SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Not subpar if you wanna excel in other things
Whatever house gives you the extra arm in pvp isn’t Venthyr

So you understood the point but decided to try to disagree with it even though you agree with it, beautifully flawed logic on your part, have a cookie.

You’re IL 451 with terrible progression. Ppl wouldn’t invite you no matter what house… find a guild, They won’t mind what you chose

I don’t play live, I play classic, all of my points stand, your arguments thus far are just attempts to look down on other players baselessly


That’s irrelevant. It’s all about perception.
Just because you’re not a Mythic raider or in the top 5% doesn’t mean you don’t care about having the best talents or a BiS list.

I find it enjoyable to do the most DPS I can do, or to rebuild my talent tree to fit a new scenario.
Maybe you don’t care, in wich case does it hurt you in any way at all if they change the abilities or loosen up the restrictions? does it? No, it does not.

It’s not a numbers issue… not even close to just being about a numbers issue.


“I don’t play the game. My opinions don’t matter :)”

So you enjoy the trash fest that is BFA, that makes sense then, you’re arguments are already invalid.


See, this is the type of reasonable person you end up arguing with on the forums.
Complete waste of time having discussions with people like you.

You can know a system is bad for the game and not play it.

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It affects me, because instead of an actual choice, looser restrictions will just be like another talent row. In which case, why don’t they just add a talent row? How dare something be different


Such a pleasant thread this has become…either way there has been enough stink and feedback between youtubers and forums on this I can almost guarantee there will be nerfs and or disadvantage to this in future alpha builds.

Then I suppose you better pull out those calculators and spreadsheets, and come to a tough decision.

I like the fact that it is going to be a tough decision. The game has sorely needed RPG-style choices for a long time, with benefits and consequences. If you guys had your way and covenants turned into something no different from a talent tree to change around in any rest area, they lose all meaning.


It’s either people with a realistic view who get spit on for speaking the truth, or people trying to spit on anyone who says something they disagree with even if their base of argument is flawed to begin with

It effectively becomes no choice and doesn’t matter.


BFA is a good xpac. You wouldn’t know though considering you don’t play it

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Exactly, why don’t they?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with talent rows.

Just because it’s different does not mean it is good.


I’m not trying to disagree, I disagree.

You’re making up some headcannon fallacy that players are going to add even more gatekeeping ontop of what we already have simply because Assmon told you so.

Its really not that hard to apply some critical thinking.
Some people might require Venthyr for their M+. And you wont get in if you don’t pick it. Boo hoo.
Join another group? I’m sure they aren’t all going to be like that…
And if that is the case, create your own group. Build and push your own keys.
Start your own raid. Make your own raid group.


Exactly what I’m saying

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People in my random +10 or +15 (or whatever the big box one is) yolo keys are gonna be whatever thing they want, same as now. Plenty of non-meta specs, talent choices, gear setups, corruptions and nonsense as it is in BFA without this to worry about. What kids do in the absolute highest end means nothing to me.


This guy is cooked


Says the one running the same 5 arenas vs the same team comps all day.