SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

if this was true, then why aren’t warlocks mandatory in m+? after all they already have a 40 yard teleport with only a 10s cooldown.

now, granted, there are some cool skips you can do if you do happen to have a warlock or rogue, but not in every dungeon, and its hardly make or break for a group except for people pushing for top 1%.

and thats just needing 1 person out of a group of five to be a particular class.

so if we’re not seeing that kinda behavior on a regular basis now, when only 1 person is needed. what chance do you think the majority of people are really going to bother with it when you need all 5.

sure you might see the odd group running all venth comps, just like now you see the odd group insisting on a warlock or rogue, but its not going to be the majority.

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Yea guys we can’t have any fun cool abilities because it might inconvenience the top 1% of the player base, Blizzard needs to make sure everything is tailored to the raid and mythic+ communities and don’t even think about making fun things for everyone else because it might suck for them!

It’s not that at all. It’s that one ability is beyond amazing like the Venthyr teleport. The kyrian ability is a drink vendor! A DRINK VENDOR. Just let it sink in how bloody unbalanced that is.

This is Kyrian: Call your steward to bring you a Phial of Serenity that can be consumed to restore 15% of your health and remove all Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed Effects. ITS ON A 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN

This is Ventyr: Wend through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.
35 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 1 min cooldown

At the very least they need to make other signature abilities not be complete trash, but even then Ventyr will be leaps and bounds superior.


To be fair the phial has 3 charges on a 1 minute CD. Still no where close to Venthyr though. What will make me really laugh though, is if it’s on the same CD as health pots or health stones.

So people will stack this in pugs just like stacking void elves which has a similar ability or night elves which is by far the strongest?

Of course the obvious design change should be to not make so much skippable trash which is what gives all of these abilities so much power in mythic+.

After all, you would think they would want the challenge to be in overcoming the hard packs not how well you can skip them.

Unless you’re pushing really high keys, it doesn’t really matter. People are blowing it out of proportion.

Out of the presented abilities, is there really a choice? That teleport is good for A TON of things

You can choose aesthetics over being the best

So the choices are being a Fox and Instant Transmission? When there’s supposed to be four viable options…

Meanwhile, blink still doesn’t work.

I’m going to pick the self-healing ability.
OMG! Now I will never get into a +2! Even as a tank!

Stop overreacting.

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Just looked it up and it’s basically the same thing as the void elf racial that I’ve never heard a peep about being super strong or broken for mythic+…

Except it isn’t, this can cross gaps and go up or down levels, it is heroic leap without restrictions on movement on a 1.5 second cast, your choices are an unlimited heroic leap, Druid cat dash with blinks, a mist weaver monk bubble, or a health potion, the teleport is so much more powerful than any of the rest that it is kind of insane

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Ok, since most of the SL dungeons aren’t in right now let’s use BfA dungeons as the examples.

Where would this gap crossing teleport be used to make the dungeons so incredibly easier that void elf can’t also do or night elf doesn’t also trivialize with shadow meld?

You are missing the point then if your basis is that certain races can skip trash, not everyone is a night elf or void elf, everyone will feel forced to use the venthyr ability since it is able to skip to such a great degree, you will be declined from groups for not having it, for example: Freehold M+ 10 venthyr only for bridge skip to last boss. People won’t invite anyone else because they can’t skip the 2 trash packs you have to kill to fight Harlan. People will always push a meta in game, and if you don’t also use the meta you don’t get invited to content, it’s the same thing as the current raiderio requirements or cloak requirements, you lose out for not being as optimal as possible, can you make your own group? Sure but you lose out on just being able to jump right in

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What I’m saying is people can already do that right now and nobody does because it’s not worth it.

This is more boogie man stories just like you can’t get invited to any groups if you don’t have the right essences and corruptions when literally nobody forming pugs inspects your essences or corruptions (30 man tank cheese not withstanding).

Except in the shadowlands where everyone no matter what they are playing has access to this really powerful bit of utility will be expected to run it as it is, preach put it this way, if it goes live as it is you will be seen as trolling for not using it because of how powerful it is, to the point that you will be hurting yourself if you use anything else. We shouldn’t be promoting the system as is as it forces people to make the “right” choice according to community demands, not the choice the player wants to make, im all for sticking to one covenant on each character I have, but I would like to see the abilities be separate, so that people aren’t feeling like they are stuck with a covenant they don’t like so that they can compete, and so people who choose a covenant they like thematically don’t feel bad because they can’t compete because their abilities aren’t the god tier utility/damage of the BiS covenant, which right now, is venthyr

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Wait. Everyone who chooses this covenant gets a Blink?

So… Blizzard… what was that about taking Gust of Wind because “it’s too much like mage blink”?

Wait, we have simultaneous other threads with other covenants being too strong like DH warping behind people (night fae) and Hunter dpsing through los

Or how we have had threads on how necro lord shield is OP especially for tanks.

But now everyone has to be venythir as well?

Can also bring a warlock (gate) or rogue (shroud) since you’re screening all your applicants for covenant?

Except this is the point trying to be made by the community, in a world with these different abilities, none of them are as good as the venthyr ability because of the fact that fights cannot be designed with covenant abilities in mind, so there will never be a fight requiring the necrolord shield or the venthyr ability, which means the shield isn’t nearly as good as the teleport. The DH ability to port to people through LoS is mainly a pvp thing, the shield is good yes, but the venthyr ability needs to be changed so that abilities like the shield and the Kyrian Fox thing can be utilized, and they all need to be untied from the covenant choice, heck even putting them on an box you have to go to to swap which abilities you use is fine, as long as they are interchangeable, or the point will still stand that people will be punished for making the “wrong” choice

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