Slang words

Airplane movie made it funny:


Sorry, OP, but we have an ongoing competition going between the VFW and AARP for who can embarrass the grandkids the most.

Now pull up your pants and get off my lawn. And you need a haircut!


I’m fifty two, fam, and boy did I have to get lit to make it through that Game of Thrones finale.


Gotta love karma! :blush:


You youngsters are a bunch of copy cat hipsters… according to the dictionary…

‘Lit’ has been a slang term meaning “intoxicated” for over a century. More recently, it has acquired the meaning “exciting,” as well as a broader meaning along the lines of “excellent.”

No one knows fams origin…

Quit talking like your grand parents kids - you sound like a bunch of senior citizens.


Hush, whippersnapper.


Ya, that’s wiggity wiggity wack

No, it isn’t. Formal language has its place, to be sure, but so do the various less-formal registers.


It sounds just as stupid when the young people talk like that. It’s like they have zero education.

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Speaking of language and “did he just say that???” Our local weatherman last night was talking about some storms and said they petered out… I thought… did he just say that on tv? LOL It’s something you just don’t hear on the news/weather.

The last time I got the yeets, I went the doctor, and he gave me some pills to get rid of it.

I am legitimately confused. I use that word, while not a lot, some. Maybe it’s a locale thing, idk.




  • 1.decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end:“the storm had petered out”

What is fam? And does lit still mean drunk? Sorry for not being hip to this…

It’s a cycle, for sure. We forget that we had our own slang growing up, and our parents hated it just as much as we hate the slang today. We can only hope that they grow out of it. Otherwise, it becomes fair game to say ironically, to embarrass the young’uns and make them realize the error of their ways.


I’m 32 and I talk how I want and will continue to do so.

But don’t worry, us older people usually have more class than to adopt words like “bae.” You guys can keep those.

Language does evolve though, and there’s nothing wrong with adapting (at least to the words that don’t make you sound like you licked one too many paintbrushes growing up).


fo shizzle :sunglasses:

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I just like language. Sucks to be you. Have a pepto-cringe-all.


I think you’ve got it backwards…

I find it cringy when words that my generation created and coined, are used by younger people…

A good example is all the prominent gangsta rap culture, 420 and other drug-culture, pimp-culture, and player-culture (aka. those people flashing money/success around… today know as flex/beast-culture) related slang, which all were mostly coined during the 90s but are still heavily used by and plastered by 12 year olds across the internet or such, and are still used in 2018/2019 by the latest popular rap/pop artists, etc.

Even words like Fam and Lit are words which directly evolved from 90s slag, as Fam is essentially the modern variation of Homie/Bro and Lit the modern variation of Cool/Dope/Fire.


I’m 63 fam. I’m glad I’m reading this while lit. Get woke and deal.


He has a nice rant about soft language (euphemisms) and then he centers on the progression of language for shell shock tracing it’s continuing softening all the way to PTSD.

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