anymore. I’m hitting for 2.4 mil non crits lol arms is deleting people


That should be the bare minimum ms hits for, it’s a giant axe icon it should kill you obviously

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It should not hit twice as hard as chaos bolt.

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It’s a giant axe, arms flavor text says overpowering attacks, makes sense for the lore

You neither. To nerf right now with season 1 gear simply makes no sense!

Personally I would also prefer when they would consistently buffing/nerfing the damage/healing via hotfixes, depending on the current situation, but we all know that they don’t do it. So nerfing now could simply result in more imbalance later on with gear.

Especially since I have made the experience from most shuffles, that healer actually can keep up with the damage. Some burst moments are weird and I would wish that slicing winds couldn’t crit for example and that remorseless winter wouldn’t tick for 1M+, but watch any higher rated player doing shuffles. A lot of rounds pass the 3 minute mark. Only when someone underestimates the damage, they flop!

And I mean, its off season anyways where you can’t push at all, so where is the issue to wait at least for honor gear next reset combined with the first 4-5 epics from the new season?

I am sure you also weren’t crying after DF season 4, when the expansion patch came in and Warrior/WW suddenly weren’t playable anymore due to the insane armor scaling! You probably told them to just make no drama in an off season and wait for the next expansion, right?! :slight_smile:

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