Sl rets aren't that good

I’l apologize for making the assumption. I’ve had the argument with a lot of people about ret aura who don’t full understand how it works. And while I still disagree with some things you said its unfair to clump you in. I never think someone should sack themsleves for the buff though. So maybe I should of made that clear. I’m glad your interested in ret. Assuming tuneing goes well rest of beta I’m very excited for sl ret.

I think empyrion power should just be baselined.

I don’t like that they nerfed the proc chance. We need helping smoothing out our rotation and this change does the opposite. I really wish they would nerf our burst window just a little bit and buff the other 90% of our playtime lol.

I like ret but it’s so close to being an absolute blast that it’s frustrating. Lol


I would rather divine purpose be baselined. It has a pretty long history with the spec, and I always hate choosing the other two talents that are on its same row.

Both? Haha. I also think divine purpose should be baseline. I feel like it’s a bad choice over the other two in the row but I like the smoothness it adds with the procs so I’ll just end up picking it anyway

Plus the minor skill involved in grtting your judgment debuff on before just slamming the key lol


oh I didnt mean both. I just meant divine purpose, sorry if that was unclear.

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No it was! Sorry I wasn’t being clear lol. I meant maybe they could just baseline both! if I had to pick though I would choose divine purpose for sure

thats a bit much imo. theres value in being able to opt out of rng proc based gameplay, but I personally feel that divine purpose is generally weak enough to have baselined without feeling like your dps from pull to pull is a roll of the dice.

ret is more fun to play outside of wings with divine purpose.

personally, I will go for full procs if I can, but its not necessary to force that on everyone.

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Understandable. I think they do need to do something to smooth out our rotation during non-wings windows though.

I’m fine with downtime if I’m playing poorly. But if I’m playing my rotation well I shouldn’t have moments where I’m sitting there with nothing to press imo

according to caperx SL ret feels pretty close to MoP ret, which can only be good news.

and ive heard from multiple sources i respect that it plays pretty nice out of the box, even before any borrowed power.

ret is one of the few specs people are saying that about so i feel pretty good about that.


the “feedback” here and the HoW discord is complete different…

We have echo chambers here while on the discord there’s some conversation going on and some people agree that we’re in need of more atention on every aspect.

Have at it, praise each other as you will… it’s kinda of futile to talk in these forums.

That said, I formally leave this thread by saying this:

12/12m raiders arent the owners or masters of any truth within the game… you will never change that otherwise we would have another korean mmorpg with a real slow progression.


Came to the same conclusion. I don’t claim that the guys and girls over at HoW know everything, but they care for the spec and call out the problems in a decent manner.
Discussing in this forum is absolute waste of time.


What ret in SL needs:

Re-organization of talents, we should not have holy power spending debuffs/buffs at 3 different brackets in the tree.

Steed: needs to ignore snares/roots. We are riding a horse after all.

Less focus on wing damage

Rework of mastery to make it more interesting. An idea I have is for seals to return and have mastery effect them.

Keep the bfa cd duration or shorten them, increasing dps ability CD’s is not a good way forward.

A defensive cd that only works for the paladins that actually helps.

Cons snare talent or the prots steed pvp talent would be nice.


I mean saying that conduits, soul binds, and covenants will fix the class makes no sense. The class should feel complete without any borrowed power and then should be expanded upon with the addition of these systems. So saying “with covenants their problems are addressed lol”, is just a bad point because the class should be finished without any of these systems imo.


This is the point I’ve been trying to make to people ever since they introduced Artifact weapons in Legion. Leveling felt pretty “meh” because classes relied on them. This is just an endless cycle with the direction Blizzard wants to go with the game.


seals have returned technically. In conduit form

Which is a joke. They shouldn’t give our OG skill return as a conduit.


I mean your welcome to go play classic. If you want old ret. They are adding in cool stuff like this and people still are complaining. Classic ret and bc ret was 3 buttons. The games gotten a lot more complex. We have gotten so many W’s in slands and everyone’s ignoring it. They have given us a lot. And they literally gave us a way to have command back in some form. It is 100% better then nothing.


Number one rule of the WoW forums, people will find a reason to complain about anything. Want proof? Go to the warrior forums, some of them are actually complaining about heroic throw, because it doesn’t feel “heroic” enough…

I change my mind after todays testing ret needs some damage increases. Idk if it was conduits or we got nerfed. But everyone wasv doing a lot more then ret today. Single/aoe


I was looking at skeletor’s testing, the seal of command damage was pretty funny.

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