SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Live WoW is nothing like Classic.

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Thing is, specs are easily changed and are a fundamental part of your character. So generally you can change them to suit the content. Covenants are different and everyone will know that you can’t easily change them. They also don’t impact your character that much, so anyone denying someone based off covenant choice are just being foolish.

None of us are Method, we don’t need to worry about min-maxing to that degree. Just pick what you like and enjoy the game! Anyone that would ridicule you for your choice isn’t worth playing with.


Yeah. Let’s be runescape too. You wanna be a mage, Druid, DK, etc all in one toon? Now you can :smiley: oh wait that’s not how things work and WoW is allowed to be different .

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Night elves and Shadowmeld matter a lot actually.


Everyone will be able to participate in all forms of content regardless of the covenant you pick.

If I chose Night Fae and my PvP buttons became greyed out or something, you might have a point, but that won’t be the case.


Essentially the current way the system is going will force players to make a choice,” I’m either going for aesthetic, or picking a covenant based on abilities that are best for one area of the game and being stuck with being subpar in every other aspect because of it” heck even swapping specs isn’t worth it for some of the covenants because the abilities will gimp one spec where it makes the other great

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Terrible bad faith argument not even close to what he was saying. He simply wants flexibility between different areas of the game and not be at a significant disadvantage moving between each. Impressive lack of critical thought and ability to comprehend what you’re reading. Are you always such a :clown_face:?


Missing the obvious point of the quote

Typical straw man comment, to be honest.

This has nothing to do with mutli-class functionality, all though lets be real, it’s so easy to have every alt max level they may as well do that.


Good. You can tell the casuals from the good players. And with how IL works now, we need all the systems that make it obvious who not to invite

It’s not about participation, it’s about your character being the best it can be.

Why do these forums think that’s a bad trait to have?

And in some cases it’s even about having fun. Remember that weird concept?
The warlock Night Fae ability looks so fun in dungeons and BG’s, but looks absolutely terrible and boring in arena and single target raids.


Personally I think casuals should be rewarded extra item levels so that they can be on the same level as mythic raiders and cutting edge content clearers as yourself it just isn’t fair and ruins the gameplay experience to be at such a disadvantage

Glad to see arena hasn’t hit you so hard that you can still type

No, your point was some streamer told you that gatekeeping races happens in classic so you believe it’ll happen in live WoW based on covenants.
As if that doesn’t already happen with specs/AOTC/raideri0

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It’s not, but you can still do good with any of the covenants. That’s my point.

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they gonna make it outdoors only. 100%

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But you can’t be your best.
A lot of people like to be their best, hence the existence of sims, guides, BiS lists, etc etc.


Tbh, if you’re not choosing vampires for the aesthetic anyway, that says a lot about your character too. It’s a good thing they’re giving the best house, the best ability

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A lot of you seem to be negative just so you can be, the point we are trying to make is that the system will essentially punish you for your choice unless it is the good choice, if the system went into place exactly how it is now the player base would feel punished if they don’t choose venthyr. Which essentially is taking away player choice, there is no such thing as choice if your options are 3 subpar and 1 obviously vastly better.


Let’s be real, none of us are going to be playing at the level where it matters too much. Too many people here seem to think they’re Method and need to adopt Method’s, well, methods. If my covenant does 90k DPS in one area and another covenant would have given me 100k DPS, that’s totally fine.

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