SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Coach for an aspect of the game I don’t do?

Whatever man you’re not even worth my time. I pity whatever real life relationships you have you truly are insufferable and talk way above your pay grade about things you know nothing about

Again, you think BFA is good. Indicative enough of a room temperature IQ in itself


Because people who are pigeonholed to one type of content will play the game less, expect less content, and lower their standards for what there is.


Teleports are cool and all, but what are the other abilities that covenants have?

hmm… :thinking:


  • Kyrian - Summon Steward: Call your steward to bring you a Phial of Serenity that can be consumed to restore some of your health and remove all Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed Effects. Your Steward additionally offers access to a selection of useful amenities, each once per day.
  • Necrolord - Fleshcraft: Form a shield of flesh and bone that prevents damage equal to a portion of your maximum health. Standing near the corpse of a defeated enemy when the ability is cast will create a larger shield.
  • Night Fae - Soulshape: Turn into a Vulpin, increasing movement speed. You may reactivate Soulshape to teleport a short distance forward.Additional cosmetic forms can be earned and collected through a variety of gameplay.
    While out in the world, this effect has a short duration before it wears off, but lasts indefinitely while in a rest area.

Well crap, Fleshcraft will just make my Frost DK even more virtually unstoppable. and pretty fitting in theme-wise. Sweet. :slight_smile:

(Also Sorry for accidently repling to you Trustlevel400, it was going to comment about how i think it’s good that it’s difficult to change coveants (and how i’m glad theirs a way to change at all cause this isn’t an offline single-player game where you can reload a save) but i changed my mind halfway though and started talking about this. So i’l commit :stuck_out_tongue: … it’s really not much. :confused: )

You can change your Covenants, but it will be difficult to go back to the one you were previously on.

Good. In my opinion i’m glad for that. Not just to change at all, but not make it easy to change willy nilly and still retain the element of choice and weightyness of that choice you made. :slight_smile:

At least I don’t have 3700 posts of pure garbage rofL

I’ll keep an eye out for you whenever mes and I discuss actual DK topics maybe you can ban me on sight simp

No, I’m saying that everyone should just pick what they want, for whatever reasons they want. If they think they need to be “optimal” min-max players like Method, they’ll just have to sacrifice the aesthetics they like to do so. Or, they can pick based on what they like aesthetically, and still do fine regardless of content.

If it’s that important to you, then pick the min-max covenant.

Your Mirror of Torment ability will work fine in PvP, Mythic, Raids, and everything else.

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You’re about to get reset to 0, I’ll keep my high score though

Except it won’t, you are just nitpicking to keep your argument going, this system as is will be the next Azeroth gear or corruptions, the game doesn’t need anothe pigeon hole system where people will feel the need to have four mages because they each need to be in the covenant best for each bit of content in the game otherwise they won’t ever be able to enjoy playing anything outside of what that one covenant optimizes the one spec in their class for


Is that not what you’re doing right now?
Implying Blizzard needs to change covenants to suit you and what you think its necessary?


I will be a Night Fae Warlock and I will be doing everything in the game.

“Hi, my name is Noobender. I hate BfA so much that I grinded 880 3’s to 2600 rating. This game is garbage and sucks so much.”


Azerite and corruptions were both good though

My words are just falling on deaf ears at this point.

No, by nature of the ability it is going to be much stronger in PVP than anything else, but that’s not the point.
If you hadn’t noticed I wasn’t talking about min-maxing anymore, I specifically steered the conversation to be about fun.

Mirror Images in PVP? Yes please.
AOE channel in PVP? Doesn’t sound that fun.

Mythic+? It’s the opposite.

You’re just going back to your selfish hypocritical point of view.
You’re picking your Covenant based purely on what you like. I am asking to be able to do the same without being punished, and you’re telling me no! I must make a decision even if it huts me.

The only difference is I actually care about my performance where you don’t.

I do not want the Covenant ability to be another talent row. You have said those very same words.
You’re championing for something that you don’t even want just because you have some warped sense of reality in your head where you think everyone is going to be running around having a great ol’ time.

Wake up buddy, the system is going to be a mess.

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That’s fine for you if you don’t care about your performance, because you are literally admitting that you don’t care if your performance is subpar you care more for aesthetic, other people care about their aesthetic but also care for their performance, this is after all a game all about optimizing performance, all you are arguing is “too bad, sucks to want to enjoy all aspects of the game in a competitive manner”

One can enjoy wow and playing with their friends and understand that BFA is objectively awful and the worst xpac yet, especially paling in comparison to other xpacs. Not difficult to grasp. Been here since vanilla my guy


It’s not just me, it’s all raiders, all pvpers who have ever set foot in a rated arena and won a game, anyone who cares at all about having fun in the game, the only people who disagree are those like you who sit on the forums trying to make everyone else as miserable as you are

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You’re arguing for wanting to swap covenants nilly-willy like it was no more than a talent at a rest area. I just don’t agree with that.

I’ll be performing as well as I can with my chosen covenant. I have a guild, and friends, that won’t ridicule me for picking a certain covenant. I’m not sitting here pretending I’m Method and that I need to “sim best” or “squeeze that remaining .01% DPS out of something”. I’ll be doing content regardless of how things go.

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When did I say this?

I even explicitly said this is not what I wanted.

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You don’t do those things though so how would you know? You’re a classic player. You don’t do anything in retail

What’s wrong with just picking what you think looks cool?

Theirs thousands of other people and more to fill the role you want to fill, so i wouldn’t worry about Keenu Reeves here going God. :man_shrugging:

(yes, i know his name is Kreivos.)