SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Yeah but Blizz thinks they can wage a war against min/max. Sadly that is one fight they are going to deeply regret. :thinking: :100:


Hahaha they’ll never win. If they designed the Poop Knights faction, which rewarded brown turd-inspired armor you couldn’t transmog out of and the title Crapmaster, but it also gave a flat 10% damage/healing/tanking increase? Org and SW would go brown so fast… :joy:

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These diablo B devs don’t understand how important min/max is to the greater WoW community.

They will be surprised on launch day when there are addon scores for people picking certain covenants, soul binds and conduits. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Yeah, as proven time and again much of the playerbase sees the problem before the World of Diablo3craft devs do.

I can already predict what’s gonna go down: 99.999% of serious players go Venthyr at launch. Venthyr then gets quickly nerfed to the ground. The playerbase revolts.


All I know is that I have my popcorn ready. I was called a chicken little for calling BFA a flop before launch due to Azerite armor. :laughing:

Shadowlands should be renamed Systemlands: Venthyr as it is more appropriate with what will happen when shadowlands hits live. :thinking:

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I can think of a more appropriate title for Shadowlands if the covenants aren’t balanced better before live that starts with S, but it would probably earn me a forums vacation :wink:

Honestly tempted to hit cap quickly then wait for a month, just to wait for a balance pass. It’s honestly inevitable. Venthyr is super broken. Night Fae, the covenant that screams Druid, is horrible for Druids atm. Balances are coming.

I’m just surprised it’s not happening earlier, as in right now on Beta, after early Legion and literally all of BFA.

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You seem to be missing that the general covenant ability is only part of the overall package you get with the covenant; in some cases (perhaps many), the venthyr class ability is significantly worse than other class covenant abilities (for instance, necrolord warlock is much stronger than venthyr warlock at the moment.) Certainly, “99.999 percent of serious players” will not be going Venthyr.

Is 35 yards enough to skip something without pulling them? 35 yards means you need to get 17.5 yards close to them without pulling to skip

I think agro range is 20 yard from what someone said but you could still skip just not in a dead straight line through them. Have to do it at a slight angle. Still easy though

And then the final step is in 9.2 or so when they open them up or something which is what players have been saying they should do for over 6 months.