SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

Atalanta has my vote.


Hum I’m leaning towards this LOL!

Assuming it works in mythic

Luckily I don’t like any of the aesthetics that much, so I won’t feel bad about choosing based on strength of the abilities.

Unluckily, i think I’m stuck with Kyrian for the 5 AS pally spell :disappointed:

Famous last words lmfao.

Didn’t you spend the entirety of this expansion complaining about raiderio and not being able to get into groups?

Calling it now you will be complaining in SL you can’t get a group because everyone is “copying the elitists” and your covenant sucks.

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Man you know what drives me absolutely mental?

Every time a player brings up this subject, critisitizing Covenants for having an obviously broken meta, etc, there are a horde of casual players who don’t participate in any hard content whatsoever, that procede to waste everyone’s time by telling everyone just how little covenants impact their play.

Like we get it dude, you dont even do mythic 0s, and the thread is clearly based on intermediate or advanced play.

As it stands the Covenant system is looking very, very flawed. It’s the new Legiondary/Azerite system, a feature that looks terrible in alpha, we have trashcan players saying ‘but wait until it goes live’, it’s gonna be trash on launch, said players who ‘are totally not affected’ are gonna get excluded from groups for building a trashcan garbage character, and then they’ll be on the forums complaining. This is the life cycle of this type of content.


Comparing a race choice to a tertiary power system that all races and classes can chose is straight up the stupidest thing I’ve read in this thread, and this thread is full of stupid.

There are races that Void Elves cannot play. There are players who have opted for other races for one reason or another. With Covenants, you pick Venthyr. On all classes, and all races. It’s such an accessible choice to all characters, that it’s really not even a choice at all.

Running all Velfs isn’t an accessable choice, and it’s an unfair demand. While we haven’t seen all Velf runs, we HAVE seen all Night Elf and Rogue runs for Shadowmeld+Vanish as a skip mechanic. We have already seen race stacking as a top end meta optimization. Playing to a racial meta is so absurdly hard for your average player that it’s not reasonable to expect, as in a lot of cases it simply isn’t logistically fesable. The difference is the accessibility of races vs covenants. Covenants hypothetically are easier to enter, and easy to swap, but not to return to.

Meaning the meta will establish, and over time more and more people will change to the covenant that supports their mode of play the best.

All 5 going venthyr, regardless of their class, regardless of their race is not hard. Every character, Death Knight, Shaman, Priest, Human, Blood Elf, or Maghar, every single option in the game can take Venthyr and get its kit. It just really isn’t a tall order, when you’re playing with premades or advanced pugs, to expect every player to be a venthyr.

No, I am absolutely not telling you that. No covenant class ability should be garbage for any spec of that class, and if it is, Blizzard should fix it. I highly doubt that Blizzard would disagree with this statement.

What I am telling you is that it is OK for some covenant abilities to be better than others in specific situations as long as all of them are good enough to win the fight.

I honestly hope they either get rid of the mythic system all together since its just a diablo copy and paste, or at least increase drop rates so they are actually worth pugging to gear up

I have to admit, that teleport looks pretty damn awesome!

never said it DIDN’T happen, what i asked was if it was ever the ‘norm’ to the point at which its mandatory to have that specific combo for high keys? well considering that the majority of those in the top 100 for season 3 was horde, night elf was obviously not a hard requirement to push +25 keys, yeah they all brought at least 1 rogue along for cloak of shadows cuz its an op skip ability
 but thats not changing in shadowlands, and cloak is STILL going to be a far more powerful skip than the venthyr gate is gonna be. and for running the kinda keys that the vast, VAST majority of the population does, its basically gonna be a non-issue.

yes venthyr skip is gonna be useful, yes you are gonna see some gimmick setups from the top 120 crowd thats gonna require it, yes your gonna see some try-hards blindly following what they do ‘demanding’ it. but for 99% OF Groups that your average +15 crowd falls into, the interaction of coventant abilities and soulbinds is going to be far more important than if you can skip the odd pack here and there.

for choices to matter, they should at least be comparable, or it’s no choice at all. it’s the illusion of choice. we run into this a lot with the talent trees. sure, there’s more than one thing to choose on a given row, but if 1 or 2 are completely niche or terrible, you’re never going to choose them. i think the whole covenant system is a terrible idea to begin with, but they can’t have kyrians being a flipping potion while venthyr get a 1 min demonic gateway, that’s no choice at all.

You’re missing the core point.


It is not hard to get 5 venthyr in a group. It is hard to get 5 of any 1 race in a group. This will probably extend all the way down into Heroic guilds. It doesn’t take a huge amount of effort whatsoever to get 5 venthyr in a group, either by innitial pick or peer pressure. Peer pressuring your boys into spending 25 dollars to race change is a bit over the line for WoW’s current culture.

Then we will nerf it two weeks into the expansion and night fae will be king hahahahahah - blizzard probably

mop was almost 6 years ago, hence why i said a long time

your forgetting about the other covenant abilities though.
so far (And we haven’t even seen necrolords yet) venthyr is the best choice for only about half the classes and spec (which is unbalanced and likely to get nerfed)
you really think many guilds are going to pressure their players to choose a covenant that is objectively inferior for their tanking/heals/dps spec, you know the things that matter, just to be able to skip a pack every once in a while when the same thing could be accomplished just by bringing a single rogue or warlock along.

and thats without us even seeing what the differences in soulbinds are going to look like.

 First off let’s handle this “it only applies to the top of the top” truely spoken by people who haven’t got their +15 achievement. Once you hit that you really need to start planning and optimizing your routes. This means that if 4 of your friends took teleport and your dumb self took potion boy cause “muh choices” you are hindering your group and making it much harder on them. Don’t complain when you don’t get invited

Second off, Suhuy is spot on. This ability is stupidly broken. It’s OP to the point you are legit trolling if you don’t take it. Let’s say they nerf it to a 10min CD. Still trolling if you don’t take it that’s how strong that is. The covenant system should be for cosmetic only and these abilities should be in a talent tree. Learn from your previous mistakes Blizz
 Give us freedom of choice and quit screwing around trying to control how players play your game.

Also no I don’t “need to play it” to know this is a really bad idea. Why? Cause you have made several previous really stupid ideas that you refused to listen on and had to back track it later.

Just like with peoples opinions on raider io, create your own group if you dont pick venthyr cause apparently that is the magic solution to all problems when it involves the mythic plus community.

except they arent. if you look at the abilities, which by the way, is on this website, you can see that some specs get shafted by abilities that heavily favor other specs of the same class, to the point that the soulbinds wont be able to balance it without the favored specs also having their toolkit increased massively as well

Uh, how?

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