Slang words

Slap yo neck, my dude

Try being a professor for a few minutes.

I’ve had students email me in what I’m honestly convinced is a different language.


Not a fan of “meme generation” at all to be honest.
The amount of people who can’t actually string a sentence together is horrendous, even people you have known for years suddenly can only talk in memes.

It’s like a hivemind where the queen is a some trolling teenager on youtube.

The worse thing is that is sells to so many people, so people you used to watch on youtube or other medias for their original content also lean towards “memes” for their future content.
It’s really sad the amount of channels I used to watch that I unsubbed from because they just became a rehash of the same stupid memes over and over and over again.

The more it propagates the more everyone, including those respected older companies, are relegated to follow along to continue to succeed.

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Yes, every age group (not even generation) has had its own slang growing up, but the observation (here and elsewhere) is the dramatic explosion and amplification of slang in the age of social media. And, increasingly, we’re seeing that continual generation of new slang incorporated into the anti-discourse of identity politics.

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Thankfully nobody mentioned pepega in that thread, gonna’ see how long I can get away with saying it before Blizz throws people in the Gulag for twitch emotes.

Should I ask, or is it something I should ignore?

From knowyourmeme:
Pepega (pronounced “peh-peyguh”) is a Twitch Emote featuring a distorted image of Pepe the Frog which is used to ironically express that something is stupid and is commonly accompanied by the slang pejorative “retard” and the words “FOR SAN” in reference to the Twitch streamer Forsen. Online, the emote is frequently posted in Twitch chats and the /r/forsen subreddit.

People are weird, lol.


Ohmygoodnessgraciousupsidedownies it’s just groovy keen over here you snerts. I gots me a knitting needle that’ll poke yer eye out!


I don’t care, and I don’t know why other people care how others type.


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No, it’s not local. And according to Merriam-Webster, its first known use in the sense of this verb goes back to 1846. The first known use of it to mean what Ashna thought the weather guy was saying “only” goes back to 1902.


Did you have to do that? Did you have to add the images? Gaaah.

Ok, I was wondering because I have always used the word because… it’s a word that means a thing and I’ve never thought anything of it until this thread.

Are we having fun yet?


They only “have a place” because they get adopted by the larger population/younger generation as time goes on. It is still stupid.

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I’m now at an age where I google (urban dictionary) what younger people are saying (LOL) but mostly I don’t use it. I just keep myself educated on it enough to understand what they’re saying and that’s all that matters, really :smile:

No it doesn’t bother me because language is always evolving, growing and everyone needs to be able to express themselves and they should always have that opportunity.

Especially when they’re being sarcastic and sardonic, right fam?

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no. it’s not just you. but it also has nothing to do with age.

anyone saying stuff like fam, lit, cringe, coolies, adorbs, etc…they just sound stupid, regardless of their age.


That’s what we’re supposed to do. It’s one of the few fun things we have left.