Sleeping better now "Noble Heroes" of the Horde?

I still love how it was the last part that was The Line. all those other atrocities? meh, brainwashing! time to rebel!

Posting in the Karen thread.


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Unless Elune is asking payment for a toll, they won’t need it.

This is proof that the devs can do whatever they want, so anyone arguing that High Elves can’t be Alliance need only look at this.

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Alpha changes. But regardless if they’re finalized or not, the intention of the writers is made clear by what they tried to do here.

NE’s seem to complain a lot even though the last 2 expacs have featured them strongly.

I’d like to see an expac that features the tauren for a change.
Toss some gnomes in there, too.

The same reason can be applied to all of them suddenly rejoining the Horde.

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My point is that no one can argue anything CAN’T happen because they make whatever they want to happen occur.

Oh they’re about to alright.

I think you’re right. They already had this a little bit, off center with Ashvane, I think her name was.

So now they do it with Tyrande, that’d make the alliance much more interesting instead of always following the horde around and trying to fix what we break.

This game could use 2 interesting factions. If both became morally grey with some evil acts thrown in, that’d be great.
Would breath new life into it.

Ragnaros? Yup, those were the days.

Cracks open Dire-Brew and takes a big sip

You act like we lost sleep doing what needed to be done.

They just can’t let Tyrande to kill Sylvanas and Nathanos … Even they gave to Sylvanas new powers from nowhere…
So now Teldrassil it’s not burned? Than an graphic update for our Night elven capital will be appreciated… !

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This change to the verbiage is just to make it fit when Calia takes over the Forsaken.

I’m ready to join a new faction, honestly.

Let me split off and join a Sylvanas Loyalist Faction so I can keep waging war and burning trees.

And let the Army of the Black Moon come along and try to stop us!

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Thank you. Very nice of you filthy Alliance.

I actually prefer the old Horde and the Alliance thinking us evil. This new Horde is not to my liking at all.

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Thank you. The victor writes the story. The Horde pretty much won with Saurfang being killed by Sylvanas, Sylvanas beating the Lich King and ripping apart the Helm of Domination, and the Alliance acting siding with the weakest factions of the Horde. So Sylvanas has written the history appropriately because Ion is basically Nathanos.

Im having a great time reading all of the hilariously sarcastic responses to the retcon about the Forsaken being the “tireless, unappreciated, defenders of life.”

I’m confused… if horde is played more, as what I’ve read from the forums, wouldn’t it just be a great Buisness idea to cater to them??

Listen if I ran a cafe and only a few people drank soy milk, I wouldn’t then go spend a large portion of my income ordering heaps, just a little to satisfy the select few…it’s just buisness you cater to the magority.

Yeah but then why didn’t they cater to the Alliance then when the Alliance was more populous?