SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

You literally just said you want to be able to swap covenants.


That’s exactly what I want, I want to pick the covenant that I like for each of my classes without feeling punished for picking the wrong one, I want to log in and have fun utilizing the system blizz puts in, I don’t want to log in and feel regret that I’m using covenants purely because if I don’t I won’t be able to compete at the level I know I can because I wanted to join a covenant that was cool thematically, vice versa I don’t want to log in and feel like I’m losing out on fun thematics because I was essentially pigeon holed into one covenant otherwise my character would be disadvanted in content,

Edit: I think I repeated myself here but if you have a brain you will understand what I was trying to get across

No I never?
That’s exclusively talking about the abilities. I never said I want to be a Venthyr and then swap to Night Fae.

You don’t even know what you’re arguing over at this point.
The whole argument isn’t to loosen the restrictions between swapping Covenants, it’s to pull the Covenant abilities out of the Covenant and let us pick between them while still being tied to one Covenant.

You even acknowledge this because you said only “fluff” would be left.
Which is somewhat ironic because you said you wanted more RPG elements but then yo call transmog, soulbinds, stories, character, mounts, aesthetics, etc etc “fluff”.

You don’t want meaningful choice at all.

You just don’t have a personal issue with the system so you think it’s good to go. You’re not appreciating what it’s going to do for other players.

You won’t be punished. Just pick the ones you like. It’ll be fine, I promise.


Yeah man, you won’t be punished for playing Affliction warlock in Mythic+ right now.
Oh, it’s fine to play a Fire mage on classic for MC.
You’re a priest? sureeeee you can play any race you want, Dwarf Priests aren’t the best.

The game totally doesn’t have a history of unbalanced systems, whats that? Corruption? Oh, just pick the traits you want, it’ll be fine, promise.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Those two things don’t go hand in hand sir.

I enjoy french fries and burgers. Doesn’t mean i’m going to eat McDonalds every day and say I hate it simply because I like fries and burgers.

CLEARLY you like something about BfA since you’re still here. And played every season this entire expansion.

I wont sit here and say BfA is a good expansion. Because there was a lot I disliked. But to imply its as bad as you are, with how much you actually play it
just doesn’t add up my guy.


I don’t judge the aff locks in my guild I bring to 15s

That’s because other classes carry them.
They’re still dead weight.

I do fine as Affliction.

You’re talking about an outdated system that’s been discarded in the modern era.

If I played a human priest in Classic, no one’s going to turn me down. Who in their right mind would turn down a good healer just because they picked a certain race? People can’t be that picky in Classic. You’re also forgetting that Horde does just fine without any dwarf priests.

You actually can do that now. :slight_smile:

Any class that isn’t a UDK is dead weight now.
Oh wait, we’re not doing +25s. Every class is viable

Well, i don’t know about you, but i’m looking at the over covenant abilties here that i quoted, and i’m not seeing where it punishes you.

I could see the Kyrian one being sort of useless though, like that Garrson vendor from spires of arak, And Night Fae kinda sounds better then the Vethhyr ability, where you not only get teleport (ala Blink), but increased movement speed.

Though speaking of Venthyr teleport, i can see this one being a lot of fun to use with targeted teleport, though something tells me it will be limited via what your character “can see” (Via pathing), so if theirs like a big hold in the ground and in the middle of it is a little platform, i can’t simply just click on to that and be done with it if it doesn’t allow me too.

Didn’t Blizzard confirmed that you can change covenants but it will be pretty hard to do so?

Oh it’s no problem. :slight_smile:

I digress on paper it’s incongruent but believe me. If I wasn’t already so previously invested in WoW, and without the current pandemic, I would not be playing. BFA S1 I got gladiator just before the season ended because I could and it was easy for me, and was very little investment, and did it over a two week period during school break. BFA S2 I recognized DHDK was an overpowered comp and wanted to achieve rank 1. So yes, I played a ton. BFA S3 I got gladiator just before the season ended again, just because I could, with friends and for the FoS/mount. And now I’m here because of a pandemic. A function of ambition, boredom, and previous investment into a game I’ve loved (and still do)!and grown up with. I just wish it was better.

I still haven’t purchased shadowlands because I disagree strongly with the direction blizzard has taken with game design and the intense focus on lengthening time played instead of producing a genuinely good product. Doesn’t change or denigrate my opinion (that seems widely shared) that BFA is THE worst xpac yet. I can view things from an objective lens, and arguably having a lot of playtime just lends credence to my statement.

Edit: You can see long gaps in S1 and S3 between hitting challenger/gladiator and Elite/gladiator, respectively. S2 and this season are the ones I have actively played.


Except it won’t be fine, you will be punished, let me give you a real world example, let’s say you race cars in a series, you get to choose things you can modify your car with within the rules of the series, there are four mods and you can only choose one, here are the mods: 1 a turbocharger for your engine 2 a set of top of the line brembo brakes 3 an engine that can make 400 more horsepower than the base allowed engine each car can use 4 some cool decals to make your car look good, what you are saying is that you can choose the decals and still compete when the obvious answer is that the turbo and super chargers are good options but clearly if you don’t choose the new engine then you shouldn’t even bother racing

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I don’t know anything about cars. But if I was a top competing NASCAR player, yeah I’d min-max. If I’m just trying to drive on the road to get to work, I can go with just about anything that works fine.

Too many of you think you’re NASCAR drivers.

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no, no you can’t. :slight_smile: There’s a pretty limited BiS list of corruptions you’d want to go.

You didn’t really address any of the points I really made though, just attacked the fluff of my second post.

But since we’re talking about class balance now, I ask you to consider this.
Why is it that the worst performing specs are by far the least played?

Arcane Mage, Affliction Warlock, MM Hunter, Feral druid, Sub Rogue?
Is it
A) They’re not fun
B) They’re not optimal

I think we both know the answer to this, I encourage you to contemplate why you suddenly think Covenants will be any different.

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Except you are still missing the point, the crossover here is that everyone no matter whether it’s racing or gaming, wants to have fun and be as competitive as possible, you can’t do that if you have to gimp yourself for the fun or feel bad if you choose purely min max

 not to take your example literally
 but where’s the Suspension and Tires? I mean, isn’t handling important to better handle corners and brake though all that? :man_shrugging:

Also on the aesthetic side, where’s the spoilers and paint?

I’m heading to bed now. I will just close and say that you can pick any covenant you want. And if your guild and/or friends give you grief over it, then they’re not good people and you should look elsewhere for true comrades. The system is fine and I’m totally looking forward to it.


The only people defending this seem to think that blizzard can make a fair and balanced game, the problem is that blizzard have shown through the past and 15 years that it isn’t possible, which is fine to an extent as long as it’s solely the classes themselves, since the diversity of the classes and specs makes them inherently impossible to balance, but when they decide to force players into systems that are unbalanced in a major way a la bfa azerite armor, corruptions, essences, titanforging, legion legendaries and weapons, and so on and so forth. Those things have always caused discontent among the player base because they have all been unfairly unbalanced. So the player base yelling blizzard this early on that “we see where this is heading, don’t repeat your past mistakes” is entirely needed, we don’t need the few of you saying to trust blizzard they know what they are doing, when there is evidence that no, when it comes to their vision for a grand system, they don’t foresee the problems it will cause and stubbornly hold onto it until they are forced to admit they could have done it differently and it would have been better.

Edit: don’t take this as hate, I love this game, that’s why I’ve invested time and money into it for 12 years, this is me trying to raise awareness to help steer the future of the game into a healthy direction, at least a little, because I want to continue to enjoy the game, I don’t want to see it fall further than it has already

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