Sl rets aren't that good

devo doesnt stack and its raid wide. No reason to switch to it if someone else is using it. It’s not really a skill to swap auras before somee dies. As some scenarios players will get 1 shot. And you wont see it coming. It’s not like every death is ticking down. And some deaths you can 100% see coming. But rets skill is more lay on hands timing on others, heals, Bops/Freedoms instantly on others while mainting high damage. Thats the real skill of a ret. Also the 3% is very negligible. You wouldn’t really notice it much having it off or on.


Wait, isn’t that be a perfect time to swap? Like Maut’s one-shot mechanic? I didn’t do any mythic raiding this tier but I know it’s very strict on what mechanics you can or cannot fail just because of the sheer amount of damage that failures can produce. I find that I do feel like I can watch death tick down in some groups, maybe I’m a jedi.

3% over a 5 minute fight can be pretty significant if as well as 30% more damage and damage redux if you can switch at the right moment.

I want to clarify quickly by the way that while I like Ret Aura, I still wouldn’t mind if it was changed to something else. That being said, I don’t think Ret Aura will differentiate good Rets from bad ones, but I do think it could create that stereotype if people allow it to do so. I agree that those who strictly stay on Ret Aura might be the ones outed most as being bad at the spec since they aren’t providing any sort of Aura benefit to the group, only oneself.

I still don’t think Ret Aura is as bad as people seem to make it out to be. I don’t think Ret Paladin in general is nearly as bad as people on here seem to think. It at the very least seems fine to me, and I don’t think anything is going to change my stance on that at the moment.

Idk to me thats just a common sense thing. Personally I wouldnt mind different types of auras like the silencing aura switching to that for silences effects and back for others would be fun. Just not a damage one. Also because of how auras work now its just unrealistic. A prot pally or Hpal wont care about losing ret aura for a fight so uless rets your only paladin swapping isnt that big of a deal. But that 3% in most scenarios wont make or break a fight. If it was higher that would be different. In raid you always want at least one hpally. 2 is ideal most tiers tbh

I genuinely do not see how it would be any more inconsistent than just popping wings normally tbh. Like, if you are aware of how Ret Aura works and make the conscious decision to swap to it at the right time, you are expecting to get a damage boost. That’s hardly inconsistent when you’re the one who has to pay attention to that in order to receive said boost. And it can’t be any less inconsistent than the passive we already have available to us right now.

Not going to touch on whether it’s good or bad design because I treat those claims the same way I treat people saying something is bad writing. That is, it’s more of an opinion than an actual fact. Fact of the matter is that I have my opinion and I’ve spoken it. I’m not saying anyone has to agree with me or anything, I just think people are being a little too negative about Ret Paladin in general more than anything.

…Not to say they don’t have the right to feel negatively about it, of course.

I think they should just change Retribution Aura to just a flate 3% or so damage increase and call it day. It would be kinda similar to how Monks bring a 5% physical damage increase and Demon Hunters bring a 5% magic damage increase.

Then have Crusader Aura provide a 15 to 20% run speed increase. Then you’d have 3 different usable Auras to use and switch to during encounters. Have a fight that involves the need for a lot of movement, use Crusader Aura, have a fight that’s basically a dps check, use Retribution Aura and a fight that needs a bit more survivability, use Devotion Aura. Or switch between them during different phases of a fight as needed.


Hear hear, I agree or… convert a % to Holy Damage. That would also be cool.


Honestly? I’d be down for this. This sounds cool.

Great ideas.


The reason you might not understand or see it. Is because It doesn’t have a negative effect on you. And I don’t mean this in a disrespectful kind of way. As theirs plenty of ways to play wow. But some players play this game from a competitive standpoint. And playing the game/your class at the highest levels is why the abilitys unhealthy. The passive we have now is just as bad as the new ret aura and has been the main critique of top ret players. They are both extremely inconsistent and I wish they weren’t in the game. I actually think this new ret aura is worse. As its basically Vision proc from people dieing. Now you don’t have to agree that’s fine. But it’s something that doesn’t effect you. I agree that a lot of these posts are negative. But their reasons from what I’ve seen are lack of understanding or issues with them thinking rets bad because of them not being able to play it well. I’m a big fan of Slands ret and they have taken a lot of steps in the right direction. Ret aura is just my biggest crtique. I think if reworked the majority would not care. And the top end players would be thrilled.

convert or adding additional damage as holy damage sounds cool, like making everyone in the group have seal of righteousness, cept it effects spells too.

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Ret in cata was squishy but had strong healing every 10sec and 1min saving life Sacred Shield, we need this back.

Delete the pure trash that is healing hands and slap cata sacred shield there, or baseline for ret.

Idk why they gave save by the light to hpal when they have ultimate sac already. They don’t need another death prevention spell. We, rets, do in pvp.


Truth? really? attacking others is “truth”?

yeah sure it’s “truth” there humble guy.

Oh and I strongly think they shouldnt tune stuff around folks like mostly you (what are you 1-0.5%? cuz now that we know you’re not humble)

You’re full of nothing but yourself there, your echo chamber isnt speaking for me and never will, it’s like invoking preach here speaking for me.

Still waiting to see what the attack was.

Who said he was humble, and why would that matter at all in the context of the discussion we are having?

who said it should be?

those two things are not related

I fail to see how one guy coming into a thread full of people with no actual gameplay experience lament the state of ret in SLands and telling people its actually pretty good is an echo chamber. Further, nowhere did anyone state that their opinion spoke for you or anyone else.

Also the only one who brought up preach was you, so im not sure what your hangup here is.

If you want to talk about it all you have to do is say whats on your mind, you dont have to make up strawman arguments out of thin air.

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It was there until seals were removed.

Ret Paladins have been decent throughout BFA, even before Visions of Perfection.
The mobility hasn’t been buffed or nerfed anymore than normal (so I agree it isn’t good, but it’s not worse).
Blessing of Seasons is hot garbage. Divine Toll is actually a solid ability, even for Rets. Boring doesn’t mean bad or useless.

You either don’t know what you are talking about, are spreading misinformation, or only like one particular playstyle for Ret (namely most DPS inside of wings window).

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how is it solid if its only a judgement every 1min in single target?


There comes a point where just discussing the changes gets to a point of becoming depressing. If anything changes at this point I’d hope it will be Retribution Aura. Everything else I’ll find a way to make it work. Been doing so through our highs and lows.

I think All Covenant abilities should have being like Divine Toll or Vanquisher’s Hammer. In that they’re not game breakingly powerful, just a little extra flavour. Things like Seasons is just too much IMO, as it provides not only stronger dps, but also utility and survivability the others don’t.

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Not sure if you have already seen it, but the guys from Hammer of Wrath discord found that Divine Toll’s damage has been buffed by 100%. Seems to be quite decent now, especially in AoE.

Oh the irony.

I wasn’t saying that ret does 0 damage. I think rets do good damage and that it’s a strong spec and I’m thinking of switching to it as my main in SL. I was just comparing the EXTRA damage from AW to the FULL damage another class does.

Again, let me reiterate as I’m sure you don’t understand.

Let’s say a ret and a rogue are both doing 60k dps. If ret gets 8 seconds of AW then let’s say damage goes up by 40% to 84k dps. In 8 seconds that’s an extra 24x8 = 192k from AW. Rogue FULL damage in 3 seconds would be similar - 180k dps. That’s all I was saying - that it generally doesn’t make sense to let someone die for the aura as I saw suggested by someone.

Now, I missed that ret aura gets buffed from 8 to 12 seconds by a later level upgrade. And yes, with the badge legendary equipped that can extend the duration further. I also take your points about how strong ret aura can be in raid environments, particularly during progression, and that there are cases where you can’t control whether other people are dying.

I pretty much agree with everything you said except your inaccurate and dismissive characterization of my post. I’m also encouraged that someone with your accomplished history with the spec thinks rets are looking good in SL.
