SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Each Covenant also has a ‘base’ ability everyone gets.

There is a base ability and a class specific ability

If covenant abilities were to go live as they are now you would have to be really stupid or absolutely clueless to not take venthyr, or at the very least night fae. Those movement abilities will always be good in any content no matter what it is.

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Exactly, which is the detriment, because then there is no choice, you have to pick venthyr or else you won’t be invited to content because not having the teleport means you are holding back your party or raid, and people will always remove detriments

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I don’t know, the Necrolord one looks pretty dope for tanks. Though that’s just me though. :thinking:

I guess I did not hear about that one:

It also sound OP for soloing, unless it won’t work in Torghast?

Venthyr Special Abilities
All members of the Venthyr Covenant receive one signature ability and one class combat ability. The signature ability is the same for all Venthyr, while the combat ability is different for each class.

Signature Ability Door of Shadows** : Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location. 35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 1 min cooldown

Hmmm, might have to wait and see how good/bad that is. Is it great or is it just like the void elf teleport thing?

It works in Torghast, Preach posted footage of him using it as a shortcut there.

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I feel sorry for anyone who would rather maintain four of the same class than not be absolutely optimized to perfection in all forms of content as dictated by Google. How is such a person even capable of having fun in this game?

All four covenants will be fine in all forms of content. It’s not just about the abilities themselves, since we still have no information on the soulbinds which will themselves be transformative and used to shore up each covenant in different areas.

In other words, stop freaking out.

Yikes, it’s def the worst one yet… by far.


There’s a difference between choices mattering and a choice being the blatant obvious “choice”.

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Considering all you do on here is complain about how much your mythic + experiences suck I’ll believe it when I see it.

Reasonable people know that in content that isn’t the world first race or MDI, you don’t need to be optimized to complete the content. You need to be good enough.

The goal should be for any covenant to be good enough for any content. “Optimal” is a distraction.

If you choose to be a meta sheep, you still have made a choice.

This statement always confuses me… you know that locking the covenants provides infinitely less choice right?

don’t they also get a reduced aggro range during fox mode? not sure if it would be stealth level or not but it could still help with some skips, not as well as Venthyr though that’s for sure.

I have a rogue, and a hunter, and a druid, and a mage. OK so the mage is 5 minutes invisibility, but still it’s better than nothing.

Honestly if I get kicked out of a key with my rogue, druid or hunter because I did not choose a specific covenant than I probably won’t ever run another until dungeon skips are sorted. If Blizzard places a specific ability and players want only that, they need to fix the abilities otherwise it’s basically an admittance to their own failure.

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lets get real here tho

that damn venthyr ability is almost powerful enough to justify picking the damn thing over all the others purely based off that

I’m really looking forwards to gouging someone then teleporting away and grappling hook out of render distance

or laughing at anything after hitting them with chains of ice then popping up on them on a UH DK

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clearly you don’t

and you won’t be taken

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ooft shots fired

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Even then, having to role lock based on Covenants defeats the entire purpose. We are all witnessing Azerite 2.0 with this where Blizz is insisting on “wait and see” then we’re a patch in with a multitude of rage threads, and they have to spend resources trying to backtrack with a “we take player feedback very seriously!!”

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i dont know if this was supposed to be like some kinda sarcastic “gotcha!!!”

but this seasons affix was literally created because rogues were literally mandatory in every key

but i guess it’s easier to just not know whats going on at all and post bad thoughts anways!!!