Sleeping better now "Noble Heroes" of the Horde?

Hey I joined the Horde after the Alliance sent death squads to hunt down my people and burn down our homes, when your tree burned we didn’t even know either factions existed so yeah, we’re sleeping pretty ok.

I sense a disturbance in the Force. :popcorn:

Horde have always been protectors of the living, Alli are like misguided socialists striving for a utopia that doesn’t exist.

You really need to make 2 threads to attack players based on the writer’s decisions? Your garbage attitude is directed to the wrong people.


Well, actually the burning of the world tree was literally the centerpiece for the beginning of BFA. It’s just that eventually it was found to be one of the more unpopular concepts introduced to the game. Additionally, it tainted a flagship character to the point of no redemption. That character was something that could have been in continuous use to reap more profits. Instead, it is going to be transformed into a throwaway dungeon boss. I’m surprised that major shareholders haven’t had people fired or contracts rescinded over this.

I would expect horde players to be pissed because they are just being turned into the alliance with different color models and more focus in the story.

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To be fair Vulpera joined this War Crimes band late. We’re innocent and the heroes of this story.

Lets be real, if you Vulpera were actually there, it’s true you wouldn’t have been involved in the actual burning on account of you lot would have been picking pockets and stealing valuables off the dead you thieving little gypsies.


Heroes, taking a sip of tea, you say?
Your attitude displease me, i offer you a chess duel to settle our differences!

  1. A lot of players play on both factions.
  2. Players aren’t responsible for the writing.
  3. Alliance and Horde are fictional factions. I repeat: fictional.
  4. You need a serious reality check. You’re taking the plot in a video game far too seriously.

One person’s “genocidal maniac” is another person’s noble hero.
Such is the nature of war and the perspective on each side of the battle-line.

Also I get how passionate people can get about their racial/faction lore, I can sympathize. Heck I even have night elf alt characters myself, but come on…just play the game…if you like your night elf character, play it, enjoy it. This whole “Horde focus/bias” is such a dead horse, it’s been kicked so much, it’s probably risen as a forsaken itself by this point.

The horde was pushed into another damn civil war scenario, that I did not enjoy at all, but you don’t see my throwing a fit about it…also all 4 points made by Lokaa, couldn’t of said it better myself.

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The Horde was never a genocidal and pyschopathic faction. lul

War starts because our leaders are selfish, stupid, and make mistakes. Also it’s a game so Blizzard is going to make sure there are justifications for the conflicts that start anyways.

I think both factions are going to trade off their “Sylvanas” now. The Alliance is due for a Sylvanas next, probably Tyrande, and I imagine a lot of players supporting her like a lot did for Sylvanas.

Damn. I really love this game for that reason. Even though I disagree with Tyrande’s views and even Sylvanas, not many other fantasy worlds are like this in that regard. I mean in Star Wars it’s pretty clear that Sith are evil. Lord of the Rings, we know Orcs = bad m’kay? Warhammer we have each race just fighting over the chaos that is the world and what the Chaos Gods probably intended for a world with power to be sought from their magic anyways. I still see WoW as a Twilight Zone of morality in that regard.

I’d rather see people fight over Sylvanas’s actions than everyone mostly accept one view of them. It makes the community really interesting imo.

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Stop blaming the players for poor writing decisions ffs.

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We carried out a Holocaust two years ago. You can rush an associates degree in less time than that.

The kindest thing you can say about horde ethics, in peacetime and in war, is “it’s complicated.”

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“The Alliance killed the Zandalari King! I’m going to gank so many lowbie Alliance now!”-- angry horde player once upon a time… Did the playerbase make the story up or am I missing something? lmao

People really go too far with the lore. I’ve seen it all.


Yeah people get real passionate about their lore. Probably why I avoid talking about lore with people on the game. I’ve seen guilds tear each other apart for the stupidest things…I play both factions because I enjoy them, sure a lot of the BFA story I disagree with but its like when you watch tv, if you dont like it, change the channel. damn.

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not wrong    

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Sorry Horde, our story is not allowed to grow or change. To make alliance players happy all new horde characters will have the same intro to help them become better acquainted with how they are perceived by their alliance counterparts.

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Op seems under the impression I lost sleep over the burning of Teldrassil…truth is I didn’t because it happened in a game to fictional characters. If anything it was quite entertaining from both sides perspective.

hordes attempt to change

alliances reaction

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