SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

I’m basing everything I’m saying off the OP. If you want to discuss MDI, make a new thread.

I know i’m a bit late to the party but, do we even know if its going to function the right way as a teleport? Do we have a proof of concept here in a shadowlands dungeon? Or heck, even in the world content?

People giving criticism or outright complaints are usually different people so they won’t all think the exact same. Each move aggravates a different set of people.

No, Blizzard homogenized classes because they were sick of people stacking all of one class (shaman primarily in TBC) and every group needed a token shaman for bloodlust in Wrath. Cataclysm they extended it to include mages so the availability of critical cooldowns like bloodlust was higher and making groups was a bit easier.

There’s a huge difference between the two you are not noticing. You pick a class because you like the flavor and fantasy of it. That fantasy gets eroded when you realize a lot of the classes operate the exact same which is why they began to branch them out a bit more with secondary resources and locking abilities behind certain specs. The issue is it was handled poorly in so doing because there was no reason as a mage you forgot how to fireball because you specialized in frost. Just as it made no sense as a rogue you forgot how to gouge someone because you decided to dabble in toxicology.

Covenants are something outside of the class that Blizzard stated they designed with the idea that you won’t feel obligated to pick a certain covenant. Except that goes out the window when one is just blatantly superior to others.

Don’t frame a decision rooted in aesthetic with it fundamentally affecting your gameplay is the whole thing. My criticism is more the outcome vs the stated goal are wildly separated which boils back into my repeated claim on other threads that Blizzard truly has no clue how to make interesting content or make it engaged with unless it offers some ridiculous reward that grants you power.

Yes, I want things not pertaining to your class that were pitched to us as being balanced in a way that you wouldn’t feel required to pick one based on the content you engage with and could pick one based solely on the aesthetic appeal of it.

We learned this issue back in TBC with Aldor and Scryer which is precisely what covenants are an advancement of in idea. You picked one based on which one you wanted to work with. Until you saw the rewards and it was like “Wait, I’m a combat sword rogue, Scryer offers me nothing for this unless I wanted to go daggers for mutilate. . . Well guess I’m going Aldor for the 1h epic sword.”

No argument there. If it was simply a matter of which story you saw the most of, along with some non-progression related goodies … I think very few people would be complaining (someone will always complain).

But, as it stands, it is still “terrible in practice” because of how they’re executing it.

That would be horribly bad. Because what if someone likes hte visuals of Kyrian, but its built for PvP and they don’t engage in PvP. It would also feel like a non-choice. Because if you want to PvP, you’re going to screw yourself and your team unless you go Kyrian.

That small extra boost of power could be the difference between you grabbing the flag and getting it safely back to your side.

Spud … that’d only be true if the choices were all within a 4% variance of each other in power. If I have 4 choices and one of them is a “you know, taking this Covenant is the same as taking no Covenant.” then that’s bad game design.

Any designer who thinks that is kosher needs to be fired.

Being better in certain content due to a story based decision is asinine. lol

It makes it a non-choice. Great. I get to be a freaking vampire all expansion despite hating literally everything to do with them. I’d like to have proper choices… Which Blizzard promises will be a thing with the additions of the other systems.

But as it stands now? No. Bad.

Edit: To elaborate the Venthyr teleport is currently looking to be a bit busted basically everywhere while the others are all fairly lackluster. The night fae ability is pretty nice but the Kyrian one? Seriously? It’s not even in the same ballpark.

Make them all useful in their own way? Sure, great, but again… It is currently bad.

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I would not mind if they got rid of the covenant abilities. It’s great that they are adding new features, but these specific ones are not everything to me. I am loving the look of the zones!

Always felt that racials should be disabled in Mythic plus dungeons, because otherwise, I would have still had my original arcane torrent since The Burning Crusade to Legion.

Why not disable covenant abilities in Mythic plus?

Because disabling the big feature of the expac in end game is dumb. Imagine if we had azerite and essences but they disabled it in end game content. What’s even the point in having them then.

This is still tuning to me.

Venythir - make it a travel not a port and a 2 min cd.

Kyrian - make it 25% hp and dispel magic as well.

Necrolord - instant rather than a channel. 30% base rather than 20%.

Night fae - probably scrap and redo because it’s already too similar to veynthir.

That’d go a long way towards balancing them for sure.

I do kind of like the night fae one as it is but unfortunately the character that I want to use it on’s class ability is the most tedious and useless thing ever.

Oh well. :confused:

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thats the z axis.
and the majority of warlock skips that exist BARELY fit at a 40 yard range, 35 yard range would reduce the number of viable skips even further, and thats assuming that any of the m+ dungeons have layouts that even allow for skips like that in the first place.

given the choice between all 5 members being able to have their optimal covenants and simply bringing a rogue warlock along, or sacrificing dps/tanks/heals etc by forcing them into a non-optimal covenant for sub-par skips… which option do you really think anyone competitive would choose?

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The one that let’s people skip pulls entirely obviously. Just like mdi. No one plays a class that can’t either feign death/vanish/shadow meld

If Venthyr skip is OP in mythic plus, why not just bring a warlock? gives whole group a venthyr skip (actually better)

All that tells me is that Mythic + is trash and should not be in the game if something that small is going to break it.


Venthyr teleport signature ability door of shadows is going to best for most PVP and PVE.

I predict fleshcraft immunity will be nerfed in PVP and most players will gravitate back to venthyr port. :thinking:

Warlock gate is effectively a fast movement over that ground. Venthir is a teleport to location without covering the ground in between. So any mobs you would agro if you walked you would pull with a gateway. Also you need a path to put it down. Venthir won’t pull mobs in between and you could use it to get to snapping spots etc too

Hunters are essentially getting Black Arrow back with Venthyr anyway, from what I understand. Can’t wait to be a grimdark, evil, brooding… little fox thing. :woman_facepalming:

WoW’s been this way at the top end since the beginning, though. For the longest time DPS needed to know all their specs and be ready to switch and possibly even regear at a moment’s notice, patch to patch, based on nerfs and buffs. It is what it is.