SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Pug groups don’t check important things like essences and traits now, what makes you think they’re going to check covenants.

And guild groups will work around what their group has.

My entire argument is that the ability is 35 yards and inside aggro range so I’m not sure how my argument has been invalidated lol. Your entire argument is hypothetical and not based on reality. As you say, “the only way that this ability does not work is if ther is a mob placed at the corner of every single 10 yard square in the dungeon so that there is literally no place whatsoever where you are not pulling aggro.”

35-20=15 meaning you can travel through 15 yards of Aggro range without pulling. Plus the ability to skip to places you couldn’t walk to like the skip to last boss in freehold without killing trash that warlocks can Gate.

My argument is based entirely upon reality, the ability to avoid packs and jump up levels on the y axis to avoid longer pathways with even more adds has already been charted in the necrolord dungeon on the alpha, there is no footage of the skip because blizzard has not enabled the abilities in dungeons yet, also, if you pick a point on the edge of a 40 yard circle going directly through, and then turn that line 10 degrees left, suddenly it is no longer 40 yards to get to the other point of the edge you are now looking at, your inability to grasp a subject as simple as angles is frightening

Wut? Aggro radius is 20 yards. Again, since I’m working with information that is known, a 35 yard ability can’t get out of a 20 yard aggro radius. The only way you can is bearing mob placement which is part of the “hypothetical” I keep mentioning.

Ok but that was never part of my argument lol.

Huh? 35>20.
How would it not be enough? The travel distance is the bigger number.

Because that’s not how a radius works?

Yea so other than all the things that make you wrong you are right lol

Right, which is why Raider IO should also record people’s covenant choices so you can screen for people who can’t port.


You are the sort of person who would get harmed if you made this argument in public, not saying I would, but you are aggravating enough online that someone who had access to you physically would be very tempted

Which part is wrong? The 35 yards or the 20 yard radius?

Nah, most people argue a point and stick to it without hypotheticals.

There you go. That is how a radius works.

That’s throwing in a degree change, that still isn’t what a radius is lol.

You should probably go back to 2nd grade math at this point.

There will absolutely be pulls you can’t skip with this but there will be others you can.

And at the end of the day the dungeon design required % vs available % is what drives skips in the first place.

IMO if they want to put in mini-bosses or hard trash packs the design should be you have to clear them.

And of course it should just be a travel not a port.

Ok, so explain how a 35 yard ability can avoid a 20 yard radius within a straight line?

Never argued against that.

I can’t understand how you don’t get it. I tried. I really did. I have had to teach a class room of kids what a millimeter is but I still don’t understand how you don’t understand this.

By not going through the direct center of the circle?

Because you are wrong about every single point you are trying to make, we have proven you wrong on each of those points multiple times, but like a dog with a ball you keep spouting off the same lines as if magically you will be right this time when you aren’t, you have no argument because they have all been disproven, but you won’t accept it so you just keep repeating your same broken and wrong arguments over and over