Sl rets aren't that good

I wish someone at blizz would either acknowledge or deny the “Hybrid Tax”. I would feel so much better knowing that going forward I am, word of god, supposed to role up a 3 DPS Spec class to DPS.

Pretty sure it was officially denied. Well not “denied”, it was indeed a thing in earlier stages of the game but they dropped that design direction a long time ago. And I think (not sure) Ion also not too long ago mentioned something about it not being a thing anymore.

Typically there are some off-healing abilities and group support from the “hybrid” classes but that no longer means you should be doing less damage than the “pure” DPS classes, they have their own share of utility.

Conduits across specs seem completely unbalanced right now - like different people designed them with wildly different ideas of how much impact they were supposed to have.

For example - havoc’s builder (demon’s bite) grants all their other damage abilities up to +17% damage.

Warlock has a conduit that buffs both chaos bolt and incinerate damage by up to 10%.

Meanwhile pally conduits seem like they are tuned to give more like a 1% damage increase…


Savix seems to be enjoying ret pvp in SL beta lol.

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Savix is also the one that likes Ashen Hollow and thinks it’s great. Big nope from me.

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Its a baby step in the right direction.

How true that is.

Tuning passes aren’t done until the end. And if for some reason ret comes out on top they’re going to nerf us into oblivion.

An instant gap close is huuuuge.

Crusader aura affects raid groups… You do realize that you can use a mount in AV right or any bg? You are buffing your teammates.

i dont want classic ret in regular wow. I want WOTLK ret which was objectively stronger than BFA ret. Divine storm was an actual weapon attack that does the same thing as templar’s v erdict but better.

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You have a spell called Blessing of freedom. 20 sec cooldown. You can cast that and cast divine steed to get out of bad without being snared.

Yeah, like that’s so super important in BGs, when you’re going to spending most of your time off your mount fighting.

And with a comment like that, it shows you don’t care about the class, because you should know how bad that is.


So you cast one spell and wait for the gcd and waste time for gcd to finally cast our movement speed ability and have another gcd.

Now lets look at warriors Charge can spec into 2 charges and leaps at least one of the warrior specs can spec into a double leap if the 2nd one is used fast enough.

Monks basically has 2 charges with their chi torpedo and then their dragon kick that carries them quite far.

Dh’s 2 dashes and a back flip. Ohhh yea a double jump and glide.

Dk’s well they are as bad at speed as we are.

Shamans they have ghost wolf which wont break roots and can be purged but they move at base 40% faster and they have talents that increase the speed of ghost wolf at 1 stack per second stacking up to 5 times.

Mages blink and if talented 2 blinks.

Warlocks have to pre plan their escape with gates and a portal that will teleport them back to where they drop their teleport. Ohh and monks have this ability as well.

So yea movement is an issue for paladins.


Ret is by far one of the worst DPS specs on SL beta right now, its not only that our covenant abilities suck, but its also the legendaries, bad talents and conduits compared to other DPS specs, its really a bad joke and insulting how some players here are defending the current state of the spec on beta, you guys must be trolling at this point.


Yup. I’m contemplating a reroll at this point and might really consider it. I don’t feel the spark in me anymore.


Shadowlands ret is looking like one colossal dumpster fire. Its been apparent for years that the devs have no clue what to do with ret paladins.

And to add insult to injury every video I’ve seen of ret has been idiots who have no clue how to play the class. People not putting BoJ on their bars, over capping hopo, its just frustrating. And we’re probably past the point that any significant changes will be made.

Perhaps if we started a go fund me for the devs assigned to paladins to pay them a living wage they might actually do something decent with the spec. This is beyond disgusting.


At least spriest looks a bit better to me now. At least one spec I can reroll to.

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Sadly, many of us are in the same boat. I just don´t have it clear which class to reroll.

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I don’t know, I’m actually looking forward to a certain Legendary, Soulbind and Conduits.


Like I stated before, hes a troll; hes trying to push his agenda to nerf pally. Just look at his character, its not even lvl 60 on classic and he doesn’t even have a max lvl pally on modern wow.


BY THE LIGHT! What would Uther say