SL M+ will be Venthyr only or get out for high keys if they don't change teleport

just stop man, you look like a fool

That’s not breaking though. It’s just another utility spell in a long list, so name me a way that it breaks gameplay.

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By getting a flag carrier somewhere melee cannot physically reach to chase them

using the ability to teleport to reach an area in a battleground where you can attack other players but cannot be reached to be attacked yourself, use your freaking brain you insufferably idiotic oaf

Where’s this ability located? Which class is it? The teleport that is.

You mean the exploits that people have already tried to use, but Blizzard bans it regardless?

Just end me with this stupidity.

There’s literally no place in a PvP instance or out in the open world where players wouldn’t be able to reach each other because the Demon Hunters would’ve found them all by now.

So much crying over a simple utility spell.


It is the Venthyr signiature ability that everyone can use, 35 yard range teleport that can go over gaps up and down levels, on a 1 minute cooldown with a 1.5 second cast time

The more I learn about these Covenant abilities, the more I don’t want to pre order the expansion.

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The only way I can see this equitably going forward is for the master covenant ability to be outside world only (disabled in M+, Raid, PvP). Let the class abilities and soul binds be used everywhere as these have the possibility of having tuning knobs and being more balanced.

This is why this game has become the sorry state it is. Players just like this.

So banns for using your covenent ability?

It’s still an exploit. Again, if there was a spot like you described, Demon Hunters would’ve found it by now.

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Reaching an unattackable location in a BG consistently has been considered an exploit and bannable for like 15 years.

And why aren’t warriors heroic leaping and DHs double jumping to these hypothetical spots right now?

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They will probably make it unusable in dungeons and raids. Its only first iteration, all of those abilities seem like broken for mythic level content.

Because a teleport and a leap function differently.

So they are spending all this devaloper time on something we won’t even use most of the time? Sounds like a terrible option.

So more assumptions and guesses about BG exploits?

It’s also going to be funny when players realize the aggro radius is 20 yards and door of shadows is only 35

All of a sudden a foil proof skip becomes a “can only skip a few pulls you may not want to skip anyway” because things will aggro.

Thought you were going to skip some of those packs on the way to the 3rd boss in KR with this? That’s a negative sir.

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The warlock gate is already a pretty OP skill, since it was first introduced there have been a lot of fights that it was pretty much mandatory for mythic raiding. Even stacking warlock just for the gate is a common thing.

The Venthyr teleport is even more broken, because is a real teleport, your character doesn’t travel in the air like with the gate, you can actually bypass a lot more with it than you think.


This is unlikely unless TOP high key pugging, if you are just normal pugging keys it wont be noticed. The amount of times i have tried to get people to do skips in pugs this expac with invis pots/saps/rings of peace etc and the amount of times people have failed I’d say its safe to assume you’ll be fine even if they did all have it someone would screw it up everytime.

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Sure they did, in mists of pandaria and warlords, the game was like entirely alliance because human racial was so strong

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I take issue with these two comments. Because we know the game is heading in an exceedingly more difficult direction. M0 BFA is leagues more difficult and complex than M0 Legion. That’s by design and it has been heavy handed to casters in particular.

So no, diversity isn’t really the thing in BFA and I have no doubts Shadowlands will be the same. With or without an AoE cap.